Ten days before a global apocalypse, an ordinary young man named Zephyr unexpectedly gains access to a futuristic AI called "Etherscope." This mysterious AI warns him of the imminent disaster and provides survival guidance. Initially skeptical, Zephyr realizes the truth as events unfold exactly as the AI predicted. With limited resources, he prepares for the catastrophe.
When a rapid virus outbreak turns people into terrifying creatures, Zephyr survives with the help of Etherscope. He rescues other survivors, forming a strong team, and evolves from a poor nobody into a leader. As they navigate the dangers of the new world, Zephyr begins to uncover deeper secrets about Etherscope. Is its appearance mere coincidence or part of a larger plan? Facing trust and betrayal, Zephyr must use his courage and wisdom to lead his team toward a new future.