I Have To Survive!

Tristan strengthen his mind and body to go out of his cave.

*A few moments later*

Tristan run hastily back to the cave as if he was being chased by something.

"Finally" Tristan panting from running.

"I did it, I found food" Showing his hand with some berry on it.

"I think this should do for today, I have to rest now, and tomorrow I will hunt some monsters, I have to make sure the area around this cave is safe from monsters for increase my chance to survive, let's eat this tasty berry"

Tristan stop right before the berry arrived to his tongue "I almost forgot, I have to gather a stick from nearby tree to make a door for this cave, I don't have to make it to solid, I just need it to alerting me when something is come, let's go before it's getting dark."

Tristan go out to gather stick in a reddish orange sunlight.

*a few minutes later* Tristan back and brought a lot of stick.

In the cave "Okay, stab it here, here, and here, and here it is a door and an alarm, I call it Larmdoor, I'm quiet good for making a name" Tristan tell him self that with his chest almost hit the cave ceiling.

"Okay let's eat and go to sleep."

Tristan fell asleep right away as soon he close his eyes.

*Unlocked: Skill Gathering-Level 1*

*Bird chirping*

One night passed peacefully.

Tristan awake "uuhh, I was dreamt I can destroy a mountain with just one punch." *hoam*

"I'm so thirsty, I have to go to the river not far from here to drink." Tristan go to the river.

When Tristan arrived at the river "Sh*t, there is goblins there, 1, 2, 3, there is three of them, I have to change my plans, I will take care three of them, right now I have to go back to the cave and thinking a hunting plan." Slowly Tristan getting away from the river and head back to the cave.

In the cave, "I already make 3 stone spear yesterday, and the plan is I will lure them here to the cave, because the cave entrance only fit one child to get in, they will get in one by one and increased my chance to ki*l them."

*Heavy breathing* "Okay, I'm ready." Tristan put the spears in the cave beside the entrance and go to the river again.

Tristan arrived at the river and take some stone, looking for timing to throw the stone.

*Throwing the stone* "Hey, stone-face are you looking for breakfast?, here it is your breakfast." *Throwing more stone*.

The goblins start to chasing Tristan, Tristan run as fast as he can to the cave.

What Tristan doesn't know is, there is not just three goblins there but five.

Tristan arrived at the cave, and begin to start his plan, "The goblin get in the cave one by one as I expected, take this." Tristan manage to thrust his spear to the goblin but the damage is not deadly, it just leave a few scratches on the goblin body.

"Sh*t, the damage only left scratches to it." Tristan suddenly remember what a comic says, *Every creature have a weak point, aim for that weak point*.

"How could I forget that? where is their week point? their body just like human body, where is weak point of human body? neck, eye, crotch, head, head? there is one weak point where the brain less protected, I have to aim that, the location is right beside the eye." 

Tristan move to the side and thrust his spears between the forehead and the ear, and right beside the eyes.

*Squelch* The spear penetrate the goblin head and fell to the ground, the goblin behind got silence for a moment for seeing his friend died and attacking again with anger, Tristan quickly grab another spear and try to keep the angry goblin at the entrance of the cave, Tristan keep thrusting the goblin to find a moment to thrust the goblin head, but the stamina of a child can't compare to the stamina of a monsters, the Thrust that Tristan give more and more lighter and Tristan knows it "Sh*t, if I keep this fight any longer, I will get killed, I have to make a chance not just to wait." 

Tristan thrust his spear to the goblin's eye and make a chance to thrust the goblin head, while try to recover his eye, Tristan successfully Thrust his spear and ki*l the goblin, the goblin fell backwards and crashing the skinnier goblin behind it, seeing that, Tristan Grab his last spear and without hesitation thrust the goblin head and kill it.

Tristan stood, panting heavily, and thinking the fight is finally over, but suddenly *Thwack* "Aaaaarrrrghhhh!" Tristan's shoulder was deeply cut from the scratch of the arrow and fell to the ground.

"Aaarrrggghhh, that's hurtthat's hurt a lot, what was that? is someone shot me with an arrow? who is it? I already kil*ed all the goblins." Tristan try to look around and hear a goblin laugh and turn his head to see where is that laugh from. "F*ck, another goblins? but I didn't see them earlier, sh*t this is definitely my bad, I'm not careful enough, aahh, is this my second death? I can't even move my body now, I just spend one night in this world, I haven't even had the chance to see how lovely the girl in this world is, aahh, my poor life."

*kukuku* The goblins getting closer while laughing.

"I..." Tristan getting flashback from his past life.

"Wh... what? Really? a flashback? now? Sh*t I think this is the end huh?"

"I can't see my child anymore, and I throw away this life that I want for so long just because of these two d*mn goblins?"

Tristan slowly close his eyes.

"No..., I won't accept it, I won't accept this situation, just because these d*mn goblins."

"Move..., I have to move." Tristan try to stand up.

"All because of these goblins, the weakest monsters at the start of every game, I'm in this state? I refuse to accept it!" Tristan stood with all the strength he had.

As he stood there, Tristan spotted the knife used by the dead goblin. "That is the knifes that used by goblin, I can use that knife." Grimacing against the pain in his shoulder, Tristan gripped both knives in his hands and waited for the two goblins to approach.

"Fortunately, the goblin that had shot the arrow didn't take aim again, instead, it began to approach me"

*Kukuku* the goblin keep laughing and keep approaching Tristan. "Not yet, not yet, I have to wait it to come closer so I can stab it in just one attempt." The goblin getting closer, and then Tristan threw the knife in his right hand at the goblin with the bow and hit it's leg, instantly, the goblin with knifes was startled and turned back toward its wounded companion.

With all his strength, Tristan ran toward the goblin that hold a knifes and stabbed it right in the neck, the goblin try to resist it, without heeding the blows that struck him, Tristan stabbed stronger until the goblin blood spurted onto Tristan's face and body, it took some time before the goblin stopped moving, to be sure, Tristan stabbed the goblin neck several times, after confirming that the goblin was dead, Tristan stood up and staggered towards the goblin that uses bow, the goblin with the bow was still in pain, with scared in it's face Tristan stabbed the goblin without hesitation and stabbed it again several times.

Tristan stand up slowly, no words out from his mouth or his mind, and with a blank expression, Tristan looked around to make sure there were no more monsters nearby, after look around and making sure there is no other monsters, Tristan staggered towards the cave and collapsed at the entrance of the cave.

*Level up* *Level up* *Level up* *Level up*

*Tristan Ciyane-Level 5*

*Unlocked skill: Thrust-Level 1*

*Skill level up* *Skill level up*

*Skill Thrust-Level 3*

*Unlocked skill: Stab-Level 1*

*Skill Level up* *Skill level up* *Skill level up*

*Skill Stab-Level 4*

*Unlocked skill: Pain Resistance-Level 1*

*Unlocked skill: Cold Blooded-Level1*