Chapter 25: Diamond City on One of the Islands of Nusantara
The King of Singhasari pretended not to see her confusion.Here she huddled up like a mermaid when she goes ashore and hides her tail, that's how she hides her legs.Soon one of the female soldiers in King Singahari's personal guard brought her a new skirt in a beautiful box.Although they weathered the attacks of the natives, danger to the ship in the storm was far from over, and there was no moment for rejoicing.It was not yet known where the wind would take them, and on the ship the sailors fell ill with a strange disease, the symptoms of which exhausted them so much that they could no longer steer the ship.The king of Singsahari decided to stop the ship as close to the island as possible.Land could be seen in the sun, and the king ordered the anchor to be lowered.The captain of the ship looked at the map in vain, he himself was not spared the symptoms of the mysterious disease, losing his orientation at sea.The king looked around and thought that these must be the Nusantara islands still outside his kingdom.They had just begun to disembark with their belongings on the unknown island when the stormy rain began to subside and dark brown clouds retreated behind the horizon heralding the dawn.On the deserted island, as it seemed to them, it was unusually quiet. The waves hit the coral rocks and the white sandy beach of unusual beauty."What kind of island is this?", the king wondered.Queen Bali remembered that there are over 17 thousand islands in the Archipelago, and over 600 uninhabited ones."Most likely, we came across one of the uninhabited ones.By the position of the sun, we will know how to orient ourselves when the sun rises."They put the sick on the shore and started building huts.When one of the patients turned blue, the queen realized that the sailors had contracted the black plague."We will have to build a hospital and isolate the infected from others", she told the king."Your sailors must have come into contact with rats, whether through food or insects from dead rats, you should ask a few sailors what they ate before they boarded your ship.""Who can guarantee me that you don't have the virus in Bali?", the king got angry."Well, you see, we don't eat anything dangerous for people in Bali, we have a special Hindu diet law and we don't eat mice or insects, we don't eat frogs , just fruits, vegetables and only poultry chicken.""If you already had the black plague in Java, which spreads until people acquire genetic immunity, we have to wait for these patients to fight the disease on their own, the only thing we can learn is to give them antibiotics and strengthen their immunity with vitamins in fruits and vegetables.""These islands must have wild laurel plants, which is a cure for mouse fever, and you must have clove spices on board, ask the cook to bring us all the supplies.Cloves have antiviral and antibacterial effects."The cook came quickly with bags of cloves and bay leaves."We also have laurels, so you don't have to wander around the island.""Boil the soup and put bay leaves, cloves and curry spice plus pepper for absorption, add sesame oil which gives energy.""There are a lot of tropical flowers on the island and there is also honey because the bees go to the beautiful flowers for nectar."The queen went with several female soldiers who were many in King Singhasari's army to find honey on a deserted island.Bees usually build hives in tall jungle trees and sometimes around bushes with flowers, but they are not large hives.They went deep into the jungle and came across a tall tree where a swarm of bees could be seen around a beehive."We can't reach it that high, so let's look for more beehives."The thick trees with maquis gave no room to pass, so everyone separated to clear the way alone through the brush and grass."Whoever sees the beehive should call loudly to the others", said one of the female warriors.So Queen Kang found herself alone in the rainforest in search of honey.She passed by crouching under thick bushes and hazels, she even met a few snakes, but they left her alone, running away on their way to where they started.The queen went deeper and deeper into the forest of trees that were becoming sparser, but some magical light spread through the forest from a distance, she headed in that direction hoping for more flowers with sweet nectar that attracts honey bees.Suddenly, a huge city appeared in front of her, illuminated by a shimmering glow.She had never seen a more beautiful city in her life. The whole city was made of beautifully and smoothly worked crystal walls, the roofs of the tall buildings were of red rubies, and in the center was a huge round silver fountain full of precious diamonds and precious stones around which large carp fish of red, white and black colors were swimming, and around the fountain, a beautiful big garden full of exotic flowers and statues made of gold and marble."Well, this is the Diamond City, " she thought.