In a universe where steam-powered ships sail the stars, a young mechanic named Jasper LaBrant joins the crew of the HMS Protea, hoping to find his place among the cosmos. There, he meets Thaddeus Beaufort, the vessel's blind chief engineer, whose brilliance is matched only by his biting wit and closely guarded heart.
Thaddeus's brilliant mind is often overshadowed by his ethereal beauty—a beauty that seems to captivate and ensnare the heart of anyone who crosses his path, whether he wills it or not.
As Jasper and Thaddeus navigate the complexities of their growing connection, an attack by the notorious pirate Captain Silas Vex tears them apart. With Thaddeus taken captive and the Protea crippled, Jasper must embark on a desperate rescue mission with the aid of an unlikely ally.
On a distant, alien world, Thaddeus finds himself ensnared in a web of ritual and politics, facing an obsessive prince determined to possess him body and soul. To survive, he'll need to rely on his unparalleled intellect, his knowledge of forbidden xenobotany, and the very allure he's always seen as a curse. Above all else, Thaddeus must hold fast to his unshakable belief that Jasper will find him.
Visceral and passionate, this steampunk space opera weaves a tale of love, survival, and the unbreakable bonds that draw us together in the face of impossible odds. Set in a richly imagined universe filled with alien wonders and dark delights, it's a story that explores the power and peril in being seen, desired, and ultimately claimed by those who would possess the brightest among the stars.
Trigger warnings:
Alcohol use
Emotional abuse
Implied Forced Marriage
Molestation/Unwanted touching