Watts was in the males changing room looking at himself in the mirror, looking at his perfectly sculptured face and his naked upper body.

But then he remembered one problem that he would have to take care of ASAP if he was to go ahead with his plan.


 Name: Jack Wattison

 Race: Human

 Bloodline: Unknown

 Existence Level: Level 0

Ability: CREATOR

 Physique: 75.5

 Spiritual Level: 1.2

 Mindscape: 1.0

 Ability Level: 1

 Ability Description: The bearer has the ability to create anything whatsoever only hindered by his imagination and creator`s energy (Xymix Energy) he has.

However, bear in mind that everything created will be the of the same level as the ability level or below if the bearer wishes.

 NOTE: Congratulations, you are on your journey to becoming the *****]

Now looking at his stats, he was very damn sure that if he went in, the way he was to this fight, he would surely kill the Jury in one blow turning him into mushed potatoes.

Because although he can now control a bit of his strength, he wasn't sure if he could control it during a fight after all these were two different scenarios.

And therefore, since it is widely known that the mind controls the body, all he to do was make his mind just as strong for easy control, and while he was at it, why not increase his soul power too, who knows what kind of imbalance it would bring if he left it behind.

He wanted to be an all rounded as much as possible. And without thinking about any other shit, he started his creation, and as for the creation itself,

//CREATION of the mind fruit in process....//

//Creation successful//

//Description: A fruit created by a God's divinity that improves the mind stat of a normal person to 75.5//

"Now that's more like it." Watts smiled as he looked at the 'apple' in his hand, yes of course, why not enjoy it while at it. 

But before that, he gave up a chunk of his energy to create a device that looked like alien shaped disc thingy in movies, he didn't really care about the design, or maybe it's simple to say he lacked the touch of art.

The device, Shield, as he called it, when activated blocks anything from escaping to the outside world, be it sound, smell, vibration, energy or any other shit you can think of. 

This was a precaution just to make sure that nobody gets to know that he was levelling up incredibly fast, from normal to superhuman just in a blink of an eye, it quite interesting to say the least but would bring frustration to all the old hags out there that have spent all their lives toiling to become powerful.

But here he comes, with all his handsomeness, and becomes a superman overnight. He could even become a God, a real time fucking god if not for the fact that he was holding back.

But he was damn sure that right after this fight, he was going to do some crazy levelling up.

'Karma really is a bitch...again, not for me though' he sighed in 'sorrow'. ' 


He took a bite on the apple and, wow, was it truly divine, he couldn't help but moan in satisfaction, this this thing was sweet as hell.

Now he wasn't sure if hell was sweet but well, he wasn't the one who introduced that saying in the first place. 

After completing the fruit, Watts suddenly felt dizzy that he almost fell down, this totally wiped his smile from his face as he turned serious, he clutched the sink as he knelt down, a sudden sense of nausea hit him like a Sunami, memories after memories flashed across his mind, right from when he was a baby to the present.

Not stopping there, a sharp pain stabbed deep into his head as he felt as if he was being cut into two.

"Fuck!!!" he groaned in pain; it is now that he regretted not putting the no pain effect in the fruit.

Something deep within him was changing, he felt the energy of the fruit being absorbed by his mind, and then with a crack, he entered his own mindscape.

A place in the mind that shows one's strength, that represents the very will and being of a person and now all he could see was a void, an endless and unfeeling void.

His mindscape did not have anything at all, no light, no sound, no nothing.

But then, in the middle of the suffocating and endless void, a very bright light started converging, starting as pea sized to a humongous light like the sun, and then, it happened.


With a deafening sound, the 'sun' exploded to smitherness, bringing with it the type of pain that Watts had never experienced before, a pain that reaches the deeper layers of ones being, a pain that broke whatever blockages in his mind like a buffalo's stampede.

And then his awareness started expanding, as if the chains that had been holding him back had been broken, a sudden sense of omniscience of his surroundings enveloped him.

From 10 meters to 20 then ...50 then 100....230...and finally to 750 meters, more than half a kilometer, all this space, he could 'see', he could hear, he could manipulate, though subtly.

He could now see the whole casino without even opening his eyes, he could literally see and hear everything, every rummer, every whisper, every heartbeat, everything, he could hear.

It was an amazing feeling, and apart from that, inside his mindscape, the void had been replaced by a dazzling sky with clouds. When Watts entered again, he found himself floating on clouds like an angel.

Right now, he felt as if his thoughts were like 1000 times more processed than previously, he felt like his computing power was now unrivaled, he could now really feel things, he could now subtly listen to other people's thoughts, and he also discovered some hidden memories in his mind.

But try as he might, he couldn't open them, but he managed to crack their prison and now he was only getting incomprehensible memory flashes.

Second of all, he could now completely control his body as perfectly as a normal human being, he no longer had to hold back in his every action he took to prevent destruction.

Sighing in relief, he couldn't help but smile to himself as he stood back up to look at himself in the mirror for any changes, and lucky for him, he had no changes, at least outwardly.

But inside him, he was now more formidable, simple mind tricks wouldn't work on him, his mind was as sharp as it would get.

Another notable change was that his reserves for the Xymic energy had again doubled now to 4 apartments.

Although he had already used some of his energy in the recent creation, the source itself, had improved, meaning that the moment the energy recovers, it will be equal to four apartments.

Speaking of recovering his energy, initially it would take 8 hours, but with the improvement in physique, the recovery time had reduced to 6 hours, and now once again, it had decreased to 4 hours.

So, no matter the amount of the xymic energy he uses, it will be full again in exactly 4 hours.

Watts didn't wait any longer as he also created some divine water that would increase his soul power to 75.5 ....this time with the no pain effect and then, nothing.

Nothing changes at all, except that he now could sense or see soul power of people, his Xymic energy reserves had again doubled now comparable to 8 average apartments.

This means that he can literally create almost anything that he wants now.

And last but not least, his recovery time was now at 2 hours which was great, more than great actually, he could now use his energy to create without waiting for half a day to create anything else.

However, he had a feeling that he had to make serious research on all his abilities now, he knew this was more than just the increase in stats, he had to find out what else he was able to do with this level up.

But before that, he has an ass to kick, and there for, he deactivated the Shield, put it in his locker as he then made his way to the arena.

Tonight, he was going to make his debut.