At that moment, an elderly man with a full head of white hair, a thin body clad in a luxurious red robe, and a composed expression spoke to the representatives of various nations.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful that you could come to our country to attend this joint meeting! As everyone can see, we are in imminent danger. The Dark Star Empire has gone too far, annihilating Crimson and two other nations. Now, they are extending their claws towards Actons Kingdom. If we continue to let this happen, disaster will eventually befall us."
"Billco is right," said another, "but what can we do? The Federation is unwilling to intervene."
"Yes, we have approached the Federation several times, only to be ruthlessly rejected."
Everyone present began speaking at once.
"Ah, but we can't just give up! Let's think of another way, maybe we can persuade the Federation through some connections."
The representative from Tangarlu Neutral Country suggested.