The moment Nathaniel lunged for Metzger, the older man yanked the lever down with a ferocity that sent a pulse of energy through the room. The machinery roared to life, and bright arcs of electricity sparked in the air, illuminating the dark corners of the control room.
Tom and Ingrid sprang into action, moving to restrain Metzger. Nathaniel reached for the lever, but the sudden surge of energy sent him reeling back. The room was filled with a deafening hum, and the air crackled with tension.
"Stop him! He's activating the device!" Ingrid yelled, trying to wrestle Metzger away from the console.
As Tom grappled with Metzger, the scientist's eyes glinted with manic glee. "You don't understand! I am on the cusp of something extraordinary! This will give us power beyond imagination!"
The control room shook, the walls vibrating with the force of the machine. Alarms blared, a shrill sound that pierced through the chaos. Nathaniel struggled to regain his footing, his heart racing. He had to stop Metzger—whatever was happening was going to unleash something catastrophic.
With a surge of adrenaline, Nathaniel lunged forward, reaching for the console. "Ingrid! Can you shut it down?" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony.
"I'll try!" she yelled back, her eyes scanning the array of switches and buttons.
Nathaniel turned back to Metzger, who was still fighting Tom, his movements wild and desperate. "You're a madman!" Nathaniel shouted, his anger boiling over. "This isn't science—this is insanity!"
"Insanity is the limitation of the mind!" Metzger replied, his voice filled with a deranged fervor. "I will show you! I will show the world!"
In a burst of energy, Tom finally managed to subdue Metzger, pinning him against the console. "Enough!" he roared, his face strained with effort. "We're not letting you do this!"
Ingrid scrambled to find the right switch, her fingers flying over the console. "There has to be a way to reverse this! Nathaniel, help me!"
Nathaniel moved to her side, trying to help her navigate the chaotic array of controls. Just then, a bright flash erupted from the machine, and the entire room was engulfed in blinding light.