"You've been a naughty girl."

Chapter Sixty-Seven

'All this damn while, it is with Ahmet!' she almost yelled to herself.

The octopus plan detailed a secret underwater route for smuggling valuable goods, such as diamonds, gold, and rare artifacts. 

Now, the organization that employed this route had lost the man in command of it, and it appeared that he did not inform any of his members how the operation was carried out. 

Gideon knew who had drawn the scheme. Even though they had killed the architect, Gideon was capable of recovering items even if they were from the grave. 

Those who had sent the commander with these items knew how much was stuck in there and contacted the organizations for help. Now, everyone knew about it and wanted to keep it for themselves... including herself and Ahmet. Now, they all needed a method to claim the items, even though they didn't belong to any of them.

They all knew who to turn to. Gideon.