Day night to the morning It was all the same minutes became hours then weeks soon years I was getting along with Amelia,Nicole,Wesley,Odin And Avery They were the best part of the house We did a lot of crazy stuff together Alex never participated in anything and we did and we did not even join him in anything he did And anytime he decides to joinus we simply walk away I started enjoying My life a Little but I can't wait to leave and have my freedom back I was not allowed to go far from the house alone it was as if I was a child again who her parents will ground In her room For days Well I loved it here I was still uncovering a lot Of things within the past weeks I was here But what I wanted to uncover was the room of Doom the key is on the Door knob but no one opens so I decided to check it out myself tonight.


After dinner Everybody went to their rooms I got to my room spyed on everybody's movement when it was twelve I came out of my room Amelia's room was facing mine After it was kai after I passed all the rooms,the room of doom was directly facing alex's room This was a Huge risk But I took it anyway I got to the front of the door when I had Alex voice saying behind me

Alex :What are you doing

Rebecca:I I Um I I I am I'm trying to (So afraid)

I was so scared that I couldn't even speak

Alex: You are trespassing

Rebecca :I was just curious to know what was inside the Room

Alex :Hmm That's not the key

He then gave me The key to the room

Rebecca: You are really giving me the key of doom Alex :Yeah I am Because If I don't you won't stop until you know what is in there

Rebecca:Yeah yeah you're right(That very nice of him )Why don't you let people see the good in you Alex: Because when people See good they expect good And I don't want to leave for anybody's expectation

At this point I started seeing the guy I saw in the museum he then opened the door such a gentleman

Alex:the light switches on the left side

Rebecca:Okay You're not coming

Alex: I have seen it like a thousand times

When I got into the room I started working towards the left side it Has nice fragrance Maybe it's for a woman That he lost Besides many of the 90s Love keeping memories of the people they love in a special room What if I am the one because I am the first person he let inside the room this made me feel myself I started touching my hand around the wall to see if I will see the light switch

***** Alex *****

I was thirsty so I decided to go and grab water I got out of my room and saw Rebecca trying to open the room of doom And this past week I always see her snooping around So I decided To give her the key so she can fill her curiosity Besides what was the need of stopping her Because no matter how long she stays in this house She's definitely going to keep snooping around just to know what was in The room I explain where the light switch was When She got in I tapped my recorder because she was about to give me a ringing tone that will shake the building with the entire bird and creatures in the forest and the whole Tavish household (He chuckles )Here comes my ringing tone (Rebecca Screams)( Alex laughs Continuously).

****** Amelia******

I was fast asleep when I had Rebecca scream Maybe she had a bad dream I rushed out to her room I saw Kai ,Odin,Avery, Wesley, and Nicole Standing in front of the room knocking

Amelia:Break down the door

He broke it when we got in and she wasn't inside everybody looked confused We checked everywhere in the a-wing she was not anywhere to be seen I took her clothe so that I could spot her but I couldn't see anything

kai:How is that possible

Amelia:I don't know

Wesley:but she is in the building

Kai: then how couldn't You see her with your witchy thingy

Amelia:I don't know but I felt her and a thousand more pain

Wesley:But there is no room In this whole building that you can spot a fly

Yeah they said in unison

Amelia:There is actually

Avery: Hmm Which room is that

Kai: My room

Amelia:No you idiot

Avery:Let's hear it Amy

Amelia:The room of Doom

The room paused in silent A dramatic music came on

Kai:She can't be in There

Amelia:The scream came from the b-wing

We all rushed out and ran towards the room of Doom.

***** Alex *****

I was still laughing and setting my ringing tone When I heard Running Here comes the rescue team

Kai:What the fuck man

Amelia:where is she

Alex :Where else will she be

Kai:You put her in there How could you

Alex:I was being nice by giving her my key shut the door when you get her out ok

I was walking towards the stairs when Kai asked me to wait

Kai:What What in there

Alex:Find out yourself (Keeps walking)

I went to the kitchen Kept listening to her Scream her pain were melodies in my ear

And there laid Rebecca who passed out because of the room I felt alot of peoples pain and that was when it occurred to me we took Rebecca out of the room We took her to her room I checked her pulse And it was just a minor blackout we sprinkle little water on her face she woke up breathing Very heavily( shouting )

Rebecca:bodies bodies bodies bodies Everywhere

Amelia:Shh Breathe Rebecca

We mange to put her to sleep We then went downstairs

Kai: Is Alex interested in the occult because what I saw In there was definitely witchcraft Society

Wesley:I know right

Amelia:I wonder how the room full of dead bodies still have nice fragrance

Avery:I know right I noticed

Odin:We have been living in a house full of Dead bodies and we didn't even know

Kai: Let's just worry about Snowdrop and If have frights get worse by tomorrow morning i compel her to forget what happened

Amelia:Yeah that's exactly what we're gonna do

Her fright continued throughout the week And Alex worsen it By playing A record of her screaming In the room this made her even more terrified We had to do what we needed to do it The only way she will be fine.