Nautilus Street.
Tang Xuan was operating the Third Generation Mecha·Green Wing Mecha, cautiously flying low with her students.
At that moment, they suddenly saw dozens of people in different clothes kneeling on the street ahead.
Their heads hung low as if they were confessing something.
Tang Xuan, witnessing this eerie scene, immediately told her students.
At that time, the class president, Wang Meng, cautiously asked,
"Teacher, are these dead people or monsters? The scanner isn't reacting."
"Any abnormal existences should all be classified as monsters,"
Tang Xuan instructed coldly.
At that moment, a sudden change occurred as the kneeling people all raised their heads simultaneously, spewing a large amount of black, liquid-like cellular material from their mouths.
Instantly, the scanners of Tang Xuan and the others flashed red warning boxes.
"Warning: High-intensity Kais biological reaction detected."