Chapter 31: Gargoyle

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Harry shrugged. "That is my problem," he said. "If I choose to not trust anyone, then my life will get really boring. I'm not scared of danger.

I know I have to be careful, but I have lived in a world where basically everyone around me was a possible enemy.

I learned how to tell which people I could trust and which I had to be careful around."

"Experience," Moody said. "It's the best teacher." He looked over to his desk. "Could you get me my other things?" he requested.

He needed to think about what the kid had said. "So no one but you and your elf knows that there was a fake Moody around?" he asked.

Harry shook his head. "I didn't tell anyone else. I wasn't sure how you wanted to handle things," he said.

"Good, good," Moody said as he put the wooden leg on. "What a mess," he muttered. He felt weak.

He didn't like that. He would have the whole Christmas break to heal up. "I'm going to have to tell Albus." he looked at Harry. "We can't tell him you got me out if you don't want to tell him everything."

"I could glamour to someone else I guess," Harry said.

Moody nodded slowly.

"I have Kato, but Kato and Harry are the same person," Harry said as he put his earrings in and transformed into Kato.

"I have Ray. The problem with Ray is that I created him after the image of two of my friends and that stands quite clear.

I could take Ray's personality and place it over a new glamour of course."

"That might work," Moody said. He tapped his chin. "If you were an auror trainee then there would be paperwork so that won't work. He sighed.

You could be my nephew," he said softly. "My sister died in the war. She could have had a child. I wouldn't have been able to take care of the baby."

"So you would have given me to someone who could," Harry said. "But you would have checked on me periodically."

Moody looked thoughtful for a moment. "It is a good enough disguise if you ever need to use it for any other reason," he said. "People won't think it's strange that I never spoke about you.

If I had been gone for less time, I probably wouldn't have cared about this and just gone with what had happened, but I think Albus needs to know that there was an impostor here all this time."

"This doesn't compromise me so I'm fine with it," Harry said. "I just need to make the glamour. Do you have any pictures of your sister?"

Moody had to rummage around for a bit before he found one. He handed it to Harry who looked down at a rather pretty girl with curly hair and a cute smile.

He asked Winky to fetch him a small bag and sat down by a mirror so he could work on the glamour. "We don't want anyone to know who the father was right?" he said.

"No. Not even I need to know that," Moody said. "Preferably it should be someone that no one knows."

"I'll just take a guy from Skyrim," Harry said. He had considered Balgruuf. He knew the man's face well enough.

He worked on the glamour for half an hour as Moody moved around for a bit to get his bearings back. He felt like crap.

Harry sat up straighter and applied the glamour to a set of earrings.

"There we go," he said. "So I am Raiden or Ray for short. Do I use your last name or the last name of the family that I have been living with?

It is probably safer to use yours because then people wouldn't know where to look for the ones I have been living with."

"True," Moody said. "You have a good head on your shoulders lad." He studied Harry or Raiden for a while.

"The glamour only shows sometimes. It is very well made. I doubt anyone else has noticed," he said.

"There aren't that many people with an eye like mine and this baby is a piece of work. Her creator unfortunately only made her before he died." He stretched.

"Oh, well. We better go tell the old man what has been going on under his half-moon spectacles."

Ray chuckled. "If you say so Uncle dearest," he said.

"Don't get uppity lad," Moody said. "And say Alastor."

Ray nodded. "Will do Uncle Alastor," he said. He walked with Moody to the Gargoyle. Moody glared at it and told it he needed to speak to Albus and he wasn't playing games.

Either Albus could hear him or the gargoyle knew what was best for it and moved aside.

Dumbledore was not alone when they reached his office. Snape was there as well.

"You wished to speak to me, Alastor, old friend," Albus said. He looked at Ray. "And who is this?" he asked.

"This is me nephew Raiden," Moody said grumpily. "You should be glad he decided to not listen to me and dropped by. Show them what you found lad."

Raiden walked up to Severus with the silver flask that Barty Moody had been drinking out of the past couple of months."

"And what may I ask should I do with this?" Severus asked acidly.

"You are a Potion Master, right?" Ray said. "You certainly look like one. Why don't you tell us what is in that flask?"

Severus' eyes narrowed. He sniffed the flask and looked down into it. Then he swore.

"This is why my boomslang has gone missing," he cursed. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Moody.

"I arrived earlier today and went to check on my dear Uncle Alastor here only to find a man that knew nothing about me sitting in his room looking an awful lot like him.

He tried to attack me, but well… Uncle Alastor does that all the time, and I know it hurts so I do my best to not get hit."