Chapter 17: Blood Red Skies

Dacey Stark

The New Year had been welcomed into Winterfell and the Kingdom of the North and Iron Islands in some style. A great feast had been held at Winterfell with all the principal lords of the kingdom in attendance, there was much merriment and drinking, and for the first time in a long time Dacey saw her husband, the Winter Dragon smiling in public, laughing with his brothers and cousins, and generally having a good time. There was good cause to be happy for everyone present, the New Year saw the ninth year of peace in the kingdom since the Boltons failed rebellion, her cousin Cregan Dreadstark had done much to improve the reputation of the Dreadfort as well as to bring in more income and peace to those once troubled lands.

There was also another reason for the feast that had been held to welcome in the New Year, Dacey had given birth to twins, a boy she and Daeron had named Rodrick and a girl they had named Jeyne after their aunt. Both children looked like her, with their long Stark faces and brown hair, the only sign that there was any Targaryen blood in them was their violet eyes, the same shade of violet as Daeron had, as Aegor had. New Year had been a peaceful and prosperous time for the north, with money coming in thick and fast and filling the treasury from trading with Bravos, Pentos and Myr as well as the tributes that the Summer Islands and Ibben paid them, the northern coffers were swelling with gold.

As the months progressed, a feeling of happiness and contentment began to develop for Dacey, her children were healthy and growing stronger by the day, they got along well with their half siblings- Crown Prince Aegor, Princesses Daena and Eleana- and it seemed as if the smallfolk loved them as well. Her eldest son Jorah in particular seemed to have developed a strong bond with Aegor, the two were seen together constantly even before Aegor's marriage, to the point where it was often joked that Jorah was Aegor's shadow. And when Aegor and Delena had their first child, a daughter whom they named Rhaenrya Jorah became the doting uncle, and Winterfell rejoiced once more.

Of course they could not entirely escape the goings on of the south, and more than once Dacey would find Daeron slumped in a chair in their chambers, a letter from Ethan Glover open. More than likely the letter would contain some sort of detail about how Brynden Rivers, the bastard Hand of the southern king was exerting even more control over Aerys Targaryen and how the southern kingdoms were beginning to pay the price for Aerys' weakness and lack of fortitude. She also found her husband often engaged in long talks with Edwyle Stark, their cousin and high steward of the northern kingdom, about what Dacey knew not, but often Daeron would return to their chambers late at night exhausted and frustrated beyond belief.

Eventually seven moons into the 213th Year after Aegon's Landing, Dacey Stark found out what it was that had been giving her husband sleepless nights. Today was the day when the council usually met, and Dacey would often spend that time with the children, making sure Jorah and Brandon got up to little mischief, and that Daena, Eleana and Lyanna were actually doing their studies, and now with Rodrick and Jeyne being no more than babes she had had to bring them along to the nursery as well, so she was quite surprised when her husband told her that morning. "You shall be coming with me and Aegor to the council meeting today my love."

"Oh? And why is that, do you need a woman's touch to liven up these proceedings husband?" Dacey asked cheekily.

Daeron smiled slightly at her words but shook his head. "No there was a raven in the night, and I need you to be present when we discuss its contents."

And so it was that they walked to Daeron's solar that served as the council chamber during emergency meetings, something that as far as she knew had only happened once before, when the first Blackfyre war had happened, she felt the butterflies begin to float in her stomach. There seated already when they entered the room were Lord Commander of the Winter's Guard Theon Stark, High Steward Edwyle Stark, High Shadow Ethan Glover, Master of Coin Jonnel Manderly, High Admiral of Narrow Sea and Commander of the Northern Fleet Beron Stark and Grand Maester Tywin Reyne. It seemed by their severe expressions that whatever needed to be discussed was of grave importance. They waited a moment and then once Aegor arrived, with his hair noticeably ruffled they began.

"My lords, my lady. I thank you for coming here today, for this meeting. As you know since the Bolton Rebellion was crushed many years ago, we have had peace, and prosperity. Not since the times of the old Kings of Winter have our coffers ever been so full. However, it seems that the peace may be at an end. I have received word from one of our many sources in the south that Tybolt Lannister has begun building ships in Lannisport, perhaps for a possible attack on the Iron Islands. Now I would hear your thoughts on what the man's actions could mean for our peace and whether or not you think the chance of war is high or not."

There was silence for a moment before Jonnel Manderly spoke. "It is likely just a security measure being done by Lord Tybolt Your Grace. After all Lord Dagon is not known as the Lord Reaper of Pyke for no reason." He finished with a chuckle.

Dacey saw her husband turn his eyes onto the man, and the look he gave could have frozen anyone to their death. In a cold voice he said. "Dagon knows not to go raiding in the south, without my express order. No, Tybolt Lannister is not building these ships for protection against Dagon."

Dacey's father Beron spoke next. "Perhaps the man plans on sailing for Valryia. We all know that House Lannister has craved a Valyrian steel sword since their king lost it some millennia a go. Perhaps that is why he builds his fleet Your Grace."

There was much laughing at that, even Dacey smiled. Her father smiled at her as well and she felt her heart sing, he had not spoken to her the whole time she had been Daeron's Queen before now, for some reason or the other that she could never figure out. The good mood was put to an end when High Steward Edwyle Stark spoke in a serious tone. "I highly doubt that Tybolt Lannister is fool enough to try for such a quest. Not know, not with the feelings running between red and black in his kingdom. To embark on such a quest would be suicidal for him and for House Lannister. No I think that he is planning for war. For a war with the north and the Iron Islands."

The mood became very somber after that, Dacey internally wanted to shout at her cousin, he could be so solemn and a killjoy sometimes, it seemed as if he only came to life around his sister Melissa. No wonder he was still unmarried. Dacey saw Daeron look thoughtfully at Edwyle then before he turned to her and in a move that surprised her asked. "And what do you think my lady?"

Dacey swallowed once and took her time to think before she eventually said. "I think that it is a little pre emptive to believe that Tybolt Lannister is building war galleys. Perhaps he is simply replenishing his fleet. Though perhaps it would be wise to send a raven to Lord Dagon to make him aware of what the man is doing, so that he can make ample preparations."

She flushed with pride when she saw Daeron smile at her, and then he turned to his heir and asked him. "And you Aegor, what do you think we should do?"

Aegor was silent for a long moment, his fingers pressed into his temples, a gesture so similar to something that Daeron would do. Before he finally said. "I agree with Her Grace, Your Grace. It would be best to send a raven to Lord Dagon informing him of Lord Lannister's movements and advise him to take the necessary precautions."

Dacey saw Daeron nod. "Good, that is settled then. Maester Tywin send the raven out today if you would. That is all. We shall meet again in a few weeks time." And with that council was over.

Later that evening as she and Daeron lay in bed, with her fingers drawing patterns on his chest, she asked him a question that had been running through her mind since that morning. "Do you think that Tybolt Lannister will try and attack Pyke my love?"

Daeron was silent for a long moment before he replied. "Yes. But he will not do so voluntarily. Bloodraven wants Aemon's head on a spike along with Barbery and their children. He wants to provoke me into fighting a war, so he has ordered Tybolt Lannister to build his warships. An attack on Pyke will come, it is just a matter of when."

"So then why call the council session? Why not simply send reinforcements to Pyke now and be done with it?" Dacey asked.

Daeron looked down at her and said softly. "Because then that would invite the possibility of war. At that is something I do not want for us. I called my banners during Daemon's rebellion because he was my brother and I loved him. I was young and foolish then. Now? Now I have more family to care for, to live for. I will wait, and then Bloodraven will make the move. Then we shall strike and Aemon shall sit the throne that is rightfully his."

"But how do you know that Tybolt Lannister is building his ships? I know we don't have men in the south, just as much as Bloodraven has no men in the north." She asked curious.

She felt Daeron stiffen underneath her, but he replied calmly. "Edwyle my love. Do not ask me how, do not ask why. But Edwyle knows things, can see things that allow us to plan and plan ahead. This was one of those things."

Dacey yawned then, but before she could allow sleep to claim her, there was just one last thing she needed to know from Daeron, from the love of her life. "Why did you fight for Daemon Blackfyre my love. I know you said he was your brother, but why, what made you abandon your vows to the Iron Throne?"

Daeron sighed deeply and Dacey almost regretted asking, but her desire to know to understand this man she loved made her not regret. Eventually Daeron spoke. "He was my brother Dace, I loved him fiercely, he was there for me in King's Landing when everyone else questioned what a northern savage was doing in the capital filled with Dornishmen. When Myriah Martell and her family made fun of me and my mother and father, Daemon was there to help me, to protect me. And I made a promise to him, when he called his banners, I promised I would not rest until he or his sons sat the Iron Throne. He would have been a great king, he bore the sword yes, but he was kind and noble. Bittersteel and Fireball may have led him astray towards the end, but he would have been a kind and just king. Aemon will be a kind and just king too, he may be impatient now, but he is young and the young are always impatient. I owe it to Daemon to see his son on the throne, for all he did for me when we were boys, when we were men grown. I owe it to him."

Dacey felt the tears falling from her husband's eyes and she moved her hands from his chest to stroke his hair and brought his head down to rest on her shoulder, and softly she whispered. "Then we shall fight, and we shall win and Aemon Blackfyre shall sit the throne."

Two moons past by in which the summer rains came and went, and harvests were brought in, in preparation for autumn perhaps though the summer had just begun. Dacey watched as Aegor Stark the son not of her body but of her blood grew and as his eighteenth nameday came and went, she saw the pride in Daeron's eyes when his boy came back with a deer, killed on a hunt, his great black direwolf Serron panting next to his horse. Yes, she thought Aegor will make a fine king when his day comes, and Jorah and Brandon will be his solid left and right hands. Already her two oldest boys were showing skills at arms as was Lyanna, Daena and Eleana were more inclined to womanly arts, Daena more so especially as she continued in her quest to woo Aemon and Barbery's eldest son Aegon, Eleana herself was a serious and somber child, why Dacey knew not, and Daeron refused to speak of what may have caused such seriousness.

The last of the two moons since the council had met ended with a grand wedding, the wedding of Princess Daena Stark to Prince Aegon Blackfyre, thus further uniting Houses Stark and Blackfyre together. Daena at thirteen and Aegon at eleven were both in love with each other, or atleast as in love with one another as children as young as that could be. The wedding was attended by the lords of the north and the three sisters, Dagon Greyjoy and his children could not attend for they were seeing to the defences of Pyke, and though the man's mother Jeyne Greyjoy formerly Jeyne Stark attended her grand niece's wedding. ]

Two days after the wedding with Daena and Aegon having ventured to White Harbour for a brief holiday together, of course with Winter's Guard protection, Jeyne Mormont and Asphell Wull went with them as well as thirty men from Winterfell's household guard, they received word of the Lannister's attack on Harlaw and on Pyke itself. The letter written in the Maester of Pyke's scrawling handwriting described the fierce battles that had taken place in Harlaw, between Denys Harlaw and his men and those men commanded by Tybolt Lannister's brother Gerion Lannister. The maester wrote as well of some 6,000 men led by Tybolt Lannister himself beginning to lay siege to Pyke. Daeron's response was instant. "Maester Tywin write to Barrowtown and the Rills, and to Steffon Cassel at Stony Shore. I want men sent to aid Dagon at Pyke, and I want men sent to invade the Westerlands." And so the ravens flew, Steffon Cassel led men from Stony Shore, 2,000 of them as they landed at Pyke and fought battles there. Torrhen Dustin led some 2,000 northmen comprised of Dustin, Ryswell, Stout and Shadow Point men as they landed in the Westerlands and began a campaign there, joined as they were by rebel Westerland Houses led by Robb Reyne.

The north bestirred itself from its slumber as well. Dacey watched amazed as Daeron quick as thunder, called his banners, ravens sent to every corner of the northern kingdom and to the three sisters. And as all the lords not already engaged in battle came bringing with them some 16,000 men in total, they gathered in Winterfell's grounds and castle and began plotting what to do next. Some lords such as Hothar Umber argued stringently for marching south straight away to aid Torrhen Dustin in destroying the Westerlands, other lords such as Daeron's brother Cregan Dreadstark argued that they march south straight into the heart of the Riverlands and burn the place down to ashes, to teach Bloodraven a sharp lesson. Though there were disagreements about where they should fight, all the lords agreed that the cause behind this war was not them, but Bloodraven, the man, the power behind the Iron Throne.

Eventually a raven came from Lord Dorren Reed of Greywater Watch informing them of a host led by Lord Brynden Tully some 5,000 strong marching up from the Twins and toward the Neck, it was then that Daeron stirred himself from Winterfell and from the restlessness of his lords and said in a commanding voice. "We march south, and we destroy Lord Tully's host, and then we march for King's Landing!" The host was divided in command, Cregan Dreadstark took command of the right of the northern host, Osric Karstark took command of the left of the northern host, the van was commanded by Daeron himself, and Dacey, she was put in charge of the reserve which was made up of some 1500 men from White Harbour. "You shall hold the reserve my love. I know you are a skilled warrior, but I do not want to lose you. We shall attack Lord Tully from the north, Edwyle shall hold the Moat in our absence, and Aegor will be the Stark in Winterfell. We shall over man this southerner and then we shall march south." Her father remained in White Harbour to hold the sea borders of the northern kingdom.

They marched south for three weeks before they came upon Lord Tully's host, bedraggled as it was, some 200 of its men had died to the Cranongmen arrows and darts and to lizard lions, but still they fought long and hard for the day that the battle lasted. Dacey, though in command of the reserve found her thrust to the front of leading the charge once Daeron had taken a wound to the chest, a severe wound it seemed. Using her Morningstar she swung left and right, cutting down men bearing all kinds of sigils from the Riverlands, watching as their bodies fell lifeless to the ground only to be swallowed up by the swamps and marshes. The battle of the neck was over before it truly began, Brynden Tully himself was captured, bound, bloodied but alive. The men asked her as their queen what should be done with the man, and she declared he was to be kept in a cell in Moat Cailin to await further judgement.

Their march continued south, to the Twins the site where Daeron had made his first move in the Blackfyre rebellion some eighteen years past. Daeron having recovered from his wound in time, did not wait for a parley, instead with some sort of deep seated anger ordered their host now 12,000 strong to attack the Twins. Dacey found herself swinging and hacking her way through weasel haired Freys left right and centre until her weapon dripped with blood and the floor was covered in the bodies of her fallen foes, one of whom included the Lord Frey. His heir a boy by the name of Walder Frey was but seven years old, bent the knee and was left as a hostage in the care of Rodrick Mormont, whom Daeron left to hold the Twins.

The Second Blackfyre war had gotten off to a good start for the northern cause, two victories, and with reports that Pyke and Harlaw had been freed and that Gerion Lannister had been slain, Tybolt Lannister was trapped between Fair Isle and Pyke, his lands were slowly being encroached. The northmen celebrated, and Dacey could have sworn she tasted victory coming soon.

Garth Tyrell

Summer had come in its fully beauty to Highgarden. The roses were blooming and the orchards were producing grapes and apples and oranges, it was also startlingly hot, not as hot as it had been during the Great Sickness in the Spring nor as hot as it had been during the drought that had followed, this hot was the good kind of hot, the kind that allowed for plants to grow and for the people of Highgarden and the Reach to bathe in all their glory, yes this was the good kind of hot Garth thought. He had been but a lad when the sickness had enveloped Westeros, and had claimed the lives of many of his friends; his uncle had summoned him back from Ashford to stay in the secure walls of Highgarden whilst the rest of the land suffered through it all. He had lost Malora to the sickness, he missed her still sometimes, but know, know he was married to Denise and he loved her deeply, just as he loved her father, his own uncle Leo deeply.

Garth Tyrell was nineteen, was tall and thickly built and had the brown hair and golden eyes synonymous with his house, a lad skilled in arms most especially the battle axe, he had been knighted by his uncle Leo Longthorn Tyrell two years past, and had married his cousin Denise just over a year ago, they were expecting their first child any day now. All that was well and good for House Tyrell, but the one thing that worried Garth about his house's future and as well as the future of the Reach, was all compiled in the letter that lay on the table in front of him, its sides creased from the number of times he had read it, and the number of times he had played with it nervously whilst debating what to do. For the letter contained instructions from the hand of the king himself, Brynden Rivers had written to Garth about the upcoming war with the north and the Blackfyres, and how Garth and the whole strength of the Reach would be needed to deal with them.

"My lord, Brynden Rivers is a kinslayer and a man without honour who has bewitched his grace King Aerys and has got him to do all kinds of unspeakable things in the name of peace. This war he speaks of breaks the peace that Daeron the Good and Daeron the Winter Dragon agreed to after Redgrass." Mern Redwyne, the young and boisterous Lord of the Arbor argued.

"Aye but Aerys Targaryen is the rightful king. Sorcerer or no, Bloodraven speaks with the king's voice, we are honour bound to help Aerys hold the kingdom against the Blackfyres." Devon Tarly argued stringently.

"But at what cost to us my lord? We all know what will happen the minute Daeron Stark stirs from Winterfell. The realm will bleed, for it was often said that Daeron Stark was the only warrior to equal Daemon Blackfyre in combat, and the man is older now than the Black Dragon was when he fell at Redgrass, with Stark leading the charge, the Blackfyre loyalists will stir from their holds and join behind Aemon Blackfyre's banner and the realm will bleed. Surely it would be better and more prudent for us to join Blackfyre and guarantee his victory and ensure that those bloody Florents are taught a lesson or two?" Redwyne argued.

"We swore a vow, an oath to the Iron Throne that we are honour bound to uphold. We cannot abandon it to serve some young upstart who thinks to use his connections to usurp that which is not his by right." Tarly argued stubbornly.

"Uncle? What do you think?" Garth asked, determined to get this over and done with now, so he could spend some time with Denise before he ultimately had to march.

Leo Tyrell was a calm and patient man who had taught Garth much about weighing one's words before speaking them. He had also taught Garth to put the interests of the Reach and House Tyrell before thinking like a greedy man. "What Lord Tarly says is correct, we swore a vow to the Iron Throne, to defend and fight for the King. However, Bloodraven has done many things that are questionable as Hand, he has done them not Aerys, Aerys Targaryen is not the power on the throne that much we can all agree on. The Blackfyre boy may yet emerge victorious and it would be beneficial if we knew where we stand with Aemon Blakcfyre should he emerge victorious. Therefore I would suggest that unless we are called in action to defend the king, we remain neutral for the time being."

Garth nodded and was about to conclude the meeting when a knock on the door brought in Maester Orwyle, Highgarden's maester, an old kindly man who had served at Highgarden since the days of Garth's "But there has been a raven from King's Landing, bearing the Hand's own seal."

Orwyle handed the letter to Garth, and sure enough there was Bloodraven's sigil, a white dragon on black. He broke open the seal and read aloud. "Gods above, Tybolt Lannister has launched an attack on the Iron Islands, and has taken Harlaw and is laying siege to Pyke, however, rebel Westerlords led by Robb Reyne and joined by northmen led by Torrhen Dustin have fought and won a significant advantage for the Blackfyre cause at the battle of Nunn's Deep they are now marching toward the Rock. The hand requests that we march in full strength to aid Lord Lefford in defending the Rock from these traitors."

There was silence for a moment before Mern Redwyne spoke. "What will you do my lord?"

Garth looked at his old friend and said solemnly. "I will do my duty. Maester Orwyle send the ravens out, the banners must be called and these rebels must be stopped. Mern I want you to assemble the fleet, and set sail for the Iron Islands at once, we must neutralize Pyke as soon as possible. Take Pyke and you take half of Daeron Stark's power at sea."

"What about White Harbour my lord? Surely that must be taken care of as well?" Mern asked.

"Aye but first we must deal with the Ironborn, then we shall hit White Harbour." Garth replied.

And so the ravens were sent, the banners were called, 40,000 men answered Garth Tyrell's summons, the Lords Rowan, Tarly, Hightower, Florent, and the Red Apple Fossoways came to Highgarden with all their strength. The rebel Reacher Lords were led by Darius Peake, son of the late Gormon Peake, and the houses that joined him were the Green Apple Fossoways, Lords Beesbury, Appleton, Blackbar, Caswell and Varner. The fact that House Osgrey remained neutral surprised Garth, he had expected them to join with the rebel lords, but a reminder from his uncle set him straight, it was likely that Addam Osgrey's wife Rohanne Webber had pressurized her husband from staying neutral.

It mattered not, the first battle that Garth was ever truly involved in happened at Uplands, the forces of the loyalist Reachmen and the rebel Reachmen clashed for three days, much blood was shed, Garth himself fought like a man possessed swinging his great big war axe like it was nothing more than a spoon. He used it to cleave the heads of hundreds of men during the three days, lopping left, right and centre until the axe, his armour and the ground around Uplands were covered in the blood and bodies of countless rebels. He even dealt the blow that killed his old friend Ser Raymun Appleton, an axe swing that first took off Raymun's hand and then another swing and his friend's headless body fell down to the ground, as the sound of battle drowned out Garth's screams.

On the fourth day Garth awoke to the familiar smell of smoke and fire, and rotting corpses. But when he pushed open the flap to his tent, he was surprised to see that the enemy tents had all gone, vanished in the morning mist. He found his uncle staring out into the mist, a strange expression on his face. "Where have they gone uncle?"

"Fled, disappeared for they know they are close to victory." Leo Tyrell whispered.

"How do you know that uncle?" Garth asked, fear stabbing at him, had they somehow got to Highgarden and Denise?

"There was a raven in the night. Daeron Stark has defeated Lord Brynden Tully's host in the Neck, the Twins are his as well, a boy lord sits as hostage and Lord of the Crossing. Robb Reyne smashed Lord Lefford's host at Pendric, he marches closer to Casterly Rock. Pyke has been freed by northmen led by Steffon Cassel, Gerion Lannister slain, Tybolt Lannister is stuck on Fair Isle." His uncle said softly.

Garth felt something drop inside of him. "We must march back to Highgarden then and regroup."

His uncle turned to him then and said "No we cannot turn back for Highgarden. Our duty to the Reach now means we must fight to ensure that we still hold Highgarden once this war is done. We must march north."

Garth was about to protest when he saw the sense in his uncle's words. "I shall send word to Standfast and Coldmoat, Addam Osgrey shall have the job of removing the rebel lords from power. We must march north you say uncle, Devon Tarly must needs deal with those rebellious Riverlords, and I shall march west to deal with the westermen and the northmen."

He saw his uncle nod in approval and felt a sense of pride stir inside of him. And so the orders were given, 10,000 men marched with Lord Devon Tarly from Uplands to meet a royalist host being mustered by Lord Brynden Tully's uncle Steffon Blackwood at the Stoney Sept. 10,000 men would march under Garth's leadership to the Westerlands to protect Casterly Rock for as long as they could, it would be a long and bloody war Garth could that now. How it would end, he still knew not, but however it ended, House Tyrell would continue to Grow Strong.