007. Between submission and survival

After breakfast, Amelia returned to her seat in the study room, trying to hold onto the determination she had felt while talking with Clara, Lucía, and Marta. The morning dragged on slowly as she immersed herself in her study routine. The personal finance course remained her main focus, but she also devoted time to learning about social etiquette and seduction techniques.

The study room was quiet, filled with the soft hum of keystrokes and the occasional murmurs of the girls focused on their own lessons. Amelia felt overwhelmed by the amount of information she had to process and the speed at which she needed to learn. Each course seemed designed to mold her, to turn her into someone who could adapt and thrive in any social situation.

As she progressed in the social etiquette course, she learned about the complex rules of behavior at formal events, the importance of posture, and the proper way to greet others. The lessons were filled with minute details that Amelia had never considered before. The pressure to memorize and apply all of this was intense, but she reminded herself that she had to do it if she wanted a chance to survive and perhaps prosper.

The seduction techniques course was even more challenging. She not only had to learn how to attract a man but also how to keep his interest and behave in a way that made him feel desired and respected. The lessons ranged from choosing appropriate clothing to the way she should speak and move. Amelia felt uncomfortable with many of these concepts, but she knew they were necessary for her survival.

As the morning went on, Amelia couldn't stop thinking about Suryavanti. She remembered Lourdes' insistence that she study everything she could about that country. She decided to spend some time researching more about its culture, economy, and society. What she found was both fascinating and terrifying.

Suryavanti was an absolute monarchical dictatorship, with a society strongly based on honor and a prosperous economy due to its technological advancements. However, it also had a dark side, with powerful organized criminal groups and marked intolerance towards homosexual relationships and other non-heteronormative orientations. Freedom of the press in Suryavanti was total, as long as the government was not criticized. The country had three official languages: English, French, and Spanish, reflecting its colonial history. On the streets, however, people spoke a mixture of these languages along with a native dialect that the elites despised and considered vulgar.

The predominant religion in Suryavanti was a syncretic version of Hinduism, adapted to local beliefs. The country had three main industrial hubs, all connected by a colossal bridge that facilitated transport and communication between the islands. Amelia realized that understanding this complex society could be crucial for her future.

As she studied Suryavanti's customs and social norms, she realized that the expectations for women were extremely rigid. In public, women had to be submissive, always respectful and obedient towards their husbands and their husbands' ancestors. The idea that her value as a woman depended on her submissiveness and her ability to please her husband disgusted her deeply. In the bedroom, women were expected to please their husbands every night, without exception. This perspective filled her with fear and repulsion.

Amelia felt a deep internal struggle. On one hand, she wanted to adapt and learn everything she could to survive. On the other hand, the idea of becoming a submissive doll horrified her. How could she accept a life like that? How could she reconcile her desire to survive with the need to maintain her dignity and sense of identity?

As she tried to focus on the computer screen, she decided to share her thoughts with the other girls during a brief break.

"Girls, can I ask you a question?" Amelia said, looking at Lucía, Clara, and Marta. "I've been studying about Suryavanti and the situation for women there. Have any of you heard anything about this?"

Clara nodded, leaning forward with interest.

"I've heard a bit. They say the society is very much based on honor and women's submission. It must be very hard to adapt to that," she commented.

"It's disgusting," Amelia said, feeling her indignation growing. "Women are expected to be completely submissive to their husbands and the elders in their family. But they're also expected to manage their husbands' businesses in their absence. It's such a strange duality."

Lucía frowned, sharing Amelia's disgust.

"That sounds horrible. I'm glad I wasn't chosen for someone from that country. I couldn't stand having to be submissive all the time and then having to manage businesses. It's like they want you to be two different people at once."

Marta nodded, her expression showing compassion.

"It must be really tough. But think about this, Amelia. If you're able to manage their businesses and be efficient, you could earn a lot of respect. Even though submission is a big part, your ability to handle things is also valued."

Amelia nodded, acknowledging the truth in Marta's words, but still feeling repulsed by the expected submission.

"I understand that. And the idea of handling business doesn't bother me. But the submission, having to be a submissive doll in public and please my husband every night… It's something I don't know if I can endure."

Clara patted her hand, showing her support.

"It's natural to feel that way. We all have things that are hard for us to accept. But think of it as a challenge. If you can find a way to adapt and make it work, you could have a better life."

Amelia sighed, feeling a little more understood.

"Thanks, girls. I just needed to talk about this with someone who could understand."

As they continued their discussion, Amelia couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and concern. While she knew she had her companions' support, the reality of her situation remained overwhelming. Despite the advice and shared experiences, the weight of what was expected of her and the expectations for her performance were hard to ignore.

Lunch ended, and with a knot in her stomach, Amelia was once again brought before Inmaculada. Her presence continued to terrify her. That fierceness behind her desk, the confidence in her words, the two enormous bodyguards behind her who made no effort to hide the weapons they carried.

"Hello, Amelia. It seems you're not fond of Suryavanti," Inmaculada began, her tone friendly, but her words made it clear that she controlled every detail. "You see, I don't like to choose a novice like you for missions of this importance, but you were the best candidate due to your studies. Also, he found you extremely attractive."

Amelia trembled. Were they going to sell her already?

"Everyone leave, except Amelia," Inmaculada ordered.

She waited until everyone had left before continuing.

"This is so important to me that I'm going to name you my protégé," Inmaculada said, watching as Amelia's eyes widened in shock. "Tonight, you will come with me to a meeting. You only need to stay by my side, watch, listen, and stay silent. You'll only speak if you are addressed directly. Don't answer personal questions—I'll handle that. Do you understand?"

Amelia nodded.

"Don't nod. Answer me."

"I understand. My client is of utmost importance to you. That's why you're naming me your protégé and taking me to a meeting tonight. I won't speak unless I'm spoken to directly. I won't answer personal questions. I must watch, listen, and stay silent."

Inmaculada took a riding crop from a drawer. Amelia wondered why she had a riding crop in her desk.

"Your client is of great importance to me. If you embarrass me, I will personally punish you, and your life will be over. If you do well, even if he doesn't stay with you, you'll have a bright future in my corporation," Inmaculada said, smiling menacingly as she swung the riding crop.

"I understand," Amelia said, feeling the weight of the threat.

"Good. The staff in the beauty salon have instructions on how to prepare you, including choosing your clothes. When you're ready, send me a message and wait at the entrance to the novices' area. A guard will pick you up and bring you," she informed, handing Amelia the latest model of a foldable smartphone. "It only has my number in the contact list, and all communications are controlled by me. Don't try anything foolish like calling your family, friends, or the police. Don't access your old social media accounts. You also have your new social media accounts, managed by my trusted staff. You can browse them while you get ready, but don't write anything. Any questions?" she concluded with a smile.

Amelia had many questions, but she dared to ask only one in a trembling voice.

"I have many questions; I don't even know where to start. If I fail even though I give it my all, will I be punished?"

"Try not to fail. There are unforeseen events, and I can accept those, but with the privileges I'm giving you, you cannot fail."

"Is he from Suryavanti? I haven't studied much about their culture yet."

"Today, being polite is enough. He's aware of your true origins."

Amelia nodded. She knew what was expected of a woman in Suryavanti. She hated it, but she feared Inmaculada's possible punishment more.

"To be submissive and not look him in the eyes. Will I come back here, or will I leave with him? I'd like to say goodbye to a companion if that happens."

Inmaculada thought for a few seconds.

"Initially, you're coming back with me, but if he insists on spending the night with you, I won't object."

"I understand. The business with him is too important to contradict him. If that happens, I'll try to be accommodating in bed, even though I'm not sure how to easily please a man," Amelia sighed, unsure how she could even kiss a man, let alone other things.

"Just do your best. Close your eyes if necessary and imagine you're kissing a woman. You can't imagine how important your mission is," Inmaculada said, showing a hint of fear for the first time. "Even if you don't feel anything for men now, in the future, you will. So doing it now with a man will only make you laugh later at your reluctance to enjoy it with him."

Amelia wondered if doing something with someone she didn't desire could ever be called fun.

"If he asks for my phone number, I should give it to him, right?"

"If he asks you to get on the table and strip, you do it. His requests to you are immediate orders to be fulfilled," Inmaculada was visibly nervous about this client.

"Aren't you supposedly a feminist? How can you allow this?"

Inmaculada's eyes seemed to burn with anger.

"If he asked me to do it, I would too. I can't give you details, but if you're afraid of me, I'm afraid of him, more so his protector. If I must abandon my principles for him, I will. If his whim were to barbecue you, I would personally season your meat rather than risk ending up on the grill myself."

Amelia felt terrified. If someone with Inmaculada's power reacted like this to her client, what power did he have? She only thought in terms of money, but this seemed much more dangerous.

"You make him sound like a horrible person."

"Don't worry. His power is one thing, and how he wields it is another. You obey, and we will both be very generously rewarded. He's a serious man, but as far as I know, he's never behaved abusively towards a woman."

Amelia wanted to believe her, but she had been a man until a few days ago. Perhaps he wouldn't respect her the same way.

"If he claims me tonight, will I have access to training?"

"We have a laptop prepared for when you have to leave this house, as well as a suitcase with clothes chosen by him for you. If, unfortunately, it happens today, the suitcase will be ready in the trunk of my car."

Amelia had no more questions, only an immense fear. She had been a woman for only two days, and perhaps that very night, she would have to sexually please a man. Additionally, the situation seemed dangerous if she made a mistake. Inmaculada had threatened her, but she feared that the client's punishment could be even worse. Determined to stay alive, she raised her eyes from the floor.

"I'll be the best lady on the street and the biggest whore in bed. You don't have to worry. Even if I feel the greatest disgust in the world, it will look like I'm enjoying it as if it were the most delicious thing ever. Everything is clear to me."

Inmaculada stood up, took the phone box, helped Amelia to her feet, and gave her a tight hug.

"Keep the charger and the phone in your purse in case you don't return. You can leave the box in your room," she separated from her and accompanied her to the door. "See you in a while."

Amelia walked back to the novices' area wrapped in the greatest of terrors.