Watts closed his eyes, drawing in deep, measured breaths as he forced the anger coursing through him to subside.

Each inhale was deliberate, each exhale a quiet reminder of the larger picture he needed to focus on.

He couldn't afford to lose control. Not now. Not when he had a plan in motion, a plan that could place all the hidden cities of Earth under his dominion.

Acting rashly would risk everything. The stakes were too high, the consequences too great.

He wouldn't let a moment of blind rage unravel what he'd painstakingly set in motion.

Opening his eyes, Watts allowed the cold clarity of his resolve to settle in.

His gaze swept over the researchers in the room, his Eyes of the Universe glowing faintly as he activated their power.

His vision tunneled past their physical forms, delving into the labyrinths of their psyches, uncovering the hidden facets of their minds.