
Kaylee hoists herself higher, grunting with effort as her sneaker scuffs the bark. I hover below, my heart racing while loose bills flutter down like we're at a ticker tape parade. The mulchy smell of rotting leaves fills the air. I can barely hear the distant sounds of traffic over the blood rushing in my ears.

"Hurry up," I hiss, glancing back toward the house. "If Sheila sees this, she'll think we robbed a bank." Just like anyone else would if they spotted us with a big bag of cash. I glance at the fence shielding us from the neighboring houses, hoping there isn't some bored snoop nearby.

Kaylee grins down at me, sweat glistening on her brow. "Wouldn't be the first time she accused me of something ridiculous. Remember when she thought I was pregnant like every couple of weeks?" She stretches precariously, fingers brushing the strap of the bag. "Got it!"

With a triumphant grunt, she tugs the bag free, nearly losing her balance. My breath hitches in my throat as visions of Kaylee falling flood my mind. I can already see her lying on the ground, a puddle of blood spreading around her, soaking the bills floating down. But then she steadies herself and drops the bag into my waiting arms.

It's heavier than I expected and I groan as I catch it, the weight hitting my chest like a punch. I hold it, breathless, my eyes glued to the half-open zipper, where green bushels peek out into the open like stuffing from a ruptured plushy.

Kaylee descends in record time, her face flushed from the excitement, the exercise and the cold morning air. "Come on," she urges, short of breath and literally rubbing her hands. "Let's get this inside."

I shove any protruding bills back into the bag and close the zipper while Kaylee picks up whatever cash we dropped and puts it in her pockets.

Then we dart toward the back door, the bag bouncing between us as we sprint across the yard. The hinges creak as I ease the door open, peeking inside. The coast looks clear, there's no one in the hallway, but the faint clatter of dishes from the kitchen makes my stomach lurch.

"They're up," I whisper. I feel like a stupid teenager trying to sneak beers into the house. Come to think of it, this very scenario might have played out just like this a decade ago.

Kaylee's eyes widen. "Shit. Okay, stay cool."

We slip inside, the scent of coffee wafting through the air. Sheila's voice drifts from the kitchen, entirely too cheerful for seven am. "Rob, do you want fried eggs?"

We creep toward the stairs, ears pricked. The bag thuds softly against my leg, and I wince at the sound.

"Kaylee, is that you? I didn't think you were up yet. Do you want breakfast?" Sheila calls suddenly, her tone curious as we hear her put a dish down and start moving in our direction.

Kaylee freezes, lips pressed into a tight line.

"Hey, Mom!" she chirps, plastering on a smile as she leans casually over the banister. "Just went to the bathroom. I'm going back up, so no on the breakfast, but thanks."

Sheila appears in the hallway, dressed in oversized flannel pajamas that swallow her petite form. Her long dirty blond hair is streaked with silver and I feel like her face has become more lined since I last saw her months ago. Sheila's holding a steaming mug halfway to her lips. Her brows knit in confusion when her steely blue eyes find me. "Skye? I didn't know you were here."

"Uh, yeah," I stammer. "Just an early morning gab sesh with Kay. Sorry, didn't mean to disturb anyone." *Gab sesh? Jesus, who have I turned into?* Kaylee gives me a look that seems to ask the same question. I don't have an answer; I feel like what's left of my sanity is slipping away from me. Ever since we found the bag, some part of my mind has been busy screaming *magic is real, magic is real, magic is real!* in an endless loop. If this goes on, my brain will turn to mush, I'll be drooling and whimpering in the corner.

Sheila's gaze flicks to the bag, which I subtly angle behind my leg. "What's that? Are you staying over, hon? Is it because of Derek? Don't tell me he kicked you out!" Her eyes narrow and she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, ready to spring into action on my behalf. "If you need a place--"

I'm touched by her concern, but also embarrassed as I remember that Sheila was in that stupid wedding group chat. She knows about the mess, yet she never pressured or pried me for information. Instead she probably asked Kaylee whether she could support me in some way. And now she's willing to take me in. Lying to her feels awful, but I cut her off anyway. I have to.

"No, no, it's nothing like that, I just brought my..."

"Gym gear," Kaylee supplies smoothly when I fail to finish my sentence, my mind blank except for the magic thing. "I've been meaning to show Skye my new routine. You know, getting shredded and all that." She curls her right arm at the elbow to show off her defined biceps. Truth be told, I would like to tone up a bit like her, but this is not the time to think about that. A manic little voice in my head whispers *Just do the spell one more time and you might wake up with a body like Pamela Reif's or Arnold Schwarzenegger's!*

Sheila blinks, clearly dubious, her wiry frame tense with suspicion, but before she can pry further, Kaylee does an awkward little wave and announces: "Sorry, we gotta hurry, mom, Skye's got to go to work soon!"

We bolt up the stairs, not waiting for further interrogation. My pulse thrums wildly as we reach Kaylee's room and slam the door shut behind us.

As soon as we're alone, Kaylee doubles over, laughing hysterically, hands braced on her thighs. "Oh my God, that was wild. So freaking close! Imagine if she'd seen the money!"

I drop the bag onto her bed, heart still pounding. "Geez, Kay, that was not smooth at all."

Kaylee grins, flopping down beside it. "Smooth enough. Now…" She unzips the bag, revealing stacks upon stacks of neatly bundled bills.

We both stare, taking in the sight, and my nerves fray like weathered ancient ropes, panic clawing its way up my spine. I don't know if I can actually handle this.

"So," Kaylee murmurs, her voice soft with wonder. "Magic's real, huh?"

I swallow hard. My chest is tight with anxiety. "I guess it is." I reach out, but stop, my fingers an inch from the money.

Kaylee snatches up a bundle and leaves through it as she holds it up to her nose and takes a deep breath.

"And it smells amazing," she jokes, though there's a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes when they meet mine over the green.

I can only nod, not even sure what I'm agreeing to. *I didn't really want this!* my mind screams.

*This isn't going to end well!*