Chapter 53: Power does not corrupt.

Floating in a dark void, is a large man. His body, badly wounded. His eyes, closed in exhaustion. His will, sapped by the second.

'Where am I? I?'

*muffled explosion*

'It's here.'


'I... don't like it... it's lonely.'



*muffled screams*

'What? Who...said that?'


'It's so noisy.'

Without warning, the large man finds himself kneeling in front of a shattered throne. Chains shackle his wrists, ankles, and neck. He strains against the bindings and can't help but think to himself.

'This feels familiar.'

There is nothing but the throne and darkness. His body slowly becomes emaciated as his energy drains away. His once bulging muscles become nothing but strings on a bone. His hair, close to white, slowly becomes grey and loses its luster. His eyes, once a beautiful sky blue, become grey with cataract.