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Hearing her words gave Arslan the perspective he'd been searching for, a glimpse into the driving force behind Isabella's actions. But understanding didn't equal forgiveness to him. He still couldn't forget the way she'd gone about it. 

Stealing, in their world, was an unforgivable sin, a violation of trust that couldn't be easily overlooked by anyone, no matter how close the person who did it was. It was one of the most taboo acts within their circle, an act that often carried severe consequences to whoever dared to do it.

Also, there was doubt that lingered around as he needed to verify her story as well. She could be saying anything to avoid the repercussions of her actions. If she was telling the truth about her brother's need for a transplant, the situation was undoubtedly serious, but if she was lying… the punishment would be swift and harsh one that she truly deserved. He couldn't afford to be swayed by emotion as he needed facts first and foremost.