CHAPTER 16: The Cleansing Light and the Shadows That Remains.

 * After surviving the battle in the Arcanum plains, Damian and Nerrisa follow the new destination marked by the Philosopher's Stone. The map guides them to the Obsidian Marsh, a grim, decaying land shrouded in perpetual twilight, where death and alchemy intertwine. The marsh is known as the "Restless Grave" because the spirits of alchemists who sought immortality linger there, their failed experiments cursing them to eternal torment. These Ghostly figures who can manipulate alchemical remnants of their former experiments. sensing the presence of the philosopher stone these spoils of alchemical history attacks with corrosive mists and bone constructs. As these beings attack, Damian drew out his sword, Nerrisa runs to a higher ground to support Damian as she uses her arrows to take down the enemies from above. The philosopher stone glows faintly as if telling Damian that something far more dangerous approaches, and behold a mireborn leviathan appears, it presence sends chills down Damian's spine as he takes his stance ready for another life threat event.

 The Mireborn Leviathan is a monstrous creature formed from centuries of decayed alchemical residue, a living embodiment of death and destruction, it has two horns, with these horns this creature casts spells that rain down hell flames and an armor that repels any attack from intruders. It guards the heart of the marsh, a long-abandoned alchemical forge that holds a key to unlocking more secrets of the Philosopher's Stone. After a fierce battle between Damian and the Leviathan Nerrisa called Damian, telling him to fall back, " we need a plan to take down this monster, you don't have the strength to continue fight!! ", she said to Damian. As they hid themselves, Damian uses his grimore to cast a spell that will make the Leviathan not able to find them. As Nerrisa attends to Damian's wounds, he and Nerrisa bond over their shared struggles, her touch lingering as they exchange meaningful glances. Nursed back full health, Damian and Nerrisa plans a series of spells to take this beast down. As Damian takes down the previous spell used to hide their presence, the creature, preserving the raw energy from the philosopher stone rushes towards them. Damian uses "Umbra Vitae" (Shadow of Life) to summon shadowy constructs that shield them from the Leviathan:

"Umbra vitae, umbris crea, inimicos abdo." (Shadow of life, create shadows, shield us from enemies.) As this spell shields them from each attacks of the Leviathan, Nerrisa employs "Sagitta Mortis" (Arrow of Death) to destroy the Leviathan :

"Sagitta mortis, animas disperde, viam purga." (Arrow of death, scatter their souls, clear the path.) Now the battle is at his climax as Damian and Nerrisa begins to prevail against this creature. Together, they cast "Purgatio Aeternum" (Eternal Purge) to banish the revenants and the Leviathan permanently:

"Purgatio aeternum, animas solvite, locum mundate." (Eternal purge, release the souls, cleanse this place.). Silence filled the air as these creatures all, one after the other turns to dust, Damian and Nerrisa continues their journey, still within the marsh the stone continues to glow, but the threat which it announces could not be seen. " do you think something is wrong with the stone??, Nerrisa asked Damian, Damian stares at the stone, ignoring Nerrisa's question. Now more vigilant they continue exploring the marsh.

 * During their exploration of the Obsidian Marsh,they stumble upon the ruins of a failed alchemical experiment where an entire village was sacrificed. The spirits of the villagers haunt the area, seeking vengeance against anyone carrying alchemical energy. Damian becomes possessed by the vengeful spirit of an ancient alchemist who desires the Philosopher's Stone. The spirit's control causes Damian to attack Nerrisa, and his eyes glow with an eerie green light. Nerrisa realizes she must perform a purification spell to save Damian, but doing so will require channeling her life force through the Philosopher's Stone. In a desperate moment, Nerrisa chants, using a purification incantation on Damian: "Lux Purissima" (Purest Light)

"Lux purissima, tenebras disperde, animas salva, mundum renova."

(Purest light, scatter the darkness, save the souls, renew the world.) This spell free's Damian from being possessed, though it nearly costs her life.A sphere of golden light radiates from her, surrounding Damian. The spirit screams as it is pulled from his body, the light tearing apart its dark form. The marsh quakes as the spell purges the area of lingering malevolence, briefly illuminating the landscape with pure, ethereal light.

 The spell drains Nerrisa's strength, leaving her on the brink of collapse. Damian, freed from the possession, cradles her in his arms, his emotions raw as he sees how much she sacrificed for him.Damian kisses Nerrisa, thanking her for saving him. She weakly replies, "You're worth it," before slipping into unconsciousness. Few hours later Nerrisa woke up, before her was a camp fire as if was already night time, Damian sat opposite her, their eyes piercing into each other's gaze, " don't let this young body I have fool you Damian!, I am still older than you", she said to him, trying to make Damian not lose sight of what Is important, because a time will come when even she will pass away in this journey. Hearing these words Damian smiled and looked away. It was day time again, Damian and Nerrisa continues their search around the marsh. They soon discover a fragment of an ancient alchemical formula hidden in the obsidian marsh, this fragment hints at the existence of a Primordial Alchemical Codex capable of revealing the Philosopher's Stone's full potential. Damian picks up the fragments, the stone shines brightly, the light from the stone illuminates the whole obsidian marsh. The light from the philosopher stone gently fades, the obsidian marsh begins to vibrate as if being hit by an earthquake. Their journey now comes to an end , damian holds tight in his arms the fragment as the marsh begins to collapse, forcing them to flee.

 The journey that lies ahead promises darker trials and further tests of their bond as they unravel the Codex's secrets