025. Shadow Harassment

The golden light of the sunset streamed through Sandro's office windows, bathing his face in a glow that contrasted with his pensive expression. Amelia, seated in an opposing armchair, tried to project a professional demeanor while examining the papers of the deal. She could sense a palpable tension, a gut feeling that stirred unease in her stomach.

"Mr. Sandro, after reviewing our supply needs, I am confident that we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement," Amelia said, placing her documents on the coffee table between them.

Sandro scrutinized her, a faint smile tracing his lips. However, his eyes lingered on her figure with a familiarity that made her feel exposed.

"I'm sure it's possible, Miss Antúnez. However, I believe it would be appropriate for us to get to know each other a bit more before proceeding. After all, business flows more smoothly between friends, wouldn't you agree?" Sandro said, inching slightly closer to her.

Amelia felt a wave of discomfort but managed to maintain a composed smile. "I agree that maintaining a good relationship is valuable, but I believe it's essential to focus on the contract terms. It's vital for the success of both companies that we resolve this effectively."

Sandro settled back in his chair, continuing to watch her. "Of course, but there's always room to find a moment to... socialize, isn't there?" he remarked, his tone laden with insinuations. He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. "You have truly beautiful hair," he added, licking his lips.

Amelia's heart quickened, but she fought to remain calm. A mixture of anger and disgust simmered within her, yet she knew she had to keep her composure. "I choose to keep our discussions strictly professional, Mr. Sandro. It's what's best for both of us; I don't know about your private life, but I am engaged."

Sandro let out a soft chuckle that didn't reach his eyes. "Professional, of course. But I've seen some rather provocative pictures of you on social media. Don't you think they could give the wrong impression? Perhaps there are more... lucrative ways to use that image."

Amelia felt a mix of anger and humiliation at the mention of the fake photos that had recently circulated. The degradation that women faced at the hands of men like Sandro was more real to her now than ever. "Those images are fabrications, created by artificial intelligence to defame me. I trust that you wouldn't give any weight to those rumors, Mr. Sandro. I prefer to ignore the insinuation that I'd be willing to accept money for favors in order to reach an agreement."

Sandro looked at her with a smile that failed to soothe her nerves. "Of course, of course. I shouldn't have mentioned something so vulgar. Now, returning to our agreement..."

Sandro's hand slid towards Amelia's leg, seemingly by accident, as he reached for a document. The touch was like an electric shock, coursing through her body and leaving her rigid with tension. The disgust was turning into a physical sensation in her stomach, a growing knot that threatened to overwhelm her. Nausea and indignation battled with her need to stay composed. She forced herself to breathe slowly and stay calm. She had to maintain her composure, even though every fiber of her being screamed to distance herself from that invasive touch.

"As I was saying, Miss Antúnez, I believe we can offer a consistent and high-quality supply, but I'd need your terms to be a bit more flexible," Sandro said, his hand still resting dangerously close to Amelia's knee.

Amelia felt her patience wearing thin, but she took a deep breath and responded firmly. "Our terms are already quite competitive, Mr. Sandro. I don't believe we can offer more flexibility without compromising the quality of our products."

Sandro watched her for a long moment, his smile hinting at more than his words would ever say. "I understand, Miss Antúnez. However, perhaps if we could... get to know each other better, you might see things differently. After all, in business, personal connections are just as crucial as the contracts we sign."

Amelia tried to stand up, signaling the end of the conversation, but Sandro didn't move, forcing her to remain seated. His smile widened slightly, and he leaned in, resting an elbow on the armrest of Amelia's chair.

"But of course, I understand that you prefer to keep things professional. It's what a woman in your position should do. Although, don't you think it's sometimes necessary to... bend the rules a bit to get what you want?" Sandro said, his voice a whisper laced with insinuations.

A shiver ran down Amelia's spine. Sandro's closeness, combined with his tone and insinuations, put her at a crossroads. Despite this, she fought to preserve her composure.

"Mr. Sandro, I believe professionalism and mutual respect are essential for any successful agreement. We must focus on how we can collaborate effectively for the benefit of both companies," she replied, trying to steer the conversation to safer ground.

Sandro observed her for a few more seconds, his gaze intense and scrutinizing. Finally, he leaned back in his chair, but not before sliding his hand once more near Amelia's leg, brushing against it "accidentally."

"You're right, Miss Antúnez. Professionalism above all else. But how do you expect us to work together if there isn't a bit of... personal trust?" he said, emphasizing the last words.

Amelia felt her stomach churn. The situation was becoming increasingly oppressive. Sandro's insinuations, inappropriate touches, and threatening attitude made every minute in that office torturous.

"Trust is built with respect and results, Mr. Sandro. I'm sure that if we both maintain a professional focus, we can achieve great things together," Amelia said, striving to keep her tone firm and resolute.

Sandro nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving Amelia's. He seemed to be weighing every word she said, every gesture she made.

"Agreed, Miss Antúnez. Let's continue with the terms of the agreement. But remember, I'm always open to... more personal negotiations if you ever change your mind," he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Amelia forced a smile, though inside, she felt a profound sense of disgust and fear. She knew she needed to get out of there as soon as possible, but she also knew she needed to close the deal to maintain her position and that of her company.

"Of course, Mr. Sandro. Now, about the delivery schedules, I believe we could adjust them to improve logistical efficiency without compromising quality," she said, returning to the subject of the agreement in the hopes of concluding the meeting as quickly as possible.

Sandro watched her for another moment before nodding. The conversation slowly shifted back to business terms, although the tension in the air didn't dissipate. Every time Sandro made an innocuous comment, Amelia couldn't shake the feeling that the threat of an assault was always looming.

After what felt like an eternity, Sandro finally seemed to resign himself to discussing only the contract terms. Amelia seized the opportunity to steer the conversation towards a conclusion, hoping to leave the office as soon as possible.

"I believe we've covered the main points of the agreement, Mr. Sandro. How about we review these details and continue discussing them next week?" Amelia suggested, trying to sound as professional and composed as possible.

Sandro watched her for a moment before nodding slowly. "Agreed, Miss Antúnez. That sounds like a good idea. I hope that next time we can reach a closer... understanding."

Amelia nodded, forcing a smile. "I'm sure we'll find an agreement that benefits both parties."

As Amelia stood up to leave, Sandro also rose and took a step towards her. "Before you go, Miss Antúnez, would you mind a farewell hug? It's a tradition of mine with potential partners."

Amelia hesitated but didn't want to create a scene. "Of course, Mr. Sandro," she said resignedly, stepping forward for a brief hug.

Sandro took the opportunity to hug her tighter and for longer than necessary. As he did, his hands slid down her back, and before letting her go, one of his hands dared to touch her rear deliberately. Amelia felt a mix of indignation and fear but forced herself not to visibly react.

With that, she headed towards the door, feeling Sandro's gaze lingering on her back. She glanced back and saw him smiling, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. At that moment, Amelia's resolve solidified. She knew she had to inform Jason and others about what had happened, not just to protect herself but to warn them about Sandro's behavior.

Leaving the building, the sensation of dirtiness and emotional violation clung to her. The thought of having another meeting with Sandro filled her with fear but also with a stronger resolve never to let anyone treat her that way again.

While in the car back to Jason's building, Amelia couldn't hold back the tears of anger and frustration. She felt powerless and violated. The memories of Sandro's hands on her, his insinuating words, his breath close to her skin—all of it replayed in her mind like a torturous and constant echo.

The two bodyguards, one driving and the other in the passenger seat, exchanged worried glances through the rearview mirror. Amelia's expression was an open book of anguish and anger. Although they were trained to handle physical danger, seeing Amelia so visibly affected left them feeling helpless and uneasy.

Amelia raised a trembling hand to her face, wiping away the tears that continued to fall. She felt the knot in her throat choking her. Finally, with a broken voice, she asked for a moment to compose herself when they arrived at the building.

"I... I need a moment alone when we get there," Amelia said, her voice barely a whisper.

"Of course, Miss Antúnez," the bodyguard in the passenger seat replied, his tone filled with understanding and concern.

The drive back felt like an eternity, each minute loaded with a heavy, oppressive silence. Amelia tried to calm down, to take control of her breathing, but the mix of rage and disgust was overwhelming. The helplessness consumed her, making her feel vulnerable and exposed.

When they finally arrived at Jason's Group building, Amelia got out of the car with hurried steps and quickly made her way to her office. The bodyguards watched her go, still concerned about her state.

Amelia walked with determination, but each step echoed like a reminder of her own anxiety. Her mind remained trapped in the repugnant experience with Sandro, and she felt as if her skin still carried the marks of his unwanted touches. She needed a moment to try to compose herself, although she knew it would be hard to shake off the feeling of emotional violation.

Upon reaching the lobby, she ran into Laura, who immediately noticed that something was wrong. Amelia looked pale and tense, avoiding eye contact and moving with hurried, nervous gestures.

"Amelia, are you okay?" Laura asked, her expression of concern not entirely masking the spark of curiosity in her eyes.

Still reeling from the encounter with Sandro, Amelia could barely respond. Her voice came out weaker than she had intended. "Yes, I'm fine. I just need a moment."

Laura stepped closer, placing a hand on Amelia's arm in a seemingly consoling gesture, but one that sought to extract more information. "It looks like something upset you. If you need to talk, I'm here to help."

Amelia nodded vaguely, trying to keep up a facade of professionalism. "Thank you, Laura. I appreciate your concern, but I just need a little time alone."

Laura watched her closely, noting every detail of Amelia's altered state. Her smile was soft, almost motherly, but her thoughts were anything but. She knew Amelia was shaken, and she intended to use that information to her advantage. As Amelia walked away, Laura couldn't help the spark of satisfaction in her eyes. The opportunity she had been waiting for seemed to be presenting itself, and she had no intention of letting it slip by.

"Amelia, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to come to me," Laura said, making sure her voice sounded genuinely concerned.

Amelia turned for a moment, forcing a smile. "I will, thank you."

As Amelia continued towards her office, her mind struggled to process everything that had happened. She knew she needed to speak with Jason, but at that moment, all she wanted was a brief respite to collect herself. She closed her office door behind her and sank into her chair, taking several deep breaths to try to calm down.

Laura, on the other hand, remained in the lobby, watching as Amelia walked away. As soon as Amelia disappeared from sight, Laura approached a group of employees conversing nearby.

"Did you see Amelia?" Laura said, lowering her voice to make it sound confidential. "She seemed to have had a pretty intense meeting. I'm worried she's overworked."

One of the employees nodded. "Yeah, she looked really shaken. Do you know what happened?"

Laura shrugged, adopting a concerned yet vague expression. "I'm not sure, but it could be something related to the deal she's negotiating. I heard the meeting with the director of 'Industrias Sandro' was... complicated. Maybe she couldn't close the deal and now doesn't know how to tell Jason."

Another employee frowned. "That doesn't sound good. Jason was counting on that deal, right?"

Laura nodded slowly, as if carefully weighing the situation. "Exactly. And if Amelia couldn't handle it, that might show she isn't ready for such a responsible position. I'm worried this could have serious repercussions for her and the company."

The rumor began to spread quickly among the employees, each adding their own interpretation and speculation to the story. Laura smiled to herself, satisfied with the chaos she had sparked.

Amelia, from her office, had no idea of the whirlwind of rumors beginning to swirl. She only knew she needed to regain her composure and find a way to deal with Sandro and Laura's insinuations without compromising her professional life.