Chapter 48: Don't Forget the Dreams that Lead to the Path of Peace and Tolerance

Rinota and Lintang were just packing their belongings when Giovanni Polo came to pick them up."We changed plans", Rinota said to him."At the moment we are pushed to return to our country as soon as possible, but once we return there will be a chance to visit the Croatian coast again.I am inspired by Marco Polo's achievements. He really gives much to the world then people know.Now we just must visit Korcula island and we would like you to be our tourist guide, you can put your car on the ferry. We really need a personal car for exploring Korcula. As a cameraman you are free to take photos of us, just please don't put it in the media before we return to Indonesia.I hope many people from ASEAN will come to visit places where Marco Polo is influenced by his books and cartography.Even though a traveling route by Marco Polo exists today, I think we should include many other historical places here and in China where there is even a bridge with the name Marco Polo.Chanel Grande in Venice and China have many similarities which improve their historical connections and partnership in trade. We are also thinking of visiting Alexandria city in Egypt on our way back to Indonesia.Everywhere around the world people are planning to build modern tunnels under seas and mountains to make traveling safe and convenient, and cheaper for ordinary people. Our hope and only dream is the simple truth that all the world would come together to cherish peace and multicultural tolerance and respect for each other.In Asia we are making efforts to continuously live in peace and love, even in past history there were many wars between people in our area. We know that only a peaceful environment leads to prosperous life.But still there are many obstacles to overcome, like our parents trying to understand how this age is a time of culture tolerance and acceptance for people of different religions and cultures.Only this way can we build a strong foundation for peace on Earth.Bitterness of hard life to survive on rocky ground still remains in this area, but when I look around your land I can say that nature is recovering by green flora around the field.""Thank you, what can I say? We have a long history of living in this area, some archeologists proclaim life and the first human civilization started here, next time you come here I will take you to Danilo village.The Danilo culture was a Neolithic civilization known in this area for ceramic vessels that were discovered during archaeological investigations, similar to the Gobekli tepe in Turkey and Gunung Padang in Indonesia. Those were more advanced civilizations.Cardium Pottery Civilization was an early culture in Italy and this area got its name for the asymmetric shells that still live today in the Indo-Pacific region, and pottery was decorated by shells corculum cardissa by imprinting pieces of shells into soft clay before drying.""To tell the truth, Gunung Padang is unique for its more advanced achievements and technologies that they knew and hides many mysteries that are difficult to prove, our archaeologists are opposed in their theories by other world archaeologists, although there are those who are more open and accept our newly discovered knowledge and artifacts excavated at the sites.The science that advances every day has helped to more accurately explore and examine the ancient sites, but there are more and more facts that indicate that Gunung Padang had visitors from another dimension or travelers who came from the future because the civilization of Gunung Padang was 10 thousand years earlier by innovations than other civilizations of that era that were still in the early Neolithic."The photographer was inspired by new knowledge."Very interesting to say, I prefer to photograph archeological discoveries and natural wonders than when I have to photograph events for marketing campaigns, once I retire I intend to travel the world and visit Indonesia.""Haven't you been to China yet with your wife?""We did it only once, but our intention is to continue working in China.""Would you like to work in Indonesia for a while, we have a film company, but also other business projects that we are working on. Currently, we have started work on the construction of a sports center for golf?"The photographer didn't answer. "Don't worry, you don't have to answer right away, think carefully, we are preparing an international team and a trusted professional photographer is essential.Surely your wife prefers to work in China, that will be fine, you can work as a freelancer from time to time when we need the photo shoots, and she can come for holidays with you because in Bali island we have a big Chinese community too. "OK." Lintang came with her luggage, "I am now ready to go. Thank you for introducing us to such a cosy place for holidays!" "Did you have a nice dream?", asked Giovanni Polo."Dream?""Yes, we say here if you dream something in the place you are first visiting that dream becomes true." "Oh, no, I did, but forgot everything when I woke up."