Chapter 5: Revenge Begins

The days passed in a blur of activity. Hiroshi had become a figure of admiration in the village, celebrated for his victory over the Felbeast. But beneath the surface of their praises lay a current of turmoil in Hiroshi's heart. While he was still processing the reality of taking a life, he was also increasingly aware of his past—the relentless bullying, the pain, and the humiliation he had endured.

Standing on a ridge overlooking the village, he clenched his fists, staring down at the homes he had fought to protect. Yet, the faces of his old tormentors flashed through his mind, like ghosts haunting his thoughts. They had made his life a living hell, reveling in his misery, and Hiroshi could no longer ignore the urge for vengeance that simmered just beneath the surface.

"Is something troubling you, Hiroshi?" Takanori's voice broke through his reverie. The Guardian approached, his expression calm and observant, as always. "You have been distant lately."

Hiroshi turned, forcing a smile, though it felt strained. "I'm fine. Just…thinking about the village, and the danger that lurks beyond. I want to make sure they're safe."

Takanori's eyes narrowed slightly, reading between the lines. "You are troubled by more than just the monsters, aren't you?"

The truth clawed at Hiroshi's throat, and he hesitated. He had trained diligently to embody the ideals of the Samurai, but the bitterness of his past still lingered. Finally, he spoke. "I've been thinking about those who bullied me. They never faced consequences for their actions. They enjoyed seeing me suffer, and now…now I have the power to change that."

A heavy silence fell between them. Takanori considered Hiroshi's words carefully. "Revenge can be a powerful motivator, but it can also consume you. Are you certain this is the path you wish to take?"

"I can't let them get away with it," Hiroshi replied, his voice firm. "I've suffered for too long. They deserve to know what it feels like to be powerless."

"You speak of justice, but are you prepared for the consequences of your actions? Will you be able to bear the weight of those you choose to confront?" Takanori's gaze bore into him, and Hiroshi felt a knot form in his stomach.

But the anger surged again, igniting a fire within him. "They don't care about consequences! They've made my life hell, and they think they can keep doing it without ever facing me. I can't just let it go."

Takanori sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Then let us find a way to channel this anger into something more productive. We will confront them, but not out of blind rage. We will teach them the value of strength, honor, and respect. You are a Samurai now; let your actions reflect that."

Hiroshi nodded, the initial intensity of his desire for revenge tempered by Takanori's wisdom. "You're right. I want them to know that I'm not the same person they bullied anymore. I want them to feel the consequences of their actions, but I don't want to lose myself in the process."

"Very well," Takanori said, his expression softening. "We will prepare for their arrival. There will be an opportunity soon, and when it comes, we'll ensure it is a lesson they will not forget."

As night fell, Hiroshi couldn't sleep. The memory of the bullying haunted him—how they would laugh at him, push him down, and steal his lunch. It felt like a lifetime ago, but the pain was fresh. The weight of his new identity pressed heavily on his shoulders. He was no longer a victim; he was a Samurai.

Hiroshi had never truly felt power before, but now it surged through him like a tidal wave. With the blessing of the Samurai God, he had the strength to defend the weak—and exact revenge on those who had wronged him. He knew that the bullies would return to the village soon; it was a rite of passage for them to flaunt their dominance over others.

In the dim light of his room, he paced back and forth, mentally preparing himself for what lay ahead. He envisioned their faces—Tomoya, the leader of the group, with his smug smile and overconfident demeanor; Saito, the brute who would shove him into lockers; and Haruto, the clever one who always found ways to humiliate him in front of others.

But now, they were nothing compared to the power he possessed. They were mere shadows of his past, and he was ready to confront them.

The following day, whispers swept through the village about the return of Hiroshi's old bullies. Rumors circulated that they were coming to show off their strength and superiority, eager to remind everyone of their reign of terror. Hiroshi's heart raced as he heard the news. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

"Takanori!" Hiroshi called, finding the Guardian by the training grounds. "They're here! It's time."

"Let's proceed with caution," Takanori warned, his tone serious. "You must not let your emotions take control. We will confront them together."

Hiroshi nodded, swallowing his anger and trying to focus. As they made their way to the village square, he could see a group of familiar faces gathered in a circle, laughter and jeers ringing in the air. The bullies stood at the center, strutting around with an air of arrogance.

"There they are," Takanori said quietly, his eyes narrowing. "Stay close to me. Remember your training."

As they approached, Hiroshi's heart pounded in his chest. Tomoya spotted him first, his laughter dying instantly. "Well, well, if it isn't the little coward! What, you think you can hide behind that sword now?"

Hiroshi felt the anger boiling within him, but he fought to keep his composure. "I'm not hiding anymore, Tomoya. I'm stronger than I was before, and I'm not afraid of you."

"Stronger?" Tomoya sneered, glancing at the others who laughed at Hiroshi's proclamation. "You? A loser like you could never be strong."

With a deep breath, Hiroshi stepped forward, feeling Takanori's presence beside him. "You may think I'm a loser, but I've taken down a Felbeast. I'm no longer the weak kid you once bullied."

"What are you talking about?" Haruto scoffed, crossing his arms. "You're just a pathetic little boy with a toy sword. You think you can take on the likes of us?"

"Try me," Hiroshi shot back, his voice steady, a resolve settling deep within him.

"Enough of this nonsense!" Tomoya shouted, his face twisted in rage. "You think you can challenge us? I'll show you what happens when you cross me!"

The tension in the air crackled like electricity, and Hiroshi knew the moment for confrontation had come. "I'm not crossing you, Tomoya. I'm putting an end to this. You and your friends have bullied me for too long. Today, you'll learn the consequences of your actions."

Tomoya stepped forward, a menacing glare in his eyes. "What are you going to do, weakling? Cry for help?"

Hiroshi's grip tightened around his katana, and with Takanori by his side, he felt a surge of confidence. "No. I'll show you what true strength is."

As Tomoya lunged forward, Hiroshi sidestepped, the movement instinctual. He remembered Takanori's teachings—balance, precision, and timing. With a quick pivot, he swung his katana, aiming for Tomoya's legs. The blade connected with a satisfying thud, and Tomoya stumbled, shock etched on his face.

"Fool!" he bellowed, scrambling to regain his footing.

The others gasped, confusion spreading through their ranks. Saito, seeing his leader falter, charged at Hiroshi with fists raised. But Takanori moved like lightning, blocking Saito's advance with a swift kick that sent him crashing to the ground.

"Stay out of this, old man!" Tomoya shouted, scrambling to his feet. But Hiroshi was already on the move, his anger driving him forward. He had to make a point—this was more than just revenge; it was a message.

"Enough!" Hiroshi shouted, his voice steady as he faced Tomoya. "You think you can keep bullying others without consequences? You're wrong!"

With a fierce swing of his katana, Hiroshi lunged toward Tomoya again. This time, he aimed for the shoulder, wanting to incapacitate rather than kill. The blade grazed Tomoya, drawing blood, and the bully howled in pain, stumbling back.

"What the—?!" Tomoya shouted, clutching his shoulder, the reality of Hiroshi's power finally sinking in.

Hiroshi felt a rush of adrenaline. The thrill of confrontation filled him, pushing away the ghosts of his past. He had taken control of his fate, and it felt liberating. "You're nothing but a coward hiding behind your friends," he taunted, his voice firm.

"Get him!" Haruto shouted, trying to rally the others.

But Hiroshi was unrelenting. He had the power now; he had to show them. He pressed forward, dodging Saito's reckless attempts to grab him, using the momentum to strike at Tomoya again. This time, the strike was sharper, aiming for his opponent's weapon hand.

The blade connected, and Tomoya dropped his makeshift weapon, his face twisted in anger and disbelief. "You… You think you can do this? You'll pay for it!"

"I've already paid," Hiroshi replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over him as he faced the man who had tormented him for so long. "And now it's your turn."

The village square had erupted into chaos, onlookers gasping at the scene unfolding before them. But Hiroshi felt no fear; instead, he felt empowered. He had become the warrior he had always dreamed of being, and there was no turning back.

"Let this be a lesson," Hiroshi declared, standing tall before his former bullies. "You will no longer be able to hurt me or anyone else. I am a Samurai, and you will respect that."

With one final strike, he disarmed Tomoya completely, the blade gleaming in the sunlight. The bullies stood in shock, realizing that they had underestimated the boy they once ridiculed.

Hiroshi turned to the villagers, his chest heaving, and for the first time, he saw respect reflected in their eyes. This was only the beginning. He would not stop until all those who had wronged him understood the price of their actions.