chapter 1:-The day It Begins

India, Gujarat's city Ahmadabad

The streets were empty and fearful the silence was horrible and then this scenario. Somewhere in a gully(narrow) street of Ahmadabad where a man was rage and his geese were full of blood thrust a knife on his hand and approached the woman. There was no one near nor could come because of the sudden lockdown. But one person standing on the building a 17y/o boy who was watching all of this,

Scene was pretty terrifying for a boy,kiaan, a pretty average boy with no speciality except being an otaku. Kiaan thinks about what he can do in this situation. 

"What should I do i don't have strength nor am I a fighter even if I call the police they will be later ….. kiaan thinks" With tension and pressure Scene. 

"I'm not a hero who can save this woman, but then who if I don't ?" having courage within him he jumps to the place. 

He was scared but the hope of saving someone was giving him the courage he tried to stop that man, and it stopped but at what cost?

"Run..miss…Cough…." kiaan was in pain like his stomach was burning, at the time he saw his stomach was cut but there was no object other than a knife but it was on his hand.

The man who was attacking the woman was dripping with fear like he saw a ghost, he ran away and the blood was continuously dripping out of his body, he turned around and couldn't believe his eyes the woman he thought was an innocent and helpless was standing and her eyes was glowing, his mind understanding what is happing. Still, one thing he knows is that his death is near the gaze of a lady who is so strong that he can't move and can only stand and see his fate, then the lady said in an angry and fearful voice.

"You foolish little brat…what do you think who you are to come in between me and my pray" the voice filled with rage and bloodthirst 

She moved her hand and the wind cut through kiaan body There was one thing in his mind that he was in big trouble. Kiaan was at his limit when he saw a glitch in the corner of the place, it was a person who was glitch he was fully black and glitch. kiaan asking for help with his eyes

At the time the glitch person became a glitch-type orb and went directly into Kiaan's body, The woman didn't understand what happened but suddenly both collapse on same time, after some moments when kiaan woke up it was already 2:00 pm. He wakes up in fear but when he sees himself his wound ware already healed and the woman was dead, kiaan was confused but the most unnatural thing, is a yellow system screen in front of him, kiaan was shocked by the system screen which dream of every anime/manhwa fan is real and he has it, but the emotion of happiness and perplexed wasn't for forever a small yellow man's hologram appears 

"I'm sorry awaker for the glitch. the system is repairing itself if you have any questions you can ask right now not everyone gets this chance"

Kiaan in confusion "Who are you what the fuck is this am I dead or what"

The hologram started explaining the system, that how all humans are in deep slumber and their minds are right now in this place it explains how a frequency converts their action to perform in FQ world,kiaan was shocked and kind of curious "What happens if someone dies in this place" the fixer reply that "to awake and becomes Fqplayer one must kill someone and the person who die in this place will also die in the real world", after a long conversion of how power system work and how someone can escape this by levelling beyond FQ wave3 and wake up in real life 

Kiaan was shocked and horrified by this fact but the most unpleasant thing was the pitch black glitch screen with a message on it "Any Fq system operators or members can't see this screen would you like to become a changer(glitch player)"