Chapter 7: Professor

"It's about the first task," Harry said. "They have four dragons just past the treeline of the forest. I'm guessing it is one for each champion.

I don't quite know what they want us to do with them though." He watched Cedric's facial expression go from panicked to suspicious.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

"Because you are the real Hogwarts Champion. I'll compete because I have to, not because I want to. I don't care about winning," Harry said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, right."

Harry just rolled his eyes. "You can believe me or not, that is up to you," he told Cedric's friend. "Just know when you stand there facing a dragon that I did warn you."

"Thanks, Potter," Cedric said. He figured that if Potter was right then he had been given information for free. If he wasn't, that wouldn't really hurt him that much.

It would be worse for him to ignore the threat being a dragon than to incorporate that in his research and training.

"You're welcome," Harry said as he backed off from the table. "Have a nice day."

People were still entering the Great Hall when Harry left. He headed for the History of Magic classroom.

He had already decided to give Professor Binns one more chance before he just self-studied the subject. He was actually interested in History.

He had loved studying historical things in Skyrim, but from memory, Binns was so boring he sucked all joy out of the subject.

His memory did not deceive him. Harry was not impressed with Binns. Thankfully, he could just tune the ghost out and study on his own.

He was slowly going to shift the way that Hermione had taught him to take notes into the way he did it himself and this was a perfect class for it.

By the end of the lesson, he actually felt like he understood certain things about the goblins that he hadn't known before.

Though he still wanted to know about these events from a goblin perspective since the victor seldom got it right, and while humans hadn't won, they had definitely convinced themselves that they had.

"You didn't fall asleep this time," Hermione said happily as they left the classroom.

Harry chuckled. "I guess not," he said.

"So what did Snuffles say?" Hermione asked.

"He warned me about Karkaroff being a Death Eater back in the day," Harry said. "Then he was going to give me some tips on how to deal with the dragon, but we were interrupted. I still think the broom is the best idea."

"I guess," Hermione said. She didn't sound too certain, but then she wasn't an amazing flyer so she wasn't sure what to think.

They walked into the Transfiguration classroom and sat down. This was one of those classes that Harry was still very much interested in.

On Nirn there was Alteration and Conjuration both affiliated with Transfiguration but not quite the same.

Harry realised very quickly that he wanted to study the differences, but he certainly didn't have the time to do that during class.

Thankfully, he had a good enough idea of what needed to be done to actually do it before the end of the lesson. He was deep in thought as Hermione led him down to the Great Hall so they could eat.

After lunch, they only had one period, charms, together before Hermione disappeared off for Ancient Runes.

Now there was a subject Harry wished he had taken. Just imagine what he could do with dragon runes. He would have to look into learning that somehow at some point.

Harry wandered around for a bit just getting used to the castle as Hermione had her lesson.

"Potter, now where might you be heading?"

Harry turned around. It was Professor Moody. "Professor," he said politely.

"Come with me Potter," Moody said as he started shuffling towards his office.

Harry raised an eyebrow and wondered how smart this was, but he followed anyway. It wasn't like he was actually worried Moody would hurt him.

"You are a decent kid, Potter," Moody said as he sat down next to his desk. "Sit down!"

Harry almost laughed. Moody sounded so much like a field marshal that he wasn't quite sure what to think. He sat down and looked around the office.

It was littered with many strange objects. Some emitted power fields that Harry could feel while others were dormant.

"Like my Dark detectors, do you?" Moody asked.

Harry nodded. "They are interesting," he said. "But I somehow doubt you asked me in here to talk about those, sir," he said.

"True, true, you are a sharp one," Moody said. He leaned back in his chair. "So, you found out about the dragons, did you?"

"I did," Harry said. "Most people tell me not to wander around, but you know I can't help it."

Moody chuckled. "Cheating is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and always has been," he said. "I'm surprised you told Diggory though."

"I figured since everyone else knew I would just level the playing field. Besides, he is the real champion," Harry said.

"And that is why you are a decent kid, laddie," Moody said. "So… got any ideas on how you're going to get past your dragon?"

So that was why Moody had asked Harry to join him. That made Harry suspicious.

Now it could be that Dumbledore had asked Moody to do this considering they were old friends, but it could also be that Moody was invested in his success himself.

Harry was going to keep a bit of an eye on their Defence Professor. It wouldn't be the first time there was something strange going on.

Thinking back there had always seen something strange going on. In his first year, Professor Quirrel had carried Voldemort around on the back of his head.

His second year their defence teacher had been a fraud. In his third year, he had been a werewolf.