24- Giovanni’s Confrontation


In the office, I text Lucien asking if the kids were already in school. He sent a thumbs up emoji, and I drop my phone typing away.

After work, I go to pick the kids, and they greet me, and George legit says, "Oh I wish it was dad that was here to pick us up."

I have to pause because I almost give my kid the middle finger until I remembered he is just a kid. I roll my eyes instead and say, "Georgie, you really don't want to eat pancakes for the rest of your lives."

"Maybe daddy can make pancakes," he whispers as if I can't hear it.

I snicker at that because Lucien could make a few things, but pancakes were not part of the few. "Okay then. Tell your dad to make pancakes for you," I say tauntingly.

"Okay," George says.

"Daddy said he will be coming to see us today," Gianna says.

"He did?" I ask because he sure as hell did not tell me.

Boundaries and communication. We have not talked about that yet.