*now free from the mansions curse and ancestral influence, Damian and Nerrisa now empowered by the grimore and the Discovery of the philosopher stone starts a new line of alchemical activities. Damian wishes to use the philosopher stone but he has no idea of how it works * , and in his grandfathers journal it was mentioned only once by chance. Damian and Nerrisa dogs deep into the grimore, making research on how to awaken the philosopher stone, the philosopher stone was pale green in colour but when it's been awaken it'll turn dark red. Days went by and days turn to weeks Damian and Nerrisa, eager but cautious, begin deciphering the grimoire's dense passages on the Philosopher's Stone. They uncover an incantation to "awaken" the stone, unlocking its full power and potential. Damian driven by curiosity persuaded Nerrisa, "Nerrisa let's try the awakening ritual right now!!, Damian said, like a child, happy to open his Christmas gift. 

 The Awakening Ritual involves combining elements and substances tied to the alchemical traditions of transformation, the substance needed were lead, sulfur, and salt. After gathering all these Damian began to invoke the hidden properties of the stone through an incantation.

"By breath of wind and flame of fire,

Essence of stone, fulfill desire.

In silver, gold, and spirit's frame,

Awaken now, reveal thy name." Damian says the Incantations which was written in the grimore, Nerrisa's voice was in sink with his own. When Damian completes the ritual, a blinding light with a swirling energy pulses from the stone. He can sense its raw, untapped power but realizes he has no idea on how to fully harnish the power of the stone. Just as Damian marvels at the awakened stone, an intruder arrives, Nerrisa felt the presence of something strange, "Damian something is not right, she said with a shaking voice, Damian and Nerrisa heard a loud cry outside the lab, they rushed outside and saw a towering creature known as the Berserker. "What Is that?, Damian asked Nerrisa. "It's a fearsome, semi-human being created through corrupted alchemy, with strength and resistance to most physical attacks, it is called a berserker, she said. 

 The air grows colder, and a heavy rumbling reverberates as the Berserker crashes into their space. Its eyes burn with an unnatural, hunger for the Philosopher's Stone, a power it seeks to consume for its own strength. The berserker arrives at the Mansion, it felt the presence of the awakened philosopher stone, came to claim it. As the Berserker engages Damian, Bethesda joins the fray. Damian, realizing the gravity of the situation, channels the grimoire's knowledge, applying techniques that blend his ancestors' power with his own innovative approach. Damian uses a protective barrier, he traces an alchemical symbol in the air that generates a shield, repelling physical and supernatural attacks.

"Barrier of iron, shield of bone,

Repel the dark, the flesh, the stone.

With will and might, hold firm and stand,

Guard us now by my command." 

 Damian casts another spell, creating an energy Binding Chain. He creates spectral chains that bind the Berserker temporarily. However, the creature is strong, breaking free with sheer force. Damian has to improvise to strengthen the chains with each break, pushing his limits. As the berserker attacks, Damian and Nerrisa run and finds shelter in the room of mirrors, the berserker perceiving the energy from the philosopher stone follows and breaks into the room. Damian looks at the broken mirrors and decides to try another trick on the beast. Using broken shards from the broken mirrors, he channels alchemical energy to turn the mirrors into weapons, reflecting the Berserker's attacks back at it. This tactic is a result of their experience in the mirror room. During the chaos, Damian realizes he can channel energy from the Philosopher's Stone to empower his attacks. But this requires immense focus and comes at a cost draining his physical strength and risking a loss of control over the stone. Damian proceeds to say another incantation,

 "Stone of power, lend thy light,

Grant me strength to win this fight.

Through heart and soul, thy force now send,

Until this struggle finds its end."

 The stone amplifies Damian's alchemical abilities, allowing him to strike with greater intensity. However, he also starts to experience a pull an almost hypnotic urge to surrender to its power fully, risking his identity and freedom in the process. Nerrisa helps ground him, reminding him to stay focused on his purpose and not get lost in the stone's power. As the battle intensifies, Damian and Nerrisa find ways to combine their alchemical strengths. Nerrisa performs a supportive role, healing Damian's wounds in real time and also casting counter-spells that disrupt the berserkers energy flow, while Damian tries another attack spell on the creature,

"By flame and dust, by spirit's law,

Break this creature's cursed claw.

In light and dark, dissolve its might,

Return to shadows, fade from sight." With one final, focused surge of energy from the Philosopher's Stone, Damian and Nerrisa manage to expel the Berserker from their presence, reducing it to nothing more than a faint, lingering smoke. Damian and Nerrisa look at each other, both exhausted but triumphant. The awakened Philosopher's Stone now glows faintly, a sign that it holds even greater secrets to uncover, and hints at the vast, challenging journey ahead. The philosopher stone can only be used for 30 mins, it purpose was to amplify any alchemical Incantations, making it effect more potent and effective. Damian and Nerrisa looked at the damages caused by the berserker, it destroyed half of the mansion during its attack, " it was after the philosopher stone, but why," Damian said, asking Nerrisa and she replied Damian, telling him that the philosopher stone has been asleep for decades but now its awakened and creatures and alchemist from other realms will come in search for it, and as its new master Damian will have to defend it because if fallen into the wrong hands, it'll bring chaos and doom to all.

After hearing this Damian looks at the philosopher stone, Damian finds inscriptions on the Philosopher's Stone itself, hinting that this fight was only the beginning of understanding it

s true potential.