3months dating...

Since the night at the river we've never been apart. And the sparks are still there my susters forgave me and she and Donavan are together now. He is more her age and they don't fight at all.

Even boy wonder and me have never flighted before. I think he is my real first love. When he touch me everything feels like sparkles. He is the quiet one and I'm a little loud. My nick name for him is boy wonder and my nick name is purple bitch. And we're epic. But still I'm saving myself for marriage. One day boy wonder asked me why don't I touch him there he really wants to show me more sparks than ever before and I told him why. And he understood or that's what I thought.

Then sukie told me at school she is sleeping with boy wonder and I asked him after I cooled down. He admitted that they had sex before me. But the messages she showed me was recently sent between them. So I did what I did best without crying I told him it's over. Everyone was shocked we where a great couple. And I told them I thought so to. But sex seems to come into my life alot and I'm losing everyone because of sex.

The very next day he comes to my home where he works with a new girl trying to make me jealous. It didn't bother me my hart were still numb.

1month passed...