CHAPTER 18: The Ember's Shadow

The skeletal beast rushes at Damian and Nerrisa, its growl splitting the air. Damian using his quick reflexes , raises the Philosopher's Stone, which emits a blinding pulse of light, momentarily blinding the creature. Nerrisa uses the opening to unleash arrows infused with alchemical energy from the grimoire, striking the beast but only managing to weaken it slightly. The battle is fierce, with the creature showing an unnatural resistance to their attacks. Damian recalls a defensive spell, "Auric Bastion," from the grimoire and conjures a golden shield that temporarily holds the creature back. Nerrisa, panting and tired , shouts, "We can't kill it, buy time and retreat!" Damian reluctantly agrees, and they make a desperate escape into the forest, leaving the wounded creature behind. However, the creature doesn't follow, as though it's regaining it's strength in order to continue it's pursuit. the Philosopher's Stone's residual energy in the area was very conspicuous, giving Damian and Nerrisa a hard time because each moment could spell danger.

 As dawn breaks, Damian and Nerrisa collapse near a bubbling brook. They clean their wounds and discuss the cryptic warning left by the ghostly alchemist. While recovering, they hear soft footsteps nearby. Startled, they draw their weapons, looking without blinking, they stare at the direction of the sound as the footsteps became more audible. Emerging from the forest is a cloaked figure named linda, a rogue alchemist who has been tracking Mortivax's movements for years. linda reveals she's been hunting the alchemist's corrupted creations and offers cardinal advice about their journey. She warns them about The Cradle of Embers, calling it a place of both creation and destruction. linda shows surprising knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, noting its ability to manifest the will of its wielder while simultaneously taking away their humanity. "The Stone chooses its master, but it doesn't do so kindly," she says to Damian and Nerrisa. Despite her mysterious nature, linda earns their cautious trust by healing their wounds with her own alchemical techniques, which are far advanced compared to what Damian has learned and what Nerrisa normally uses on him.

 As the trio sets off toward the Cradle of Embers, Damian begins experiencing hallucinations tied to the Philosopher's Stone. He hears whispers of incantations in a language he doesn't recognize and sees fleeting images of a volcanic landscape scorched by fire and hot air. The visions grow more intense, and at one point, Damian's body is nearly overtaken by the Stone's energy, his body vibrates, he falls to the ground convulsing. Kalinda intervenes by placing a protective sigil on Damian's arm, temporarily suppressing the Stone's influence. She does this meticulously, fully aware of its power. "The Stone is testing you, she said turning towards Nerrisa. "It feeds on ambition, and Mortivax knows this. If you falter, he'll have more than just the Stone, he'll have your soul, linda said to Damian. Damian struggles to suppress and reconcile the Stone's influence with his growing sense of duty to protect it. As the continue their journey, they came across a narrow mountain pass, they are ambushed by Mortivax's shadowy constructs. hulking figures cloaked in darkness, their bodies shifting like smoke. linda recognizes them as Umbra Sentinels, elite enforcers of Mortivax's will. The battle is chaotic, with linda using advanced alchemical traps and sigils to hold the Sentinels at bay while Nerrisa provides ranged support, shooting her arrows from a distance. Damian, though hesitant at first, unleashes a powerful attack using the Philosopher's Stone, channeling its energy through an incantation in the grimoire. The blast obliterates the Sentinels, but the exertion leaves Damian weakened and visibly shaken. linda warns that the display of the Stone's power will only draw Mortivax closer. Damian begins to question if the Stone's immense power is worth the struggle and pain it's causing him.

 As they near the Cradle of Embers, they reach a tranquil clearing where an ancient shrine sits, its surface inscribed with glowing alchemical runes. linda identifies it as a Waystone, a relic of ancient alchemists used to guide and test those seeking the ultimate truth of alchemy. The Waystone reacts to Damian's presence, conjuring a vision of his late mother, who had been lost to an alchemical experiment gone wrong. In the vision, she urges Damian to abandon the Stone, warning him of the destruction it will bring. Damian is torn, questioning whether his pursuit of his family's legacy is worth the sacrifices he's made, negative thoughts clouds his mind, the thought of him being the last of his bloodline disorients his thinking. Nerrisa grounds him, reminding him of their purpose and the lives that would be at stake if Mortivax gained control of the Stone. Damian resolves to press on, though the weight of the vision still flood his mind.

 Mortivax seating on his throne is informed of the Sentinels' failure to stop Damian. He remains calm and patient, already perceiving the Stone's growing influence over Damian. "Every step he takes brings him closer to me," Mortivax sneers, his gaze fixed on a swirling alchemical orb that displays Damian's movements. Mortivax commands his minions to intensify their pursuit, promising that the Cradle of Embers will not only reveal the Stone's true power but also serve as the place where Damian's resolve will be broken. Damian, Nerrisa, and linda finally reach the outskirts of the Cradle of Embers. The air is thick with heat, and the ground beneath them is charred and cracked. The volcanic landscape stretches before them, the air is unbreathable, linda uses a wide range spell to purify the air. Aetheris Purga (Air Purification)


"Aetheris pura, spiriti mundi, aerem sanctifica!"

("Pure ether, breath of the world, sanctify the air!")

This alchemical incantation cleanses the air of impurities, toxins, and harmful substances. When cast, a gentle, glowing mist emanates from the caster's hands, spreading outward and neutralizing pollutants, poisons, or airborne threats within its radius. The purified air feels crisp and revitalizing, often accompanied by a faint, refreshing scent of herbs or ozone. But this spell is ineffective against enemies in a combat situation.

 As they stand at the precipice, the cryptic warning from the alchemical runes echoes in Damian's mind: "What burns cannot return. Beware the price of illumination." Determined to uncover the Stone's secrets and stop Mortivax, Damian takes the first step into the Cradle of Embers, with Nerrisa and Kalinda close behind.