Ren Ashford, a mysterious transfer student, is assigned to the cursed class—an infamous group of students, all children of high society members, marked by supernatural misfortune. The class suddenly finds themselves at a haunted mansion that twists and morphs into an endless labyrinth. Without understanding why they are there, the students must endure deadly trials to survive the mansion's horrors and uncover the truth behind its curse.
I love how the narrator the narrator goes by things, it's also very good introducing the characters especially new characters, I love how mysterious the story is, I 100% Recommend it. Read it
This story is very unique and interesting, I recommend u give it a try, it gets interesting as you read. Promise u won't be disappointed. How The characters are introduced, showing their background age and talent is an amazing detail.
Uhm I'm the Author MJay, There are some intentional gaps in the story which will be explained later in the story, so please keep following, I hope you like my story. I'm a new writer so I'm kinda new to these stuff and I would appreciate your thoughts on what I should improve. [img=exp]