Chapter 21: Dobby

"Winky will go with Mr Potter," she said.

Harry led the little elf over to the other side of the back wall of the kitchen. He threw up an illusion that would keep Hermione from noticing what he was about to do.

He knelt. "Winky," he said. "You don't seem very happy working here at Hogwarts."

Winky looked down at the floor. "Winky misses Master Crouch. Master Crouch needs his Winky, but he doesn't want his Winky," she said.

"Winky has been looking after the Crouches all my life, and my mother is doing it before me, and my grandmother is doing it before her."

Harry sighed. "When an elf has been freed does it ever happen that the Master takes them back?" he asked.

Winky looked up at him. "No, Winky was bad elf. Winky deserved being freed," she said. It looked like she was about to start crying again.

"Now I asked you over here to ask you if you would like to be my elf," Harry said. He deactivated his glamour. "Winky?"

"Mister Potter would like to have Winky as his elf?" Winky said. Her big ears rose. "Even though Mister Potter knows Winky is a bad elf."

Harry nodded slowly. "And you know what Winky? I respect your dedication to Mr Crouch. I don't want to know anything about him or his family. I would hope that you could be just as dedicated to me.

You have kept the Crouches' secrets very well and I respect that. I hope that you can keep my secrets just as well." He reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Would you like that?"

Winky's eyes were extra big. She could have a Master, and he was not going to be mean to Master Crouch. She looked over at Dobby. Would Dobby be angry with her?

He really liked Harry Potter. She looked back up at the wizard in front of her. She could get a Master. He looked older not like a child at all. Winky figured that was one of his secrets.

"If you want to think about it, that's alright," Harry said.

Winky looked up at him. She took a deep breath. Mr Potter had been right. Master Crouch would never take her back.

She wanted a family. Mr Potter had many secrets and would need help. He did not have a home though. "Will Harry Potter get his own home?" Winky asked.

Harry smiled. "If you want me to then certainly," he said. "I would obviously have done it eventually, but if you want it now then I'll get started on that."

"Winky would like to be Mister Potter's elf," Winky said. "And Winky would like a house if that is alright."

Harry smiled. "I want you to tell me if there is something you want. Like with the house now. I want to know," he said.

He tapped his chin and summoned a gold bracelet from his bag. He spun the bracelet around. It had a small plate attached to it.

"Mir Fahdon Mid do Krinahkro Hofkah," he whispered. 'Allegiance friend loyal of my steading,' was written on the bracelet and Harry gave it to Winky.

"This is proof that you belong to me. Should I wish to fire you I will take this not give you clothes. I want you to wear proper clothes, but maybe something a bit more fitting than what you wear now. That is up to you.

I'll get you some magazines and you can make up your own mind on what is fitting."

Winky's eyes widened. She could feel the magic rolling off the bracelet binding her to her new Master in a way she had never experienced before. It was like coming home after a cold day and wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket with a cup of hot cocoa. It was amazing. She felt so happy. "Master Potter," she said, her eyes sparkling.

"Could you use Harry please Winky," Harry said.

"Master Harry," Winky said.

"Thank you Winky," Harry said. "I would appreciate it if you took over care of me while I'm here for now. Will that be a problem with the other elves?"

Winky shook her head so her ears flopped wildly. "Will not be a problem," she said. "Winky will have very little to do though."

"Can you read?"

Winky nodded happily.

"Is there anything you would like to learn?"

"What will Master Harry's house and grounds look like?" Winky asked.

"Big grounds with fruit gardens I think," Harry said.

"Then Winky needs to learn how to take care of trees and bushes and other things that grow berries and fruits," Winky said.

"I'll see what I can get you," Harry said.

Harry smiled at Winky as he stood up. He walked over to Hermione. "She's a little happier now," he told her. "We should probably get back to the common room though."

Hermione nodded. She was surprised Harry had managed to talk to the little elf.

She waited until they had left the kitchen before she said, "I think that Dobby is the best thing that ever happened to those elves, you know," Hermione said.

"They will see how happy Dobby is being free and all. It will slowly dawn on them that they want that too!"

Harry just nodded. He wasn't sure she was right but he doubted little Dobby would hurt the other elves. It would probably be good for them in the long run.

That evening after Harry had gone to bed he called for Winky.

The little elf showed up. "Is there anything Master Harry wants from his Winky?" Winky asked as she showed up.

"Could you sit down? I want to tell you how come I'm older than I should be," Harry said. "And I want to introduce you to someone. Or well it will be someone one day."

He placed the dragon egg between them and he explained to Winky as much as he could without going overboard.