Chapter 15 — Speak Of The Devil

—[Title Card; Five Days Ago]



 "And then, the old witch killed the two siblings and cooked their hearts into delicious stew!" 

 "So scary!" 

 A group of teenage girls still in uniform sat around a table inside a dimly class room. The windows of the classroom were opened wide ajar, allowing the rays of the half moon in the sky to wash over.

 On the table were about a hundred candles within hundred blue colored Japanese styled paper lanterns. Ninety nine of the candles still had smoke residue floating above their wick, while the last one was still brightly lit.

 "And that's the last horror story" the teenage girl who was the one telling the horror story pursed her lips as she attempted to blow off the flames on the last candle wick.

 "Club President, are you sure this spell is going to work?" one of the twelve teenage girls present couldn't help but question as the corner of her lips twisted skeptically.

 "Heh" the Club President patted an old looking tome on the table.

 "My grandma was a Wiccan. I can vouch its authenticity " the Club President spoke with much confidence.

 "So you mean as long as you snuff out this candle you would be able to summon a ghost? like a real ghost?" another girl pursed her lips skeptically.

 "Gosh. How many times are we going to go about this?" the Club President let out a frustrated hiss while rolling her eyes.

 "Well, we just want to be sure. If we don't summon this Ghost and prove the paranormal world is real, the School Dean is going to assign this classroom to another better club with promise " the teenage girl placed much emphasis on the last four words.

 "And disband the Broom Witch club!" another teenage girl chipped in.

 "Just shut up and let me do my magic" the Club President hissed.

 Softly blowing away the flames on the last candle within the Japanese paper candle, she brought out a small plate filled with darkish blood.

 "Cat blood" she informed after noticing the strange looks those around her were giving.

 Placing the cat blood besides the hundred Japanese paper lanterns, the Club President brought out spray paint can, drawing a papa emeritus symbol around the hundred Japanese paper candles. Tossing the spray paint, the twelve girls flinched when they heard the sharp sound of it crashing on the ground.

 "Heh" the Club President chuckled when she saw their frightened reaction. Bringing out three red candles fastened together, she immersed them completely into the bowl of cat blood before she began reading off from the old looking tome.

 "In Conspectu Lunae, stellae et noctis. Anna ego centum terrores noctis condensat omnes. Effingere et radios lunae perfusa nasci. Sic erit!!"

 The whole room suddenly began to tremble as a vast suppressive pressure washed in, forcibly smashing the glass on the window panes into broken shards. The smoke residues floating above the hundred candles began to slowly fly towards each other, mixing, thickening..

 Right before the eyes of the thirteen members of the Broom Witch club, the smoke gradually began to change shape. At first it was unrecognizable but it one peered closely, the form resembled that of a humanoid.


 The sound of someone sucking on a deep breath rang out as a figure slowly stepped out from the fog of smoke.. or to be more precise, float out since their feet barely made contact with the floor.

 "You girls summoned me?" a beautiful angelic like voice rang out as the newly emerged figure noticed the presence of the Broom Witch club members.

 She was a beautiful female with blue colored flowy hair that reached all the way to her lower butts. A stylish flower crown was plaited across her forehead. She wore a pink kimono and had a beautiful belt wrapped around her waist. One look at her and the only word that could come to mind was..


 "You are a ghost?" one of the teenage girls couldn't help but have her rate of breathing suddenly accelerate.

 "That is a crude way of putting it.. I am a Tulpa, created from the intense amalgamation of your fears.." the beautiful kimono wearing lady sucks in a deep breath as a pair of cat like ears popped up at both sides of her head while a long cat tail swung around excitedly behind her.

 "And geez! your fears are so tasty!!" the eyes of the kimono lady suddenly transform into slits as an invisible force suddenly lift up one of the teenage girls, dragging her towards the kimono lady.

 Naturally the captured teenage girl shrieked in fright as she flayed her arms around. However seeing her struggle so intensely seemed to have stroked the sadistic tendencies of the Kimono lady.

 "Yes! continue struggling! the more frightened you are, the more tastier your flesh would taste!" the kimono lady suddenly clenched her right fist, causing the captured teenage girl to explode into mangled pieces of flesh .

 "So delicious!!" a pair of blackish fangs protuded out from the mouth of the kimono lady's mouth as she licked off the blood and mangled pieces of innards that happened to have landed on her face..

 "This is going to be a feast! thank you! thank you!" she grinned maliciously at the remaining members of the Broom Witch club who were screaming at the top of their lungs as they struggled to open the door out from the classroom.

 A couple minutes later, a series of agonized screams soon rang from within the school building. Unfortunately there was nobody present who could come to their aide, considering it was at the peak of the night.



 —[Title Card: Present]



 "Your card is peculiar. I have never seen anything like it before" the female cashier couldn't help but muse curiously as she held up an azure colored card with strange designs on its surface..

 "Why do you care? as long as it works" Jason scoffed as he tapped his foot on the ground impatiently.

 "Sorry" the cashier apologized as she immediately slipped Jason's Hunter card into the atm machine to process the payment for the goods in his Cart 

 "Wow. Those are a lot of clothes" Jason soon heard Sofia's voice ring in his head.

 "Mind your business"

 "You really are a Princess" 

 Veins exploded on Jason's forehead. However he managed to grasp onto a little shred of self control. The other party was an annoying ghost. He just had to treat her words as passing fart.

 "You just received your payment a few minutes ago and you've already squandered more than half of it on one round of.. shopping?" Sofia's annoying voice rang out again.

 "Payment done. Thanks for patronizing Oyeba Boutique.. Sir?" the cashier smiled sweetly at Jason as she handed back his Hunter card to him.

 Nodding, Jason grabbed the six bags of clothes he just bought from the boutique, walking out from the boutique when suddenly he heard Sofia's voice ring in his head again.

 "You are being watched"

 "Is it the same Malevolent from Sallyville?" Jason asked her mentally as he continued walking forward like there was nothing wrong.

 "No. The previous one had a very strong presence. This one is weaker. I am sure you would be able to handle it" Sofia tried, but how couldn't Jason sense the excitement in her voice?

 "Alright. Let's farm some mystique coins then" Jason grinned as well.

 Although he felt killing ghosts and that Crocottta came too easy, that didn't mean it wasn't satisfying. He couldn't wait to experience that euphoric feeling again!