85 Mazao reappears 3

Zhu Shi looked at Mazao with uncertainty, then turned towards me.

This kind of situation was, after all, quite easy to anticipate.

If I were to collaborate with Zhu Shi to investigate the strange person, but then find Mazao when we aren't together, that would actually be the strange part. Without having arranged it in advance with Mazao, there was a very likely chance she would reveal that she and I have known each other for a long time.

Being prepared makes everything work; failing to prepare ruins everything. Although I couldn't say this was my personal motto, I did follow this principle in many things I did. Therefore, under these circumstances, I was supposed to have been prepared.

However, as much as I am supposed to be, have I ever truly been prepared?

Honestly, I had not.

This might come as a surprise to people who know me well, but I hadn't even thought beforehand about this situation occurring.