The Appointment of the Acting Deputy Sheriff

Forensic expert Monica reluctantly entered the Fourth Squad's camp.

Her last visit had been only a week ago when a young man named Levin had stubbornly braved a mighty strike delivered by an extraordinary being's shield.

At that time, she had assumed the young man would be beyond saving and had come to merely perform her duties and deliver the grim news to the morgue. To her astonishment, the young man's head had suffered only minor contusions. With some medication, he had awoken the next day.

Perhaps the extraordinary warrior was somewhat lacking, Monica mused.

To her surprise, in less than a week, Levin had been in yet another skirmish with an agile extraordinary being, sustaining several joint injuries. He had narrowly avoided having his tendons severed, which would have led to immediate retirement.

Is he some sort of extraordinary attractor? Monica had not seen an ordinary city guard withstand such extraordinary opponents in years, yet Levin had faced two in a week.

It was said that the Fourth Squad's leader, Ellie, was very fond of this young man and intended to appoint him as acting deputy sheriff. Thus, she had sought out Monica, the finest elite doctor in the guard, to ensure his complete recovery and further his martial prowess.

Monica didn't care whether her presence brought good or ill fortune.

However, Monica harbored a suspicion that the young man might be a bit peculiar, and perhaps wouldn't need her treatment after all.

Her suspicion was soon confirmed. The very same individual, who had been reported by Ellie as "on the brink of death, covered in wounds, and only able to be carried back on a stretcher by his colleagues," was now sitting up on the bed, bare-chested and bandaged, drinking water.

"Hello, Levin. I am your primary physician, Monica Flavia. How do you feel?"

"Doctor... well... my injuries aren't that severe..." Levin awkwardly glanced at the white-clad angel and desperately tried to come up with an explanation for his overnight recovery.

Fortunately, he need not explain, as Monica displayed a knowing expression, expressionless as she shoved a cloth into Levin's mouth and said, "Bite down if it hurts," while tearing off Levin's bandages.

The wounds had already begun to heal, with some scabs forming.

Monica, by habit, examined them with a professional touch.

The muscles seemed more developed than before.

"Ellie dotes on her team too much, exaggerating such minor injuries. I'll have to give her a piece of my mind over dinner," Monica thought silently as she applied new medication and rebandaged Levin. "No wonder, this fellow has a fine physique and is quite handsome."

"Thank you, Dr. Monica. You are the most efficient doctor I've ever encountered. Are you the medic for our Fourth Squad?" Levin winced in pain from Monica's rough bandage changes, but he was grateful for her assistance.

"No, I'm a forensic expert."


Levin settled into a mundane routine of recovery.

He lay in bed each day, with colleagues bringing him meals, being waited on hand and foot, and even having a servant help with bathing and massage.

The service was impeccable.

The forensic expert—no, forensic specialist—Monica, also came daily to change his bandages, causing him much discomfort each time. Given the nature of her work, Levin found her behavior entirely understandable.

However, Monica's professional habits seemed excessively ingrained. She often gazed at Levin with an appreciative look and touched him indiscriminately, murmuring phrases like "excellent anatomical specimen," which made Levin regard her with some trepidation.

The interrogation results of the captured live prisoner were also in. He steadfastly claimed to be merely a hired bounty hunter, tasked with an assignment from a black market contact. That contact's address was now vacant. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, with all personal assets confiscated.

For reasons unknown, he seemed to have omitted mention of any fascinating abilities, or the interrogators might have assumed Levin used a mirror illusion scroll, as no questions were asked about this aspect.

Typically, the government of Weimar City would compensate victims for such losses, especially when the victim is a guard member. In this case, an additional subsidy of 20 gold Weimar was allocated, totaling Levin's salary for two and a half years!

As for the extraordinary being whom Ellie had shot in the head, no clues regarding his identity were found, and he had no registration in Weimar City.

According to Ellie, this individual seemed more like a bounty hunter from the black market, as confessed by the live prisoner.

Levin, reflecting on his past and current memories, realized his only possible offense was his predecessor's involvement in a kidnapping case during his first official mission.

However, in that kidnapping case, he had played a minor role, with Ellie being the MVP! Why would they target him for assassination over this? Moreover, numerous guards were involved; it seemed unlikely they would focus solely on him.

Now that he was an extraordinary being with many more hidden cards, and most crucially, this information had not yet leaked.

Regardless of who it might be, Levin had kept his abilities concealed. Monica, based solely on physical examination, could not determine if Levin had transcended mortal limits. As long as he hid his strength well, the lurking forces might be misled.

Concealing his power was preferable to a sudden breakthrough, after all. Perhaps he could even gain some advantage from deception.

For better self-preservation, an organization like the guard was undoubtedly Levin's best support.

Leaving aside the recent assassination attempt, which Ellie had fortuitously thwarted, Levin had to contend with the reality of being smeared with the reputation of "sabotaging" his colleagues or being a lecher... or rather, facing social disgrace. It was indeed a difficult choice.

Considering his new position as deputy sheriff, Levin had to reluctantly admit that these were his carefully curated "collections," accidentally misplaced.

This only deepened Ellie's contemptuous gaze.

However, Ellie understood Levin's "youthful impulsiveness" and warned him not to let his excessive indulgence affect his work, which relieved Levin.

In summary, after more than half a month of quiet recuperation, Levin's injuries were finally healed.

After twenty days of sick leave and surviving two encounters with extraordinary beings, Levin began the second month of his career.

"Levin, could you step outside for a moment?" Ellie called to Levin, who was sharing his experiences with his colleagues in the camp.

"Ah! Coming!" Levin quickly leapt from his bed, standing straight and saluting Ellie.

"Sir, please give your orders!"

"Let's discuss this while we walk. We're heading to the reception room." Ellie turned and walked toward the reception room at the other end of the camp, with Levin hastily following.

"Levin, regarding the deputy sheriff position we discussed earlier, there has been a response from headquarters."

"Oh? Has the appointment letter been issued?"

"The appointment letter has arrived, but… are you certain your injuries are fully healed?" Ellie's brow furrowed as she carefully examined the areas where Levin had been injured.

"They're indeed healed, Sir. Uh… is something wrong?" Levin noticed Ellie's slightly concerned expression and began to feel a bit anxious.

"Nothing much. It's just that headquarters has dispatched an inspector to verify the authenticity of your abilities and achievements. The covert investigation into your achievements was completed during your recovery, but there remains a formal assessment of your abilities."

Ellie tried to maintain a light tone, but Levin could discern from her demeanor that this so-called ability test might not be as routine as she implied.

"If you feel your injuries are not completely healed, you can report this to headquarters and request a delay in the assessment. It would be worse if you were to injure yourself further during the test."

"The deputy sheriff position generally requires extraordinary strength. While temporary appointments may be more lenient, today's inspector… is somewhat stringent."

Ellie chose her words carefully, almost weighing each one.

"It seems this inspector is quite strict, even to the point of potentially injuring me. We're all colleagues; isn't that unnecessary?" Levin's forehead broke into a cold sweat.

"Anyway, we'll meet him in the reception room shortly. If you're not ready, I can go in alone and inform him that your injuries are not yet fully healed, requesting a postponement. Perhaps a different inspector might be assigned then."

Ellie stopped in front of the reception room door.

"It's fine, Sir. We're all colleagues; they wouldn't really harm me. Even if the inspector is strict, it's for the benefit of the team," Levin said, undaunted. After all, he was now an extraordinary being; it was unlikely he would be injured in such a scenario.

The challenge was to hide his extraordinary abilities.

Perhaps he could even gain some advantage.

"Your attitude is commendable, but don't push yourself too hard. If your previous injuries affect you, call for a halt. Your health is more important than passing the test." Ellie's lips curved into a reassuring smile.

But Levin knew that Ellie's situation was far from as relaxed as she made it seem.

As his recommender, any failure on his part would undoubtedly affect Ellie's reputation.

As one of the few female sheriffs in the guard, Ellie already faced significant scrutiny, often being observed under a magnifying glass.

If Levin proved inadequate, it would likely lead to an avalanche of unpleasant rumors.

In this context, Ellie's advice to prioritize his safety warmed Levin's heart.

Since his arrival in this world, this officer had cared for him as if she were his older sister.

Although her concern primarily stemmed from Levin's predecessor being her subordinate, her care had long surpassed the typical concern of a superior, nearing that of a family member.

Levin had not developed any special feelings due to this, for Ellie extended the same care to every member of the team.

If this is truly her nature, how troubling must that bloodthirsty and brutal imprint be for her...

If this considerate side of her is merely an act, then her performance is alarmingly convincing, even terrifying.

"It's all right, Sir. Let's go in and greet the inspector. I'm not afraid of the test and challenges." Levin's thoughts flashed like lightning before he returned to the present and spoke to Ellie.

"Very well!" A voice from within the reception room responded, and the door swung open to reveal a young man in inspector's uniform, with a resolute and chiseled demeanor, holding an appointment letter for the acting deputy sheriff.

"Our guards must possess such spirit to uphold the fairness and justice of Weimar City!"

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Arios Blazer, a Level One Inspector of the Weimar Free City City Guard."

"I will be conducting your assessment!"