36- The Document


I just wanted one normal day.

Is that too much to ask for? Because why the hell am I sitting in my office chair with a letter in front of me which was obviously from Lucien.

In the letter, he asks me when the kids can start being called Blackwells legally. He also stated that although it is not written on the document, they are blackwells.

Which is of course true, but why does he have to be so formal about things? Why could he not just text me, or better yet, call me o, or tell me straight to my face.

I am shaking with anger, and he also says on the letter that he wants to appear as their father legally. He also says that he knows on their birth certificate, that there is no father accounted for, but he is ready to legally step into his shoes.

He further more states that it is his right, and that if I have any oppositions, I should meet his lawyer.