********* Alexander***********

I woke up to the sound of noise in the living room I got down and saw Kai and others Talking I just put one feet back on the step "We need to talk Alex " Kai said "Don't you get Tired Kai " I said I left and went back to my room Showered And got dressed in a black hood, black Joggers ,and air Jordan. I took the book and went downstairs And saw them still standing I just glared Took my keys And drove to Rebecca's house I got The door was a little open I entered and saw her on a towel dancing I tapped her and she turned and looked at me so scared What are you doing here ,And how did you get in here .The door was open so I let myself in I replied

******** Rebecca ***********

I was done cleaning my room I showered put on a towel and went To the kitchen To put something together On reaching there I went out throw the waste bin and Went back to the kitchen to finish what I was doing I put on a music and started dancing because this year will be the best year ever I am finally going to graduate from college can finally become Archeologist And a journalist I was so happy I turned on the music louder then someone tapped me I was so shocked I turned it was Alexander he explained how he entered

Rebecca :Anyway sit down You are at the right time Alexander: for what exactly

Rebecca: breakfast I made tea and pancakes

Alexander: And I am A little Hungry

*********"* Alexander *********

She served the food For both of us On the dining table She was about to sit when I asked

Alexander : Ain't you gonna Get dressed First

She looked confused as though she didn't know she was on towel

********* Rebecca ********

I was done serving the food I was about to sit When he asked if I'm not going to get dressed I kept a confused stay I'm not going anywhere so Why should I get dressed Or do you have something in mind" So you don't know" He said" Know what" I looked at myself That was when I realized that I forgot to put on a dress after my shower I quickly hurried to my room Got dressed in a simple black gown sat on the table we started eating It was very silent moment he took the paper on the table and read while we ate

Alexander :Your dad wrote this


Alexander:So he loves freak like you do

Rebecca:No he mostly specialized on vampire

Alexander:He knew some

Rebecca :no he wished he did

Alexander :That's great


Alexander:So what will you do If you preventually meet Or see a vampire

Rebecca :I will talk

Alexander: Are you fucking serious

Rebecca :Yeah

Alexander :What are you going to tell him

Rebecca:a lot I'm going to show him all my favorite place, take a picture, share meals, cook together, Alexander:That's enough it a vampire we're talking about a predator And you are going to talk to him You were kidding right


And he just kept Staring then he started laughing and I was wondering what so funny

Alexander: So what if He is trying to kill you does that means you will still talk to him

Rebecca:Yeah he must be going through a lot poor thing


I was so shocked Like what the fuck I didn't believe that humans can be so easy going We kept talking She kept defending that they were not predators But victims Of circumstance I kept trying to explain But she kept annoying me with her Rubbish

Rebecca: I will take so much Pictures Write an article Alexander:So you tell people that vampire exist Rebecca: Know that rude of me I will take pictures and keep it safe And write article to embrace the vampire nature

Alexander :so what if you meet the one who is trying to kill you

Rebecca :I won't

Alexander :you are too sure

Rebecca:yeah I know

I can't keep up with this "Enough "I said

Alexander: I want to use the bathroom

She directed me I left so angry I hate telling people facts and they keep contradicting for selfish reason I got to the bathroom To cool off my temper any more rubbish vampire from her I will drain her And no one will hear A story ever again" Alex You need the book of crypto And she can help you get it so put with for just today " I said to myself but if she say Anything on vampire I'm going to drain her And leave out to the wolves I left the bathroom As I was on my way returning to the living room I saw an open I entered wow so many award and trophies I saw a familiar face kept going through the awards Then She entered

Alexander :You won so much award

Rebecca :It's my dad for his articles on vampires and other mythical creatures( I picked the picture)

Alexander :is this your dad

Rebecca :Yeah I got his nose


So she doesn't know

Alexander:So:you are sure he never met Or hurt any vampire

Rebecca Yeah he loved them and taught me to love them is against what he believes in

Alexander :That's good