Excellent trap

The field was damaged with a few potholes, and there were now a few pointy protrusions of solid rock emerging from the ground, looking completely out of place with the yellow ground of the arena.

There was also a patch of ice approximately 2 metres in diameter, as well as a pillar that emerged from the ground, and extended 7 metres above it.

Suddenly, a player appeared, weapons at the ready, prepared for their next battle, however, what they saw made them lower their guard a little.

One of the rocky protrusion had impaled a person through their shoulder, and they were now half kneeling, being held up by the protrusion that went through their pierced shoulder, which was bleeding, and had been for a while, as the pool of blood that had gathered could tell.

The player's eyes snapped to directly to the other arm, where a gun was on the ground directly below it, as if it had loosened from the fingers and fallen to the ground.

The player kept their distance, and did not move for a minute, as they looked around the field, taking note of all the items in their current environment.

After a little bit of time, they reassured themself that this could not be a trap, and moved towards the impaled player, while keeping their weapon ready.

'You're half-dead.' Was their train of thought, as they took a closer look at their unconscious opponent, noting that their breath was extremely slow (Could barely see the chest move), and relaxed as they saw the blood drip from their shoulder.

They made their current weapon, a gun that looked like it was an assault rifle, disappear, and in it's place, they summoned a sword.

They got into a thrusting stance, ready to pierce the neck through the opening of the armour and put the poor player out of his misery.


Their head exploded, and their body jerked to the right as it disappeared immediately after.

[Round 11 complete]


[Start next round]

"Huuuuu..." Reed let out the breath that he had been holding. 'That's number five.'

He was directly underneath one of the protrusions almost completely buried in the ground, and camouflaged, rock and dirt stuck to his face and gun. The shadow that the protrusion cast hid the rest, and made for an excellent hiding spot, from which he could see most of the arena.

He could see where his opponent appeared, and what they were doing, it also gave him a clear shot at them as soon as they appeared. The reason he hadn't shot his adversary as soon as they had appeared, was due to the fact that he didn't know what traits they had, and he didn't want to die to someone who had a similar ability to Polter.

Hence, he waited until their downed their guard, and then struck them giving them minimal chance to react, and even less chance to find and attack him.

The blood was from his previous experiment, and the blood flow, and chest movement, was just a combination of constructs and telekinesis, with a small container for the blood that he opened as to give the illusion of bleeding.

Reed concentrated, and some of the blood floated back up into the 'wound' of the dummy.

'Onto the next.' 

He mentally commanded to start the next round, and the next player appeared.

And so they cycle continued.

The player would appear, ready for a fight to the death, then they would see the opposing 'player' already out of commission, then they would do one of three things.

One: Not even considering it to be trap, they would let out a sigh of relief, before walking over to the 'body', before they reached it, Reed would shoot them, not wanting them to disturb his trap.

Two: Seeing the body, they would wait for a few moments, then walk over slowly, prepared for a sneak attack. For these people, Reed would wait at the last moment before they attacked the puppet to kill them, as they were more likely to be able to react to his attack.

Three: These players would not approach, and instead, they would circle around, trying to see if there was a trap somewhere, these players would be attracted by the pillar, and try to see if there was someone behind it. Reed had to be careful about these people, because even a slight noise would give him away. Two of them tried to throw a fireball at the dummy, and Reed killed them before the ball even formed.

So far, most of them had taken the second approach, with a few taking the third and first approach.

A player had actually managed to dodge the first bullet, in a similar way to Polter, but also met the same fate as him.

Another one had managed to survive having half his face blown off, but another bullet had resolved the problem.

This continued for more than an hour, until the Forty-third round, with 37 players having fallen into his trap.

When the forty-third opponent appeared, nothing was different for the first few seconds.

They stared at the dummy for a few seconds, then Reed noticed that they moved their head very slightly, only a few millimetres towards his location, and their fingers, gripping their bulky firearm tightened.

"STOPP!!" He shouted, making them flinch. "DON'T MOVE!!" He moved his gun to aim at their abdomen.

"TRY TO AIM AT ME, AND I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!" He screamed, and noticed that they were slightly panicking.

"Now." He said, his voice now lower, and much more soothing. "I won't shoot you, I want to talk to you, do you understand?" He asked, keeping his eyes on their hands.

They nodded.

"Good, I want you to drop the gun, and kick it away, DON'T put it into your storage space, or I'll shoot, make a sudden move and I shoot, understand?"

They nodded again, and dropped their rather large gun and raised their hands, before trying to kick the gun away.

"Look at me." Reed commanded, and they turned to look directly at him, hidden in the shadows, buried underground below a pointy protrusion made of rock. 

Reed slowly made his way out of the hiding spot he had created, keeping both his gun and his eyes trained on the player at all times.

A few seconds later, he was standing a dozen metres away from the player, his gun still raised.

"I have a few questions, I ask, you answer, and if I like the answers you may get a reward, alright?"

They nodded.

"Alright then, first question."

Reed took a deep breath, and began his questioning.