Watts fell to his knees, the searing pain spreading through his body like wildfire.

His vision blurred as the notifications continued to flash, each word cutting deeper into his psyche. Every part of his body ached as if a thousand ants were gnawing at his insides.

But that wasn't the worst part. The worst was that he could feel it—something deep inside him, something important, his very being was being stripped away.

And in its place, something ominous was taking root. It felt wrong, like swapping strawberry for red pepper—a terrible analogy, but it was the best he could manage amidst the soul-wrenching agony.

He doubled over, veins stretching on his skin like coiling snakes. His breath caught in his throat, his reddened eyes rolled as he writhed on the ground, desperate for some reprieve.

Yet the pain only grew worse, relentless and unyielding.

He couldn't comprehend it at all—"Creator's ability," "replacement," and worst of all, Death.