Chapter 2: I’m Pregnant, Help Me Hide It

Mason Clarke answered Lily Foster's call, his expression tender, though his tenderness always seemed to pass through her face and linger on memories of another woman. That was what hurt Sophia Evans the most. From the very beginning, he had never truly seen her as Sophia Evans. She had always been nothing more than a substitute.

Sometimes, Sophia loathed the face she shared with Lily Foster—so similar, yet bound by no blood.

"Don't cry, I'll be there soon," Mason's voice was soft. He ended the call, then turned to Sophia, "I'll have Noah Bennett accompany you to the hospital."

Sophia was momentarily startled, her tone laced with frustration, "You really don't trust me, do you?"

"No, I don't," Mason responded coldly.

Sophia pressed her delicate lips together, her eyes dull. "I understand."

"Hurry and speak to Grandma," Mason's face remained indifferent.

"Her health's been poor lately. Are you sure this is the right time?" Sophia asked, gazing at his cold, handsome features.

"Yes. Lily can't wait," Mason answered dismissively.

Lily can't wait?

So he can disregard Grandma's life because of Lily?

To love someone to the point of severing all ties—it seemed that was Mason's way.

Sophia knew she had lost, though she hadn't realized just how utterly.

"Fine," she nodded softly, her voice resigned, "But at least give me three days."

"That's acceptable," Mason replied, his tone still icy. "Just don't disappoint me."

"When have I ever disappointed you?" Sophia smiled, a smile so fragile it could break a heart. "In three years of marriage, have I ever let you down as your wife?"

Mason paused, just slightly. She wasn't wrong. In three years, she had never disappointed him. In every way, she had been impeccable—especially in bed. She had always indulged him, meeting his every desire. That, he couldn't deny, was something he would miss.

"Good," Mason said, turning away to change.

Wrapped in the sheets, Sophia stared blankly into space.

Is it really ending?

Though unwilling to accept it, she knew this was beyond her control.

After Mason left, Sophia got up, bathed, and slipped into a pretty little dress, preparing to visit Grandma. But as she stepped outside, she ran into Noah Bennett.

Sophia folded her arms, her lovely face showing displeasure. "What do you want?"

Noah looked sheepish. This young lady was truly an enigma. Before Mason, she was like a sweet, gentle rabbit, but in front of him? She was more like a fierce Kitty.

"Mason asked me to take you for your checkup," Noah explained.

"Hmph!" Sophia was displeased. "He really doesn't trust me, does he?"

Noah remained silent, unsure of what to say.

"Let's go to the hospital," Sophia named the most prestigious private hospital in the country, a place with the finest medical facilities and top-tier doctors. Yet, Noah seemed hesitant.

"What? Too expensive?" Sophia's tone was frosty.

"No, it's not that," Noah stammered, uncertain how to explain. "Please, let's go."

Sophia lifted her radiant, makeup-free yet still exquisitely beautiful face and walked ahead.

In the car, she stared out the window, lost in thought. She hadn't chosen the hospital to show off. Her parents worked there as doctors. She had been born there. Everyone from the director to the nurses knew her and treated her like family. If she asked for help, they wouldn't refuse.

After a long silence, Noah spoke, "Madam, we've arrived."

Sophia snapped back to reality, realizing they had reached the hospital. She stepped out of the car and headed inside, Noah following at a respectful distance.

At the entrance to the obstetrics department, Sophia turned to him. "Stay here, Noah. No men allowed beyond this point."

Noah glanced at the sign and blushed with embarrassment.

"Yes, of course," he replied, clearly uncomfortable. It really should have been the president coming here. After all, she was his wife. What was Noah doing here in his place?

Sophia went inside, greeting the doctor warmly. "Aunt Amelia."

Amelia Scott looked up, surprised. "Sophia, it's really you! When I saw the name on the form, I thought it might be a coincidence."

"It's me," Sophia said, sitting down.

"So, you're here to check if you're pregnant?" Amelia asked, astonished.

Sophia nodded. "Aunt Amelia, I think I really am. But could you help me keep it a secret?"

Amelia was shocked. "Why?"

"Aunt Amelia, I'm probably going to get a divorce. But I want this child. My husband won't let me keep it, though, so I need your help," Sophia pleaded.

"You foolish girl!" Amelia exclaimed, a mix of anger and concern in her voice. "Do you know how hard it will be for a woman to raise a child alone after a divorce?"

Sophia lowered her eyes. "I know, Aunt Amelia, but I have money. I can raise the child well."

"This isn't about money," Amelia protested, growing anxious. "Who is your husband? You never told me when you got married. Now you're saying you're getting divorced? Is he taking advantage of the fact that your parents are gone to mistreat you?!"

"Aunt Amelia, it's better if you don't know," Sophia's pale, delicate face remained inscrutable. "I knew this would happen when I married him. There's no point complaining now. Just help me. After the divorce, I'll take the child and leave."

I have no other choice. Mason Clarke would find out if I stayed.

Amelia looked at her with deep sadness. It was because Sophia had no family to stand by her that she was being treated this way.

"Sophia, can't you ask Grandma for help? She thinks of you as her granddaughter. Doesn't Mason Clarke see you as his sister? He'd help you put that man in his place."

Sophia's eyes lowered. "Aunt Amelia, I can't involve the Clarke family in this. Please, just help me."

Amelia frowned, her expression complex. "Fine, lie down, and let me take a look."


After the examination, Amelia pushed up her glasses. "You're eight weeks along. But you're anemic. You need to eat more, especially nutritious foods."

"I was born prematurely," Sophia said with a helpless smile. "My health's always been fragile."

"Doesn't your husband know?" Amelia asked sternly.

"He never asks, and I've never told him," Sophia replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Though Mason was generous in providing for her, he had never inquired about her well-being. Everything was left to the housekeeper. He only supplied the money.

Amelia sighed and handed her a report. "Here's what you asked for. Sophia, I hope you think this through."

Sophia looked at the paper, her lips curling into a bitter smile. "It's never been about what I want. Between us, it's always been what he says that goes."

With that, she stood to leave.

Amelia called after her, "Sophia, your husband… could it be…?"