The first match begins: Bara vs Mike

Paul's feelings changed, Ray could feel them changing,

because he's very accurate in understanding what other feel and he also, as

time passes, during his short life, since he's barely 18 at the moment, he kept

feeling new kinds of emotions and he understood that perceiving emotions inside

of yourself and even understanding what other feels it's like a 6th

sense, or it'd rather be more correct to say that it can be the 24thsense?

Humans have a lot of senses aside the 5 basic senses, in fact aside from sight,

touch, taste, smell, and hearing there's also proprioception, equilibrioception

thermoception, nociception and many more. But some people have also unique

senses like magnetoreception and tetrachromacy, that for example make an

individual aware of magnetic fields nearby and also able to see way more colors

than normal people (this in particular happens mostly to women, that's probably

why your mom finds your socks immediately, maybe even in the place that you

already looked for them, since women even if they don't have this condition on

average they perceive more colors way better than us, but they'll anyway

proceed to call you stupid if needed, just because you're born as something so

weird like… as a male).


Throughout all the senses everybody can agree that between

them, there are some senses that are more important than others, for example

almost everybody would agree that being blind is way worse than being deaf,

that's naturally because our sight it's way more important than our hearing

since it describes to us way better what happens in the world around us. But if

you'd have a hearing perception that'd describe to you the world way better

than your sight does, would you still prefer your sight? Well, probably yes

since sight not only describes the thing's shape but also their color, so it's

more linked to the production of stronger feeling inside of our brain. Now

imagine having a sense of yours that abruptly increases its perception like

imagine you sight improve drastically all of a sudden, how would the world

appear around you? Wouldn't you be happy about it? For example, a friend of

mine (I'm speaking as the author) has a sight that far surpasses that of normal

people, and I was wandering how did he feel to wield those eyes so greedily

without sharing his experience with us common mortals? Well stronger senses add

more complexity to an individual and that makes all of your feelings even

stronger, in both ways, bad and good feelings. But when we talk about Ray what

he can feel far surpasses the definition of bad and good, but also his

perception of other's feeling is better than the perception of most people over

their own emotions.


So Ray perceived something weird coming from Paul's mental

state it was like his brain was on an unstable balance that anyway kept him on

the a dull form of stoicism, basically he was always on a very neutral state of

mind, it 's strong belief brought his mood in the positive side, instead the

shame, the feeling of failure because of what happens around him bring him back

to a very neutral position.  Ray at the

moment felt his mood sprinkle even if for a single moment because of Ray's

proposal, it looks like he is craving to get his hand dirty, and by him, I mean

his inner I, the one that can't lie even though his actions might reveal

something totally different over time. Paul as he felt a bit of excitement

says, "So we'll go through some hand to hand combat, old-style, like we're some

sort of alien cowboy heehee". Ray that has in mind something better answers

"Not exactly, I'd want to propose something else, I'd like to use some of the

weapons that I brought from heart. I have some interesting capsule for you,

I'll make the participant decide the weapon that they'll have to use but after

each time they turn, well, their weapons will change each time you come back to

the starting point, so you'll have to choice a lot of them. There's also

something else that you have to know, in fact even if the participant will

choice 4 weapon each, their opponent can still take a weapon chosen by you, so

be careful what you choice, and after 

saying that I'm done"


The Mikes brothers started to almost climb over Ray's body

out of sheer curiosity, their eyes were shining making them look like a couple

of anime characters from a slice of life series. While such a pathetic scene

was taking place Bara's gaze fell over these two guys that from his point of

view were two incredible idiots making him think "Those imbeciles, they act so

childishly in front of weapons that if wielded by the right person would

destroy galaxies, they still didn't realize that they'll end up in a very bad

position very soon. In fact, the invitation that we got here is everything but

a vacation, or maybe it is for someone as crazy as Ray, but they are no

Ray-like individuals, and to be honest somebody like him has yet to show up in

front of me. Anyway, they'll almost certainly die too before we live this

place, I'm not even sure if this planet will still exist in a couple of hours.

In the meantime, I'll let Ray have fun with those guys, that's the only gift I

can make him, would it be a good goodbye gift? Hahaha hha hhh hhh". (it looks

like Bara has a silent laughter even in his own thoughts). Then Paul and Mike

say together, "what kind of weapon will we use? Are we using long range or

short ranged weapon? Where were they produced?" Ray trying to contain them says

"Guys we have to decide who will participate in the first race "I want to go

first!" "No, I will" the Mikes brother got a little too much excited and they

started to look like kids at the candy shop. Bara was happy because Ray was

having fun looking at those idiots but he was cringing too much so he had to

make it stop saying "I will go first" Ray nods since had no problem with that

and Paul says, "Mike you can go first, just for this time, but you owe me one!"

Bara looked at him with one of the worse facial expressions has ever made, Bara

asked to go first since he knew that make was interested in going after Ray

since they were respectively the strongest of each faction. But the fact that

he was trying to hide such an obvious thing without reason made Bara cringe

even more, Paul noticed that something was off, so he asked him "Are you ok

Bara?" "NO" and then he kept insisting "why not?" "NO" and again "is it me?"

"NO" until Bara couldn't hold it any longer "Are you taking me seriously?" "NOOO"

Bara answers yelling, getting his whole body near to him touching Paul's nose

with his chin, he got close to him very aggressively scaring Paul for a moment

but after a couple of seconds ha had once again recollected his composure.

After witnessing such a scene Mike thought "Oh my god, this guy looks like the

kind of guy that never expresses too much his opinion and never gets too angry

but when he does it's really over, I can't imagine what's behind Ray"S

character then". After a moment of an awkward silent Ray says loudly "Then IT'S

DECIDED. The first race will be Bara vs Mike! I suggest the spectators prepare

some alien corns and to enjoy the show!". 

After things looked normal enough the Mikes brother forgot what just

happened and they said "Can we see the wea(pon now)" they wanted to continue

but Bara understanding that they'd act once again as cringe as ever, so he made

a fierce expression that they felt behind their shoulder, like if there was an

aura coming out of him, so they immediately kept quiet and they started to

slowly turn around.


Ray as a peaceful and shining existence in that very tense

situation says with a big smile on his face "Now I'll show you the weapons and

as good little boys that you are, I'd ask you to choice between some of the

options"  Ray takes out of his pocket

some capsule as little as grains of rice "Are these senzu?" asks Bara after

getting  back some of his humor after

what he just had to witness "Yes of course, eat one of those and I'll make the

capsule open your stomach after this I'll make people call me the Bara's

killer  in short it could be Baraskill

or…" hearing this Bara says "hey, cross eyed mother fucker, don't get too

cocky" Bara was referring to the fact that Ray's left eye doesn't point to

where Ray is looking, because Ray has gone through a lot of surgeries that he

did on his own body and because of that he often has some kind of backlashes

even if lately nothing happened to him, since his body has almost reached an

inner balance, even if Ray keeps opening his own body and making modifications,

at first it was  because he needed that

but as time passed it became something that he did to better his own body.


Ray chuckles after hearing Bara's joke then he decides to

get out the so much awaited weapons. There were so many kinds of them: axes,

pistols, swords, claymores, but also a set of nails, shields, and also a weird

coat that Bara notices and asks Ray about it "is this yours? Did you

accidentally put your own stuff down here?" Ray with a reassuring face says

"No, no hahaha, do not worry, those are all weapons that come from Berlin"

after saying this all of their faces were shocked since Berlin is the second city

in the universe for quality when talking about weapons. "oho ho" once again the

Mikes brother's eyes were shining but Ray that was now tried to says "Ok now

you'll have to take turns to choice 

weapons but before that I'll ask you something" after saying this takes

from the ground a bunch of a sand-like substance and says, the one that guesses

how many grains of this thing I have in my hand will decide if they want to

start first or if they want to pick first one of the weapon" bara thinks about

what Ray proposed "both thing at first sight may seem very useful but in

reality both of them because of the rules that Ray just set up are very

useless, anyway maybe picking fist would be the best choice since it'd make you

influence the choice of the weapon of your enemy and take the lead if you have

a precise strategy." Then Ray asks, "So how many grains of this kind of sand do

I have in my hand?" Paul was a bit confused by that question because he thought

that it'd be impossible to confirm the exact number so he was going to complain

about this method. Mike though, doesn't give him time to do so and tries to

guess "I'd say… ninety thousand, yes, ninety." Then Ray turns to Bara to

receive his guess and he says "90,001", this number may seem totally casual and

in fact it partially is, but Bara thought that it'd be better to choice an

higher number since it was way more likely higher that the number of grains was

either was higher rather than lower, and by choosing Mike's number plus one,

he'd surely win if the number of grains was higher than 90,000, he thought,

actually, looking at Ray's hand that the number, considering the volume of the

grains in Ray's hand and their consistency, that make him guess their density

that the number would be around 190,000 but why don't take the safe path, why

should he have risked? There was no reason to do so. "Ray looks at them and

says "The number of grains in my hand is 207,000 so the winner it's Bara,

congratulations!" Paul, now that his brother Mike had just lost was about to complain

but Bara stops him immediately saying "I choice to start first"