A Sudden Attack

"Hey! You there, boy!" 

Levin called out sternly to a newsboy on the street.

"Of-Of course, Officer. What can I do for you?" The boy nervously approached Levin.

"Do you know what you've done wrong?" Levin's face was so stern it could've dripped with menace.

"I-I'm sorry, sir! What did I do wrong? I'll fix it!" The boy was on the verge of tears, bowing deeply in apology.

"Your mistake was making the headlines too enticing. I couldn't resist buying a few copies. Hand me three newspapers."

Levin casually handed the boy three copper coins and took the papers from his astonished hands.

As he resumed his patrol, holding the newspapers, Levin skillfully summoned the system information in his mind.

[Deception Successful]

[Mythic Trickster Points Earned: 1]

[Mythic Rank Up!]

[Current Rank: One (0/100)]

[New Mythic Ability Acquired: Delightful Deception]

[Delightful Deception:

Passive: Your sleight of hand skills are enhanced.

Active: Once a day, you can create two illusory doubles that last for one minute. These doubles perfectly mimic your movements, voice, and actions. When you are attacked or targeted by a spell, the attacker may strike the illusions instead. If an attack hits a double, it will dissipate. This ability functions as a spell-like ability.]

A weaker version of Mirror Image! Levin's eyes lit up. Though Mirror Image wasn't an overwhelmingly powerful spell, it was incredibly useful for self-preservation in the early stages. Even this weakened version, which only summoned two doubles, could be a valuable trump card against the enemies he currently faced.

It's important to note that reality and games aren't identical. In a game, illusory doubles might just cause an enemy to miss occasionally, but in reality, having three identical figures attacking you at once, with no clue which is real, would undoubtedly strain an enemy's defenses.

"The advancement to Rank One is quite significant," Levin mused, whistling as he continued his patrol. The active ability was impressive, but even the passive boost to sleight of hand was nothing to scoff at. As a police officer, having a better grasp of such 'thieving skills' could only be beneficial.

After casually dispersing a few shady intermediaries trying to swindle tourists at the docks, Levin handed over his duties to the night shift and concluded his patrol.

It had been a week since Levin arrived in this world, and after three days of recuperation, he had resumed his patrols. But to his colleagues, the once introverted and dull Levin seemed like a changed man, becoming more cheerful with a touch of harmless humor.

For instance, he might say something like, "Big news, guys—onions are getting more expensive," with a serious face, or hide a pin-up girl photo, fitting someone's taste, in a neatly folded blanket.

Levin explained his change as having gained a new perspective after his brush with death, which his colleagues readily accepted. (And yes, he earned another mythic point for this deception.)

"Finally advanced to Rank One today," Levin thought as he walked toward the dormitory, glancing at the system panel. Through various experiments over the past few days, Levin had realized that some actions could earn him mythic points, while others could not.

"Maybe only those actions that truly mislead others count as deception? Like how the whole camp now knows I planted that pin-up photo in the blanket, rather than the guy hiding it himself—no deception points for that... So, what's the next trick to earn points?"

As he walked, a sudden chill ran down Levin's neck. Before he could even form a thought, his predecessor's combat instincts kicked in, and he reflexively dove forward.

"Shing!" A dagger glinted with a cold light, barely missing Levin's scalp, slicing off a lock of hair. Levin's heart raced—had he been a fraction slower, that dagger would have taken his head.

Levin rolled to gain some distance, quickly sizing up his sudden attacker. The assailant was clad in a black trench coat, face hidden behind a mask that left only his eyes visible. He crouched slightly, poised like a predator ready to pounce, gripping the dagger in a reverse hold. Judging by the dagger's appearance, it was likely poisoned; in the worst-case scenario, a mere scratch could be lethal.

Seeing that Levin had evaded his initial strike, a flash of surprise crossed the attacker's eyes, but instead of fleeing, he pressed forward, charging at Levin with both hands gripping the dagger, aiming directly at the gap in Levin's shoulder armor.

Levin had no time to draw his weapon or sound his whistle; he could only dodge swiftly while shouting, "Help! Officer under attack!" But as the words left his mouth, dread settled in—there wasn't a soul around.

This alley, though secluded, usually had some foot traffic, yet today, it was utterly deserted, save for Levin and his assailant.

"Did he clear the area beforehand?" Levin had no time to speculate on how his attacker managed it, barely managing to dodge the relentless assault.

"His skills aren't inferior to mine. In terms of agility and speed, he's even better, but he's not a superhuman..."

As Levin dodged, he analyzed his opponent.

"I have armor, so his dagger can only harm me if it hits a joint. If I can draw my sword, my chances of winning are higher!"

But Levin's adversary seemed to know this too. Every time Levin reached for his sword, the attacker's fierce strikes forced him to dodge. Fearing the dagger's poison, Levin dared not risk injury to draw his weapon.

Suddenly, an idea struck Levin, his eyes brightening. "Right! That ability is perfect for this situation!"

Delightful Deception!

With a swift roll to avoid another attack, Levin put some distance between them, and when he rose again, there were three Levins.

The assailant hesitated, clearly taken aback by the unexpected sight.

Levin seized the moment, reaching for his sword while the attacker was momentarily stunned.

Realizing his mistake, the assailant lunged at the nearest Levin with his dagger, but the Levin he struck made no attempt to dodge, and as the dagger found its mark, the Levin shattered into wisps of smoke.

An illusion! The assailant's heart skipped a beat as he tried to retreat, but it was too late. Levin had already caught him at the moment when his old strength was spent, and his new strength hadn't yet gathered. Both Levins slashed horizontally at the attacker's torso with identical movements.

Unable to discern the real from the fake, the assailant twisted his body to avoid a fatal blow, but still received a deep slash across his chest, spraying blood onto Levin's armor.

Seeing two identical Levins before him and the wound on his chest, the assailant gritted his teeth and tried to flee.

"Think you can escape?" Levin scoffed, throwing his sword like an axe at the fleeing assailant while drawing his baton. The sword, enhanced by the Delightful Deception's sleight of hand, curved through the air like a boomerang, forcing the assailant to roll left to avoid it. But the brief delay was all Levin needed to catch up.

Levin pounced on the assailant, pinning him down with the weight of his armor. Pressing his knee into the man's throat, Levin cut off his air.

"Whew... You're under arrest! According to Section 82, Clause 3 of the Free City of Weimar's Criminal Code, you are hereby placed under mandatory detention for assaulting an officer. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you in court."

Levin exhaled deeply. This sudden encounter had caught him off guard, but fortunately, he had managed to win this life-or-death struggle, thanks to the illusory doubles.

But where did this guy come from? Levin furrowed his brow, pulling out handcuffs while casting a Detect Chaos spell on the captive.

[Chaos Detection Activated Successfully!]

[Target Information Acquired]

[Possession: Toxin-Embedded Tooth]

[Description: A deadly poison hidden within a tooth, capable of causing instant death upon ingestion.]

Levin's heart skipped a beat. He quickly knocked the assailant unconscious with his baton and then carefully searched the man's teeth, finding a concealed poison capsule lodged in a molar.

"A death warrior...? I've only been on duty for a week, and I've already angered such a powerful faction?" Levin shook his head in dismay at the state of Weimar City's security. A mere city guard like him had been attacked right in the city.

No, wait! This man has accomplices!

Levin's pupils contracted as he recalled his earlier suspicion that someone had cleared the area. He immediately leapt back.



Despite his swift reaction, Levin couldn't completely evade the crossbow bolt. It shattered one of his illusions before embedding itself in the wall behind where his phantom had stood.

"Well, well, what an intriguing fellow you are. A warrior who can also cast spells? A warlock? A mage apprentice?" The second assailant, lowering his crossbow, drew two curved blades from his waist and dashed forward like a shadow.

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Levin's forehead. This man's speed was beyond human limits—he was a supernatural being!

Though Levin was no longer the timid city-dweller he once was, having inherited the combat skills of his predecessor, defeating such an agile adversary without the advantage of his vanished illusions was nearly impossible.

In an instant, the curved blades unleashed a flurry of slashes, forming a deadly web aimed at Levin. He barely managed to block two of the strikes with his baton, but the immense force drove him back three steps, while the remaining slashes left deep gouges in his armor.

"Not just speed, but strength too," Levin felt a flicker of despair. Had it not been for his iron armor, he would have been sliced to pieces by that first attack.

"But what intrigues me more," the assailant mused, his eyes gleaming with suspicion under his hood, "is how you knew about the poison in that man's tooth. Did you... recognize us?"

"Heh, you really think you've hidden yourselves that well? Anyone with half a brain could see through your facade. You don't even know where you slipped up, do you?" Levin forced a scornful laugh, feigning confidence.

So, you like riddles? Too bad for you, I'm a master of bluffing. Just a bit more stalling, and once I recover some stamina, I'll make a break for the street. Then I'll be safe, Levin plotted silently.

"Is that so? Well then, I can't let you leave." The hooded man's eyes narrowed as he surged forward, his twin blades spinning in a lethal dance.

Please, talk a little longer! I've got so much more to say! Levin's heart sank. This speed—it's beyond my ability to track. He could only try to shield his vital points with the shattered remnants of his baton.

As the whirlwind of blades passed, Levin's armor was left battered and scarred, and his baton was severed into two useless pieces.

It's over.

Despair washed over Levin. He had been wounded in several exposed joints, and even if he tried to flee now, he wouldn't get far. He was as good as dead.

It seems there's no way out...

Levin quickly reviewed his remaining options, but with his illusions and Chaos Detection already used, he had no cards left to play.

"Well then, this is the end. If we keep fighting, someone might come by. Sweet dreams, spellcasting guardsman."

So this is it... Levin watched helplessly as the blades descended toward his throat.


A gunshot rang out from the alley's entrance, striking the blade-wielding man squarely in the forehead.

The assailant's expression froze, a grotesque mix of excitement and malice etched into his face. His twin blades clattered to the ground beside Levin as his body crumpled, lifeless, blood gushing from the bullet hole in his forehead. But Levin didn't feel disgusted by the blood spattering his face; instead, a warm sense of relief washed over him.

"Are you alright, Levin?" A cool yet concerned female voice echoed from the alley entrance.

"Sergeant Ellie!" Levin's voice trembled with emotion as he looked at Ellie, who had appeared like a divine savior. "You arrived just in time! How did you know I was under attack?"

Despite his lingering fear of Ellie's werewolf nature, Levin knew that without her timely intervention, he would've been decapitated by now. Thankfully, Ellie had arrived just in time.

Ellie lowered her head thoughtfully. "Well... actually, Levin, I was specifically looking for you."

Levin: "?"

Ellie: "I heard... you were distributing call girl advertisements in the camp?"

Levin: "!!!"