Journey To Save The Hero! (10)

Tristan prepared his belongings and carefully stored them in his storage room. Once he was done, he made his way to the dining hall. Upon entering, he was greeted warmly by the Roussanne family.

"Good evening, Tristan," Gracia said with a gentle smile.

"Good evening, My Lady," Tristan replied politely.

"Good evening, Tristan. What took you so long?" Sheyla remarked with a hint of playful reproach.

"Haha, my apologies. I had a few things to sort out in my room earlier," Tristan responded with a light chuckle.

Then Gideon stood and greeted him enthusiastically, "Good evening, First Brother!"

"Good evening, First Junior," Tristan replied with a soft laugh.

Everyone chuckled at their exchange, and Lucien finally spoke up, "Alright, everyone, let's eat."

The family enjoyed their meal heartily, savoring every bite, until dinner was complete. As the meal wound down, Tristan considered how to announce his departure but hesitated, unsure of how to begin. Noticing his unease, Lucien decided to help.

"Everyone," Lucien said, his tone calm but firm, "Tristan will be leaving for the Brighthold city tomorrow."

The news startled everyone, and the room quickly filled with chatter.

"Why so soon, Tristan?" Sheyla asked, her eyes tinged with sadness.

"First Brother, promise you'll come back!" Gideon exclaimed, his voice trembling as he fought back tears.

"Does it really have to be this quick?" Gracia added, looking at Tristan with concern.

Even the knights standing guard at the dining hall appeared emotional, with one silently shedding tears while thinking, "Oh no, my source of enlightenment is leaving me."

Tristan noticed the knight's reaction and mused to himself, "Is he really crying because he won't find enlightenment anymore? Haha."

Amid the commotion, Lucien spoke again, his tone steady, "Calm down, everyone. It's not as if Tristan isn't coming back."

"That's true, Father," Sheyla agreed, though her voice wavered. "But it still makes me sad to see him leave."

Tristan smiled and reassured her, "Don't worry. I'll bring back some gifts from Brighthold when I return."

"Really? Don't forget your promise, okay?" Sheyla replied excitedly, her previous sadness forgotten.

Tristan sighed inwardly, "Where did all that sadness go just now?" he thought, his face subtly annoyed.

"And what about me, First Brother?" Gideon piped up with a hopeful look.

"Of course, First Junior. I'll get you a gift too," Tristan replied with a smile.

"Yeah! I can't wait!" Gideon exclaimed, practically bouncing in excitement.

Lady Gracia, not wanting to be left out, joined in with a pleading look. "What about me?" she asked, her tone tinged with mock sadness.

Tristan sighed inwardly. "Even you, Auntie?" he thought but replied aloud, "Of course, My Lady. I won't forget your gift."

"You're so kind, Tristan," Lady Gracia said warmly, clearly pleased.

Then Lucien chimed in, unable to resist. "And what about me?"

Tristan turned to him and answered with a deadpan expression, "My Lord, you already have everything. There's nothing left for me to give you."

Lucien's face fell in exaggerated disappointment. "You're so cruel, Tristan," he said with a sigh.

Tristan couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, just kidding, My Lord. Of course, I'll bring something back for you too."

"Yeah, I'll be waiting," Lucien replied, his mood brightening. "Alright, you should get some rest. You'll need your strength for the journey tomorrow."

Tristan nodded. "Very well, Uncle. Goodnight, everyone."

"Goodnight, Tristan," they all replied in unison.

Tristan returned to his quarters and began preparing for bed. As he lay down, his thoughts grew resolute. "Wait for me, Cheryl. I'm coming." Tristan fell asleep.

Tristan woke up early, as usual, and prepared for his journey. Once ready, he headed toward the main gate of the Roussanne mansion. He thought he could leave quietly at the break of dawn without anyone noticing, but to his surprise, everyone was already waiting for him at the gate.

"I knew you'd try to leave early, Tristan," Lucien said, standing at the center of the group in his sleepwear.

"Everyone? Why are you all here? It's still so early," Tristan said, his voice tinged with emotion.

"Of course we're here to see you off," Lady Gracia replied with a gentle smile.

Sheyla crossed her arms and huffed, "Hmph. Just so you know, Tristan, this is the first time I've ever woken up this early. You'd better not forget my gift, got it?"

Meanwhile, Gideon struggled to hold back tears, just like the night before. "Big brother, make sure to defeat your enemies in the coolest way possible!"

Tristan chuckled and responded, "I will, my little brother."

Lucien stepped forward and said, "Alright, I've arranged a carriage for you, Tristan. I know you prefer to keep a low profile, so I got you a merchant's carriage. You'll also be traveling with Howler this time."

"So that's why I saw Howler here," Tristan thought to himself before asking, "Um, sir, why not send Uncle Brady with me? His quick and quiet steps would be perfect for a stealth mission."

Howler laughed heartily. "Haha! You may not know this, young master, but Brady's techniques? I'm the one who taught him. In fact, I developed them myself."

Tristan's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I'm sorry, Uncle Howler. I thought your skills were different because of your roles."

"It's no problem, young master," Howler said with a grin. "Most people think the same. Only a handful know the truth. As you said the other day, a great weapon is the one that world knows nothing about. Hahaha!"

Tristan smiled and replied, "Haha, you're absolutely right, Uncle."

Then, he turned to face everyone. "Alright, everyone. I'm off. The sooner I get there, the better."

With those words, Tristan walked to the carriage and climbed aboard. As he looked back at the group gathered to see him off, a wave of warmth and sadness washed over him. Tears welled up in his eyes as he waved goodbye to them, a bittersweet smile on his face.

As Tristan disappeared from view, leaving the Roussanne family behind, Sheyla tilted her head and remarked, "Did I just see Tristan crying?"

Lady Gracia smiled softly. "Behind that mature demeanor of his, Tristan is still just a child, isn't he?"

She then turned to her husband. "My dear?"

"Yes, love?" Lucien responded, his tone gentle.

With a serious expression, Lady Gracia said, "I think it's time I visited my father to discuss the Lavindra and Ciyane families."

Lucien nodded, his voice calm and respectful. "As you wish, my love. I'll be meeting with Duke Crimsenne in two days as well."

In unison, both Gracia and Lucien made a silent vow in their hearts: "Wait for us, Tristan. We will help you claim your revenge." Determination shone in their eyes.

Sheyla returned to her room without another word, while Gideon readied himself for his morning training session.


Meanwhile, in the southeast, near the cursed Netherbane forest, Deluc was investigating the whereabouts of demons, as per his agreement with Elza.

"Hm, the hideout of those fake demons should be around here, the entrance should be covered with camouflage magic." Deluc murmured, moving cautiously. He stretched out his arm, feeling his way forward, until his hand hit something hard yet invisible.

"So, this is the place," he said, clenching his fist and slamming it against the barrier. The invisible shield shattered into shards like broken glass before fading away.

"There we go. That's the entrance, let's meet the fake demon and teach them a lesson."

Deluc stepped into the cave, immediately greeted by the smell of burning. He wrinkled his nose. "What's that charred smell? Did those fake demons throw a party and forget to pick up their meat?"

As he ventured deeper, the stench grew stronger, now mixed with the odor of decay. Eventually, he found a staircase leading downward. Descending cautiously, Deluc stopped in his tracks, awestruck by the sight before him.

"What in the world is this? It looks like a meteor crashed into the ground. But how could a meteor end up inside a cave?" he muttered, confused yet intrigued.

Continuing deeper into the cave, Deluc scanned his surroundings. "This must have been the camp of those fake demons. But I don't see their bodies anywhere... Did they get incinerated? Kekeke. This is fascinating. Who could've done something like this? I know they are a fake demon but they stil a demon."

His curiosity led him back to the staircase he had just descended. Suddenly, something caught his eye. "Wait, are these footprints?"

He crouched down, examining them closely. "Child's footprints? there are two person that standing in here, Judging by the trajectory, it seems only the entrance area was untouched by the blast. Well, well. Could there be another hero besides the one Elza brought? Hahahaha!"

Deluc's laughter echoed madly through the cavern.

"Interesting. This is so interesting. A child capable of casting magic like this? I must devour them, I don't know who you are but you cannot hide a power like this. hahaha" he said, licking his lips with a twisted grin.

"Alright it's time to get back to the Brighthold city."