Chapter 6:


Younger Faith, Younger Belle and Younger Mirreah were playing.. One day, Belle and Mirreah were playing with sand and Maya was building a sand castle.. Xander then came up with his troops. Bullying Belle and Mirreah.. Faith then stood up and pushed Xander. Faith then replied with an angry voice "Bully them again you'll end up with crutches the next time you see me!" Faith looked at Atlas and Axel with a demonic stare. They all ran away from Faith. Faith was the deadliest girl they've ever met. She was the type to play the player, or play hard to get type.

* END OF FIRST SIGHT, BACK TO FUTURE. Narrated now by Maya/ Faith*

As I sent the pictures, Sarah and Evan broke up right on spot. Yuki, the girl Evan really liked was there, I obviously picked her up and yeah.. Xander was driving us, pressing the gas on the highway as hard as a nut crack. Yuki and Evan buckled their seat belts. I hit Xander slightly on the wrist and he chuckled. Luckily as we arrived, we had 2 extra rooms. We prepared 1 for Yuvan (Yuki x Evan). Sarah stayed with her other "boyfriends" like if she has one. KIDDING HAHAHAHA. But anyways, as we arrived at my room.. Xander locked the door and started kissing me like crazy. I kissed him back and giggled, saying "Xanderr!! Stopp" He chuckled and stopped. As we got into our comfy clothes. He then sat down on the floor and squeezed in between my legs and laid down on my lap.. I was blushing like crazy, not until he held my waist and became red also.