016. Under mediafire

Jason's phone rang insistently, its vibration interrupting his flow of thoughts. He glanced at the screen and growled upon seeing the name of his older brother, Yong Xiting. They hadn't spoken in four months. Jason had left Suryavanti to avoid a family war with Yong. And now, in this critical moment, as his companies faced a brutal public backlash, his brother was calling. With reluctance and a sense of inevitability, he answered the phone.

"Hello, little brother. Father is pleased with you. The shares of Xiting Group are plummeting due to your poor judgment. How could you put a whore in charge?" Yong's voice was cold, barely masking his satisfaction.

"Hello, Yong. Always a pleasure to hear from you. What I do with my companies is my business. Amelia is not a whore, and she's not in charge of any Xiting Group company. I wonder how so much dirt could spread so quickly. It's been less than two hours since I announced her joining my companies," Jason replied, his voice icy.

"It doesn't matter, Father wants you to remove her and leave Xiting Group," Yong replied disdainfully.

"If Father wants that, he can fire me. I won't do that to Amelia. I need to train her to become a good wife."

"And you plan to marry a floozy? Be reasonable, Jason. That woman is a slut," Yong spat with contempt.

"That 'slut' is my girlfriend and Inmaculada Montalbán's protégé. Insult her again, and you'll start a commercial war," Jason's patience was wearing thin, his voice firm and threatening.

"Inmaculada Montalbán's protégé?" Yong paused, surprised, and his tone shifted slightly. "That's impossible."

"Check her social media. If this was orchestrated by you, you've gone too far this time." Jason could barely contain his fury. The speed and precision of the attacks on social media were too much to be mere coincidence. Even with an insider, it was too fast.

"Brother, don't be ridiculous. I only heard about that woman from social media. Disown her and resign," Yong's voice hardened before he hung up, leaving Jason with words still unsaid.

Jason stood still, the phone still in his hand, processing the conversation. Yong's words echoed in his mind, mixing with his own frustration and anger. The threat to Amelia was not something he could take lightly. He felt the weight of the situation and the need to protect not only his businesses but also the woman he loved.

He hadn't yet processed the call from his brother when Isabel knocked on the door, her usual calm presence now carrying a sense of urgency.

"Mr. Xiting, may I come in?" she asked, her voice firm yet respectful.

"Come in. What have you found?" Jason's impatience was evident as he struggled to contain the accumulated tension.

Isabel closed the door behind her and approached Jason's desk, a worried air in her expression.

"The noise is coming from Suryavanti. While we haven't pinpointed the source, several journalists from your country received the information and were responsible for launching it on social media. We're trying to track down the sources, but I believe the best way to silence this is to hold a press conference."

Jason nodded, his mind quickly working to assess the situation. "Contact the media and tell them we may hold a press conference or issue a statement at one o'clock."

Isabel nodded with determination. "Right away, sir. I'll make sure everything is ready," she said before leaving the office, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Jason leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping the desk. The situation was escalating quickly, and he needed to control the narrative before it caused more damage. Every second counted, and the pressure was immense, but he was determined to protect Amelia and his companies, no matter the cost.

Jason looked at his phone, contemplating the strategy to mitigate the crisis. The most obvious route would be to say that Amelia was just an intern and wouldn't make any decisions without his supervision. However, the real concern was whether the false life crafted by Mrs. Montalbán's companies could withstand a journalistic investigation. Wasting no more time, he dialed Inmaculada's number.

"Hello, Jason. Which one of your family members do I need to kill?" Inmaculada answered in her characteristic dark humor.

"I'd bet on my brother, but that's not exactly why I'm calling. How solid is Amelia's false life? Can it withstand a journalistic investigation?" Jason went straight to the point, his voice reflecting the urgency of the situation.

On the other end, there was a moment of silence, filled with reflection.

"There's a way, but part of it could unravel. We can make all of Roberto's acquaintances remember him as Amelia, but that would also make her parents remember her as such. Her resume is real, but she was a man back then," Inmaculada replied, her voice showing a mix of concern and resolve.

"Can't we restrict those affected to a geographic area? She could just mention Harvard in the interview," Jason suggested, seeking a more contained solution.

"It's possible, but I'll need Amelia's blood and your help. The power needed for this is immense. At my mansion at six?" Inmaculada explained the plan clearly, although it was evident it wouldn't be simple.

"That works, but I don't want to raise Amelia's suspicions about our secret," Jason cautioned, aware of the delicate nature of the situation.

"Don't worry, we'll invite her to visit her friends. I believe she got along with Lucía," Inmaculada suggested, already thinking about how to discreetly handle the situation.

"Perfect. See you tonight," Jason confirmed, feeling a slight sense of relief at having a plan in place.

"Until tonight," Inmaculada replied before hanging up.

Jason set his phone aside, already planning the next steps. He sent a message to Isabel indicating they would hold a press conference at one and prepared for what would be a crucial afternoon in defending Amelia and his companies.

The morning was passing quickly, and the tension in the air was palpable. Amelia, Jason, and Isabel were preparing in a private room before the press conference. Amelia was visibly nervous, her mind racing over what might happen.

"Remember to stay calm and speak clearly," Jason said, gently squeezing her hand. "We're in this together."

Amelia nodded, trying to gather all the strength and confidence she could. Isabel adjusted her suit and reviewed her notes one last time before stepping into Jason's company's press room, where a group of journalists and several executives from Jason's companies and Xiting Group were already waiting. The tension in the air was intense.

The lights shone brightly, and the murmurs of conversations ceased as the three took their seats in front of the microphones. Jason began, his voice firm and authoritative.

"Thank you all for coming. Today, I want to address the rumors and falsehoods circulating about me and Amelia Antúnez. It's regrettable that such low tactics are being used to discredit someone with so much potential."

The journalists leaned forward, eager to start their questions. The first to speak was a reporter from a major local outlet, his tone sharp and direct.

"Mr. Xiting, what do you have to say about the compromising photos circulating on social media? How can you be sure of Miss Antúnez's integrity?"

Jason remained unfazed. "Those photos are fake and have been maliciously manipulated. Amelia Antúnez is a professional with an excellent academic and ethical track record. Any insinuation about her integrity is completely unfounded and will be dealt with legally."

Another journalist raised her hand, her expression showing skepticism and a hint of malice.

"Miss Antúnez, how do you respond to accusations of using dishonest methods to advance in the company?"

Amelia took a breath, feeling the support of Jason and Isabel beside her. "Those accusations are entirely false. I have worked hard to get where I am, and I am here to learn and contribute positively to Mr. Xiting's companies. I have not used dishonest methods at any point. Mr. Xiting, after reviewing my grades at Harvard, decided to trust me with this opportunity to learn."

A murmur rose among the journalists, but another quickly took the floor, his voice filled with doubt and criticism.

"Mr. Xiting, why did you decide to place someone with so little experience in such a high position? Aren't you afraid this will affect investor confidence?"

Jason smiled calmly, as if he had anticipated the question. "I have complete confidence in Amelia and her abilities. All great leaders started somewhere, and I see great potential in her. Moreover, her training won't be immediate; she'll be under my direct supervision and that of my trusted team, including Isabel Ferrer. The decision to bring her into our company is not hasty or without foundation."

The pressure in the room intensified when a journalist from a tabloid launched a provocative question, seeking a scandalous headline.

"Mr. Xiting, so it's not true that Miss Antúnez is in this position just because she's your lover? On her Instagram, she can be seen getting cozy with you on a private beach in Cancun."

Jason didn't hesitate. "It's partly true. I've been secretly dating Amelia for two years. Until recently, I hadn't been able to ask her guardian for permission to formalize our relationship, but in reality, I gave her this opportunity to prove what she learned at university. Do you consider an honor student from the prestigious Harvard University a bad bet for the future of a company?"

Murmurs of approval and disapproval swept through the room. In particular, a pair of eyes flashed with intense hatred, and the owner broke the pen they were holding. Then, a journalist from an investigative outlet asked a question aimed at unsettling Jason.

"Is it true that Miss Antúnez is just a front to cover up other more questionable activities within your companies?"

The room fell silent for a moment. Jason, with a flash of fury in his eyes, responded coldly. "That is an unfounded and defamatory accusation. I will not tolerate such insinuations without proof. Our operations are transparent and legal, and any attempt to defame my company or my employees will be met with all necessary legal actions."

Amelia felt a knot in her stomach, but the firmness and protection in Jason's voice filled her with renewed confidence. Isabel took the floor to reinforce the message.

"We have identified that these attacks are coming from external interests intending to destabilize our operations. We are already taking the necessary steps to find those responsible and ensure they face the appropriate legal consequences."

The journalists continued asking questions, some reasonable, others clearly designed to provoke. One of them, with a self-satisfied smile, asked:

"Miss Antúnez, how can you assure investors that you won't repeat the mistakes that led to these accusations? What real experience do you have to manage a company of this magnitude?"

Amelia, feeling the support of Jason and Isabel, responded firmly. "I'm here to learn and prove my worth. I do not underestimate the challenges ahead, but I am committed to working hard under Mr. Xiting's guidance and his team. My goal is to contribute significantly to these companies' success."

Another journalist, visibly skeptical, posed a venom-laced question: "Mr. Xiting, aren't you afraid that your personal relationship with Miss Antúnez compromises your objectivity in making business decisions?"

Jason, maintaining his composure, responded: "My relationship with Amelia does not affect my objectivity. All business decisions are made with the utmost professionalism and with the goal of benefiting the company. Amelia's inclusion in the team is based on her potential and ability, not on our personal relationship."

Finally, after more than an hour of questions and answers, Jason decided to conclude the press conference.

"Thank you all for coming. I trust that, over time, you will see the truth and retract the defamations that have circulated. Good afternoon."

With those words, they stood up and left the room, leaving the buzz of journalists behind. Amelia felt exhausted but also relieved. They had taken the first step to confront the storm of rumors and attacks. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Jason and Isabel's support, she was determined to overcome any obstacle.

As they walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch, Jason stopped and looked at her with a smile.

"You did very well, Amelia. I'm proud of you."

Amelia smiled, feeling a warm surge of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Jason. I'll do my best not to let you down."

"And you won't," Isabel said, nodding in approval. "This is just the beginning, and you're showing that you have what it takes to face it."

They headed to the restaurant, where they had reserved a private table. The atmosphere was calm, a welcome contrast to the chaos of the press conference.

"How are you feeling?" Jason asked as they sat down.

"Still a bit overwhelmed, but also relieved to have faced the press. I can't believe the amount of lies they can invent," Amelia replied, taking a sip of water.

"Unfortunately, it's part of the world we live in. But you handled it well. You stayed calm and answered clearly. That's what matters," Jason said with a reassuring smile.

Amelia looked him in the eye, feeling a deep connection. "Thank you, Jason. I don't know what I'd do without your and Isabel's support."

"We're here to help you, Amelia. And you're showing strength and determination. Don't let these adversities discourage you. Every challenge is an opportunity to prove your worth," Jason said, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.

The lunch continued with lighter conversation, which helped Amelia relax. She knew there were still many obstacles to overcome, but she was determined to face each one with the same determination and courage she had shown so far.

As they enjoyed dessert, Jason commented, "This afternoon, we have an appointment at Inmaculada's mansion at six. They need to do a blood test, and afterward, you'll be able to see your friend Lucía. If things run late, we might have dinner there."

"That sounds good. It's been a while since I've seen Lucía. It'll be nice to catch up," Amelia replied, feeling a bit more cheerful at the thought.

After lunch, they returned to the office, ready to continue with their responsibilities. Amelia knew the day wasn't over yet and that she needed to stay focused and strong. With Jason by her side, she felt she could face anything.

When they arrived back at the building, Jason looked at her with a serious but affectionate expression.

"Remember, Amelia, this is just the beginning. I trust you. We're going to prove everyone wrong."

"I will, Jason. I won't let you down," Amelia responded firmly.

With renewed determination, Amelia headed to her office, ready to continue her training and prove her worth in the challenging world of business.