It is said that people do not dream during deep sleep. Dreams are generated when the brain is still partially active during light sleep. Frequent dreaming is considered a symptom of poor sleep quality.
From this perspective, I had a good night's sleep that evening. I did not dream, did not get up in the night, did not awaken halfway, and enjoyed eight hours of high-quality, uninterrupted sleep. Before going to sleep, I had been worried that sharing a bed with Mazao might provoke some inappropriate thoughts, leading to embarrassing dreams, and subsequently to awkward sleep talk or even unconscious inappropriate actions. Now it seemed there was no need to have worried.
However, since I didn't enter the Mist Dream Realm, it meant that the crisis of Bowl No. 2 could not yet be resolved, which was bound to disappoint Mazao. This was my first thought upon awakening, still lying in bed.
Then, I realized I seemed to be being held by someone.