The world map.

{Please select your entry location.}

The text floated above a vast curved screen, displaying a map colored in green, blue, grey, yellow, and white, with various black points plotted on it, some of them were highlighted with white outlines. 

Four giant landmasses immediately pop into sight, to the north, the northwest, the center, and the south. The southern landmass is the biggest, followed by the north, the center, and the northwest.

There are seven large landmasses, one to the far west, and one between the center and northwest masses. two to the east, two between the center and the southern masses, and one to the far northeast, almost at the corner of the map. All the landmasses are separated by large bodies of water. 

"After the tests are completed, you will be offered choices, to determine where you will enter the world. This will affect what immediate enemies you face, the resources that you may gain, and what allies you may obtain." The ball had told him. "Of course, you can ignore the offered choices, and instead choose a non-offered location, but beware, the choices offered are usually the best there is to offer, randomly choosing an area to enter may locate you in a territory filled with powerful enemies." 

'I can see how that could be the case.' The man thought. 'Most of the offered area doesn't even cover a tenth of the entire map!' The man looked at the south-western area of the map, western part of the southern landmass, at the outlines of what he supposed was the human-dominated area, which was split into three section. A closer observation showed that they were kingdoms.

'Typical human greed, even at the close threat of other races, we still cannot unite.' The man snorted. 'But... speaking of other races...' The man looked towards the northern area of the map, separated into 7 sections with a mostly white texture with bits of grey, with green at it's southern regions, the largest being a vague semicircle shape occupying the top portion of the map, and recalled the little and vague information he gained from the ball.

"The north is mainly ruled by a race called 'The Frozen', who are the main rulers of the area, also in great quantities in those areas are frost spirits, and ice giants. Common wildlife is impossible to find in the deeper areas of the north due to the extreme temperatures present. The cold also makes any invasion attempts extremely difficult, so they are mostly left to their own devices, despite the great amount of treasures that can be found."

'Occupied by strong races, hostile environment, and great amount of material. No way I'm going there until the later stages.'

The man looks to the central landmass, that shows just one giant outlined section, covered in green, spots of grey, streams of blue, and two patches of yellow.

"The central region of the world is ruled by a joint civilization of Humans, dwarves, dark elves, and beast-kin. Currently, it is the strongest empire in the world."

'Some danger, some opportunities, and some chance of being killed early on.' He looked to the eastern part of the southern landmass, mostly covered in green, which was divided into 2 regions.' 

"The South-east is divided into two regions, the elven kingdom, and the 'Great Wild'. The elven kingdom is ruled by the high-elves, and composed of great amounts of forest elves and beast-kin. The Great Wild is currently an unoccupied territory due to the many powerful beasts in that area."

'Very high risk, since it didn't tell me whether the elves are friendly towards the humans or not.'

HIs gaze shifted, now looking directly above the elven kingdom, at a group of islands that included the two large masses.

{The east is ruled by the fishmen and the mermen, who do not have an established ruler, and are separated into dozens of tribes.}

'According to what it said, further east is filled with treasures and giant sea creatures. Nope, not going there.' The man clicked his tongue. 'There is no way the sea tribes are occupying those two areas, it would be too far inland for them to comfortably dominate. There has to something there, beast-kin perhaps? Or maybe it's just wildlife.'

Looking at the final giant landmass to the north west, green, grey, and blue the man sunk in thought.

'It did not tell me about this area.' His brows furrowed. 'Is it because there is no dominant race there? Maybe it is an undiscovered land to the natives, like the Great Wild.'

'Or maybe the ball just did not have permission or knowledge about this area to tell me. In which case, it is probably important.' The man then shifted his attention.

'There is no ice in the south, how? Is this map not that of the entire planet? Is it even a planet? Hard to tell in a fantasy world, or is the map just incomplete?' The man questions, but receives no answer.

The man stares at the map for a few minutes in silence committing it to memory, then the man raises his hand to the screen, and taps his chosen location.

{Yes} {Are you sure?} {No}

The text pops up directly above his selection, contrasting nicely with the background.

He moves his hand slightly to the left and upwards, and taps again.