"So this is your house huh? It looks.. clean.." Jason commented as he stepped through the spacious lavishly designed ante room, arriving at the equally spacious living room that was seventy percent made of glass.
Not only did the other party own a 2025 Aston Martin DB12, he also owned a private estate just outside Peach Blossom.
This multi million dollars worth glass mansion was one of the couple luxurious buildings in the private estate.
"Don't look so shocked. You'd be surprised to discover how much people can pay to buy another chance at living.." Dr. Damian patted Jason on the shoulder when he saw his shocked expression.
"Considering you're an Immortal Grim Reaper, I had expected something more.."
"Antique?" Dr. Damian smirked.
"The cottage where we met back at Peach Blossoms.. do you have any idea how long it has been standing?"
Dr Damian held out three fingers.
"Thirty years?" Jason's shrugged with uncertainty, causing Dr. Damian to huff.
"Oh please. You are in the presence of an immortal being.. is that the best you can think of?"
"Three million years?"
"Whoa! now you've taken that too far.. I retired to the Terra Plane three hundred years ago and that cottage at Peach Blossoms was my first base of operations. Call me what you like but I still don't have the heart to demolish that old dump.. to me, it is more than a building structure.. it is a reminder.. a reminder of the life I have built here "
"Life? why does it feel like yours really sucks " Jason scoffed as he made himself comfortable on one of the fancy sofas, grabbed the remote control as he tuned into a random channel.
"You can't get married because it might jeopardize your status as an immortal.. you can't have any kids because you are technically a raw soul form.. should I continue listing? I know what you're trying to do and my answer will still be the same.. I am not going to join your stupid Soul Country or whatever you call it"
"Why not? you get to be the hero of worlds.. protecting the defenseless from dangerous Malevolents.. and considering you are an Half Kincie half human, you can bang and have kids unlike other Reapers.."
"I'm not interested in being a people hero.. my goals are clear to me and I am going to achieve my goals.. as for anything else.. merely distractions" Jason stated in a serious tone.
"And here I was about to teach you how to control your psyplasm.." Dr. Damian clicked his tongue.
"What?" Jason's interest was instantly piqued.
"So regarding your two friends.. my associates succeeded in locating them and are going to take them to my lab.." Dr. Damian cleared his throat as he attempted to talk business.
However Jason wasn't hearing none of that.
"Quit changing the topic.. can you really teach me how to control this new power?" James questioned sharply.
The scenes of how he survived that car crash and how he managed to lift a grown ass man with one hand was still fresh in his mind. The only time he had ever felt so powerful was back when he was in the Union Transformation with Sofia!
"Kid.. you might not know this but I was actually a big shot before I retired.." Dr. Damian slumped on the adjacent sofa as he began taking off his wristwatch.
"Why don't I feel any confidence? doesn't the empty drum always make the loudest noises?" Jason scoffed.
"Ouch! how dare you!" Dr. Damian held his chest as he feigned pain.
Over the past few weeks Jason spent with the siblings, he had almost forgotten the last time he had a really good sleep.. not one where he had to force himself to sleep with the loud sound of keyboards clicking in the background, only to wake up five to six hours later and sit his butt on a car seat for half the day.
Yawning lazily, Jason sighed in contentment as he felt the warm rays of early morning sunshine reflected through the French glass windows.
Relishing on this soothing moment for a couple minutes, Jason reluctantly tore his back off the soft and comfortable bed as he made his way into the bathroom.
"Ah. Finally" he cried in joy when he noticed the water heater on the wall.
Only after an hour passed did Jason exit the bathroom, with his wet body excluding steam. Re wearing his clothes, Jason exited the room. Arriving at the winding passage, Jason was about to take the stairs when a thought suddenly occured to him.
Was he going senile or what? this was obviously a fully automated house.. there had to be an elevator!
Jason had just stepped into the lowest floor of the mansion when his nose suddenly smelt something fragrant and pleasant, causing his taste buds to water.
"You do know you shower like a lady right?" Dr. Damian who was currently clad in sweaters with an apron drapped over had just finished setting up the table when he sensed Jason's arrival.
Ignoring his comment, Jason was about to draw back a seat on the dining table when Dr. Damian grabbed his wrist.
"What are you doing?!" Jason's expression went sullen.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't yank off his wrist from the other party's grip.
"Stopping you of course. What do you think I am doing? giving you an early morning massage?" Dr Damian released Jason's wrist, the rebound force causing the teenager to stumble back.
"Do you want to have this breakfast?"
"Y-- yeah?" Jason knitted his brows in confusion.
Okay, he was officially lost here. Do I want breakfast? what the hell did you think I was about to do just now? cradle the table to sleep?!
"Good. Then you should hurry up then before the breakfast gets cold" Dr. Damian nodded in satisfaction..
"Hurry up with what?"
With the snap of his fingers, a mat and a pillow appeared on the tiles besides Jason..
"Y-- you want me to do yoga?" Jason's lips twitched when he recognized the yoga mat..
"What do you know about the Phantom Plane?" instead of replying, Dr. Damian asked a question instead.
"Not much?" Jason glanced towards the dining table filled with steaming hot breakfast before replying.
"The Phantom Plane is a neutral plane. You can think of it as the bridge that connects all the other planes and just like the humans of this world breaths in oxygen.. the Phantom Plane is composed of a special kind of energy known as Plasmic energy.."
"You mean ectoplasm?" Jason corrected, however Dr. Damian shook his head in disagreement.
"Ectoplasm is just a form of Plasmic energy.. this is mostly weilded by Malevolents and it is fueled by negative emotions..like fear, rage, avarice, sadness, animosity, etc ... Psyplasm is the opposite of ectoplasm and it is fueled by positive emotions like willpower, hope, compassion, love, happiness, courage, etc.."
"Those who weild ectoplasm are Malevolents, as for those who weild psyplasm, they are referred to as Xpers. Now normally, the color of ectoplasm is dark red while the color of psyplasm is green.."
"Now, that is where we Kincies come into place.. Kincies are meant to protect the balance of the Phantom Plane, however to do so, we cannot be partial to one side, as such Kincies are capable of weilding a variant of plasmic energy that can be fueled by all kinds of energy both negative and positive.. our signature color is blue however considering the infamous reputation of Malevolents, we dub ourselves as weilders of psyplasm too"
"I still don't get how this relates to the fact that you're stopping me from having breakfast " Jason eyed the breakfast table with impatience.
"The task is really simple. I want you to bend one of the spoons on the table.. without actually touching them.." Dr. Damian finally got straight to the point.