Chapter 7: Portal of Destruction

The sky was ominously dark when Hiroshi stepped out of his modest home, katana strapped to his side. An unsettling energy rippled through the air, sending shivers down his spine. He could feel it—the disturbance that Takanori had warned him about. The portals were becoming more frequent, and the creatures emerging from them were growing in both strength and malice. The day had come for the true battle to begin, and Hiroshi knew that this was far beyond anything he had faced before.

As he walked through the village, the people were no longer simply watching him with awe or fear—they were preparing, their faces grim and determined. Word of the latest portal had already spread. It wasn't just another small rupture with weak creatures trickling through. No, this one was different. The portal had opened in the sky, a swirling vortex of dark energy tearing through the clouds, and something far more dangerous lurked within it.

Hiroshi made his way to the village square, where Takanori and the other warriors had gathered. Their expressions were tense, and for the first time, Hiroshi saw genuine fear flicker in Takanori's usually composed eyes.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Takanori said as Hiroshi approached.

Hiroshi nodded, his hand resting on the hilt of his katana. "This one is different. It feels…bigger, more dangerous."

"It is," Takanori confirmed, his voice low. "I've never sensed a portal like this before. Whatever is coming through is unlike anything we've faced. And it's up to us to stop it before it destroys everything."

Hiroshi's heart pounded in his chest. He had trained for this moment, but now that it was here, the weight of what was at stake pressed down on him. The monsters he had fought before were only a taste of what was to come. This time, he was facing something far greater—and far deadlier.

The village warriors gathered at the base of a nearby hill, where the portal had appeared in the sky, swirling with dark, malevolent energy. It was massive, larger than any portal Hiroshi had seen before. The swirling mass of black and purple stretched high above the trees, casting an eerie glow across the landscape.

Around him, the warriors murmured nervously. Some gripped their weapons tightly, while others exchanged uneasy glances. The tension in the air was palpable, a storm of fear and uncertainty brewing beneath the surface.

Takanori stepped forward, his expression grim. "Listen carefully," he said, his voice carrying over the murmurs. "We don't know what's coming through that portal, but we do know that we cannot let it reach the village. Whatever it is, we fight with everything we have."

Hiroshi glanced up at the swirling vortex. There was no telling what kind of creatures awaited them on the other side. The Felbeast had been powerful, but the energy radiating from this portal felt far more sinister. It was as if the portal itself was alive, pulsing with dark magic that clawed at the edges of reality.

Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed from the sky, causing everyone to freeze. The portal rippled violently, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still. Then, the first creature emerged.

It was massive, its body cloaked in shadow and its eyes glowing a fiery red. The creature had wings like a bat, but its form was twisted and grotesque, its long claws sharp enough to tear through steel. Its very presence radiated malice, and the air around it crackled with dark energy.

Hiroshi's grip tightened on his katana. This was no ordinary monster.

"It's here," Takanori muttered under his breath. "Brace yourselves."

The creature let out another roar, shaking the ground beneath their feet as it descended from the portal, its eyes locked onto the warriors below. Without hesitation, it dove toward them, claws outstretched.

"Scatter!" Takanori shouted, and the warriors immediately sprang into action, fanning out to avoid the creature's devastating dive. The ground where it landed cracked under the force of its impact, sending shockwaves through the earth.

Hiroshi leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's claws. His heart raced as he drew his katana, the weight of the sword feeling both familiar and foreign in his hands. This was no mere sparring session—this was life or death.

The creature snarled, its glowing eyes sweeping over the warriors as it prepared for another attack. Hiroshi could feel the power of the Samurai God pulsing through him, but even with that strength, this battle felt different. He wasn't just fighting to prove himself—he was fighting for the survival of his village.

"We need to bring it down!" Takanori shouted over the din of battle, his sword flashing as he charged toward the creature. His blade struck true, but the monster's thick hide seemed to absorb the blow, barely flinching under the assault.

Hiroshi gritted his teeth. This wasn't going to be easy.

He charged forward, his katana raised high. The creature turned its gaze toward him, letting out a menacing growl. Hiroshi's pulse quickened, but he forced himself to focus. This was what he had trained for. He had the power of the Samurai God—he could do this.

With a swift movement, Hiroshi swung his katana, aiming for the creature's neck. His blade connected, slicing through its hide, but the cut was shallow, barely enough to slow it down. The monster snarled in fury, swiping at him with its massive claws. Hiroshi ducked just in time, the wind from the swipe whipping past him.

Behind him, the other warriors were engaging the creature as well, but their attacks seemed equally ineffective. No matter how many blows they landed, the creature barely seemed to register the damage.

"It's too strong!" one of the warriors shouted, panic creeping into his voice.

"We can't let it get to the village!" another yelled, his voice shaking with fear.

Hiroshi's mind raced. If they couldn't bring this creature down with brute force, they needed another plan. He glanced at Takanori, who was fighting fiercely, his strikes precise but seemingly ineffective.

"We need to aim for its weak points!" Hiroshi called out, trying to think of where the creature might be vulnerable. Its thick hide was protecting it from their blades, but every monster had a weakness. He just had to find it.

As the creature lunged at another warrior, Hiroshi noticed something. When it spread its wings to attack, there was a brief moment when its underbelly was exposed. The hide there looked thinner, less armored.

"That's it," Hiroshi muttered to himself. "The underbelly."

Without hesitation, he darted toward the creature, dodging its claws as it attacked. Timing his movement carefully, he waited for the right moment. When the creature spread its wings again, Hiroshi leapt into the air, his katana flashing as he aimed for the exposed flesh beneath the monster's wings.

His blade struck true this time, slicing deep into the creature's underbelly. The monster let out a deafening roar of pain, its body convulsing as dark blood spilled onto the ground. It staggered, its wings flailing as it tried to regain its balance.

"It's vulnerable underneath!" Hiroshi shouted, hoping the other warriors would hear him.

Takanori was the first to react. "Aim for the belly!" he called out, his voice carrying over the chaos.

The other warriors quickly followed suit, adjusting their tactics to strike at the creature's underbelly whenever it exposed itself. With each successful hit, the monster grew weaker, its movements becoming more sluggish as its strength drained away.

Hiroshi pressed his advantage, landing blow after blow until the creature finally collapsed to the ground, its body twitching as the last of its energy left it. The portal above them flickered for a moment before closing, leaving nothing but silence in its wake.

The battle was over, but the cost had been high. Several warriors lay injured on the ground, and the village still bore the scars of the creature's attack. Hiroshi sheathed his katana, his body trembling with exhaustion. He had won, but the victory felt hollow.

Takanori approached him, his expression somber. "This is only the beginning," he said quietly. "The portals are growing stronger, and the creatures that come through them will only get worse."

Hiroshi nodded, his mind still reeling from the battle. He had fought well, but it wasn't enough. The world was changing, and if they didn't act soon, everything they had fought for would be lost.

As they returned to the village, Hiroshi couldn't shake the feeling that the worst was yet to come. The portals were not just a threat—they were a warning. Something far more dangerous was on the horizon, and if he wasn't ready, the world would fall into darkness.

The real battle was about to begin.