Chapter 15: The Ten Vipers

Li Shen walked beside Qin Feng through Viper Manor's winding corridors, taking in the purple-tinted marble walls and snake murals carved into every archway. The past few days had given him time to memorize the layout, but he still relied on Qin Feng's guidance to avoid drawing suspicion.

"The poison refinement chamber lies beyond those doors." Qin Feng's fingers brushed his arm. "Our clan produces enough venom to supply three provinces."

"Impressive facilities." Li Shen kept his voice measured, cataloging each detail for future use.

They rounded a corner and found Xi Fang blocking their path. The Viper Queen's form-fitting emerald robes accentuated her curves.

"Chen Fong." Xi Fang's painted lips curved. "Strange to find you exploring without proper escort."

"My Queen." Li Shen bowed. "Qin Feng has been most helpful in showing me our resources."

"Our?" Xi Fang's eyes narrowed. "You speak as if you already belong here."

The system pulsed in Li Shen's mind, highlighting Xi Fang's micro-expressions - the slight tilt of her head, the way her hand rested on her hip near her concealed blade.

"Forgive my presumption." Li Shen softened his stance. "I was too eager to serve the clan that has shown such generosity to an outsider."

"You took in every details as if you were a spy or a trained killer." Xi Fang circled him. "A strange habit for a mere wandering martial artist."

"Life has taught me caution." Li Shen unafraid met her gaze. "As I'm sure it has taught you as well, my Queen."

The system whispered possibilities, guiding his responses. Xi Fang's posture relaxed fractionally.

"Clever answer." She tapped her fan against her palm. "Continue your tour, Chen Fong. This warning is my last gesture of gratitude to you for rescuing my nieces."

"I apologize for offending the Viper Queen. I will not make the same mistake again." Li Shen bowed low as she swept past.

Qin Feng released a held breath. "That was close. My aunt seems to tell us to avoid rising the Heads suspicions."

"Lead on." Li Shen gestured forward, already planning his next move. "There's still much to see, but we have to be more discreet."

System Notification: Target Vassal detected—Xi Fang, Viper Queen. Potential high-tier unique skill Venomous Mirage available for bonding. Approach with caution.

The system never ceased to surprise Li Shen. The Venomous Mirage was a rare and powerful technique, one that allowed its user to create deadly illusions that could overwhelm the senses of their enemies. Xi Fang's mastery of this skill has made her one of the most dangerous figures in the Viper Clan. To gain her as a Vassal would significantly enhance Li Shen's abilities, but approaching the Viper Queen would be treacherous, given her devotion to Ra Cun, the Viper King.

Nevertheless, the plan did not change. He would need to win the clan's trust first. Patience and careful maneuvering would be essential, starting with his rise through their ranks as the wanderer Chen Fong.

As dusk fell, Ra Cun summoned him to the main hall. The space breathed danger, from its toxic flora to its perfumed air - a fitting throne room for those who ruled through strength and cunning.

Li Shen followed Ra Cun into the assembly hall where the Viper Heads gathered around a massive jade table. Carved snakes coiled along its edges, their emerald eyes glinting in the lamplight. The chamber emanated authority - a blend of diplomatic might and combat prowess.

"Our guest will observe today's proceedings." Ra Cun's voice filled the chamber. His scarlet robes rustled as he took his seat at the head of the table. Li Shen was surprised to find himself in the most important gathering.

Xi Fang settled beside her husband while the Viper Heads filed in. Li Shen noted Xie Mu, the tactician, with his shrewd eyes and ink-stained fingers. Next came Lan Zhi, her abacus clicking softly as she arranged financial scrolls.

"The Iron Talon grows bold." Xie Mu spread a map across the table. "Their forces probe into our western borders weekly."

"Let them waste resources." Lan Zhi's rings clinked against her abacus. "Our poison stocks alone could bankrupt three provinces."

Li Shen absorbed their dynamics, the way each Head deferred to Ra Cun while advancing their own agendas. The system highlighted subtle tells - a tightened jaw here, a shifted stance there.

"What say you, Chen Fong?" Ra Cun's gaze locked onto Li Shen. "You've traveled far. How do outsiders view our strength?"

"The Viper Clan's reputation spreads far and wide." Li Shen chose his words carefully. "But long before the destruction of the Cranes, there were already whispers saying the Eight Clans' unity was weakening. Now that the balance of the Eight Clans has been broken, the rest will compete to fill in the gap. The Vipers will have a lot more to worry than just Iron Talon."

Murmurs rippled through the assembly. Xi Fang's eyes narrowed at his boldness.

"Truth often carries poison's bite." Ra Cun nodded.

Li Shen bowed, knowing he'd struck the right balance between insight and deference. The meeting continued, each Head reporting on their domain while he built his mental map of the clan's power structure.

After they had finished their reports, Ra Cun began to introduce Chen Fong and his contribution in bringing the Poison Sisters home. If the Heads were impressed that he survived the Skull Sovereign and the Hell Sages, they certainly did not show it.

Li Shen studied each Viper Head as they reluctantly introduced themselves around the jade table. Ra Cun then told them regarding his wish to contribute. The Heads seemed amused, wondering how seriously they should take this farce.

Xie Mu's calculating gaze met his. "Chen Fong could assist with our western defense plans," Xie Mu announced. "His travel experience could prove valuable."

"I'm familiar with the terrain. I have mapped the mountain passes myself," Li Shen offered. The system pulsed, highlighting Xie Mu's approving nod.

Lan Zhi pushed a stack of scrolls toward him. "Review our supply routes. Fresh eyes may spot vulnerabilities."

"The Iron Talon's movements suggest they know our patrol schedules," Wen Shi added, his scarred face twisted in a frown. "We need new strategies."

Li Shen spread the maps across the table, tracing supply lines with his finger. "These three checkpoints are too predictable. Rotating between these five alternate routes would better mask your movements."

Yuan Xia leaned forward, her silver hairpin glinting. "But who would coordinate such changes?"

"I volunteer to help organize the rotations," Li Shen said. "Mastering the routes will help me master the terrain for defense. Under Xie Mu's guidance, of course."

Ra Cun's expression remained neutral, but Xi Fang's eyebrow arched with interest. "Very well," Ra Cun declared. "Work with Xie Mu. Prove your worth to the clan."

The other Viper Heads nodded their agreement, though Li Shen caught some skeptical glances exchanged. He would need to tread carefully - show enough skill to earn their trust, but not so much as to raise suspicion.

Xie Mu looked for his eyes. "We'll begin at dawn. Don't disappoint us, Chen Fong."

The Viper Heads filed out, leaving Li Shen alone with Ra Cun and Xi Fang in the hall. Torchlight cast serpentine shadows across the walls.

"You have traveled well and possess strategic insight for someone so young, Chen Fong." Ra Cun's fingers traced the snake patterns carved into his armrest. "You might call yourself a wandering martial artist, but clearly your adventure has been driven by a purpose."

Li Shen met the Viper King's gaze in challenge. Placing a stranger in a high-level meeting might seem absurd, but Ra Cun had his reason. If Li Shen had kept playing dumb, he would have lost his life after being privy to vital information. As such, the wanderer was forced to reveal his worth immediately. Li Shen welcomed the opportunity, but there was no doubt he had been caught off-guard and danced to the King's tune.

Ra Cun's eyes narrowed. "Many dream of power. Few understand its price."

"Power without purpose is poison that kills its wielder." Li Shen kept his voice steady as the system highlighted Xi Fang's subtle shift of interest in him.

"When you have power, what purpose would you serve?" Xi Fang stepped closer, her perfume carrying notes of exotic flowers and deadly nightshade.

"I seek to build something lasting. The balance of the Eight Clans have fractured while greater threats gather beyond our borders. Unity through strength is the only path forward." Li Shen turned to face her.

"And to forge what is left of the Eight Clans into an unbreakable force, the Viper Clan's position must first become absolute."

"Through what means?" Her painted lips curved into a challenging smile.

"By combining traditional wisdom with new strategies." Li Shen gestured to the battle maps. "The Iron Talon thinks they know our methods. Let them waste away hunting shadows while we adapt and grow stronger."

Xi Fang's eyes sparkled with interest. "Your ambitions reach high, Chen Fong. But ambition without skill is merely dreams."

"Then allow me to prove my worth." Li Shen bowed. "Put me to any test you deem fit."

Ra Cun rose from his seat. "Tomorrow you'll oversee the western defense rotation with Xie Mu. Show us these adaptive strategies you speak of."

Li Shen was glad that his interlocutors were confident and practical. Other royalties would have considered open expression of ideas to be impudent.

"And perhaps," Xi Fang added, "you will join me for tea afterward to discuss your vision for the future."

The system pulsed, marking Xi Fang's invitation as a crucial opportunity. Li Shen tried to keep his expression neutral as a wave of excitement surged inside him.

"I would be honored, my Queen."