Chapter 50: No One Told Me that Dawn in Marco Polo's Hometown was so Divine

The honeymoon is said to be unforgettable for every couple that sails into the port of marriage.Just like two birds of paradise in love from the island of Bali, they chirped merrily in the early morning without looking back at the cold air, but it was this icy love spell that made them even closer like a couple who got wings to fly all the way to space with their wings of love.Rinota and Lintang was standing next to the window on which thin needles of ice have outlined unusual lines of fantasy, also Rinota added symbol of heart. Outside the hotel room they could see marvling scenery.

The Adriatic greeted the anchored yachts in the harbor with waves, and the sleepy sun rose later in the winter season, but the beauty of the winter horizon illuminated by the first morning rays of dawn was not surpassed by anything they saw before that moment.

"You think we'll come across another trace of the Queen of Bali on this excursion?"

"Perhaps, we have already come across an authentic anthropological trace, these masquerades we encountered in the city. Here, each place cherishes its own tradition and organizes original masquerades based on events from the city, but the large masks and huge dolls we saw here seem to have an ancient connection with India and China from the earliest periods of human civilization.

Many unsolved mysteries from the ancient past remain, giant's wheel for example, or how they built huge buildings carved in stone from the top of the rock all the way down to the underground, all decorated with the finest carvings without a single mistake, and all with simple tools, these works as if they were carved by a laser or fire according to the line of the drawing.Only flame carving technology is used on wood carvings, not for stone carving."

"And what if some civilization came from other stars and showed them how to easily shape and melt stone?"

"It's possible in our movies, but I'm of the opinion that the peoples on the planet Earth were full of knowledge and understanding even earlier than is assumed, surely among them, besides hunters and farmers, there were also wise old men, or genius children. Do you remember ancient carvings found around Ayung river in Bali, sculptors there carved figures in rocky stone?

I'm interested in how they managed to carve figure in stone at top of hill and arranged it that water flow towards river, green moss covered naturally some parts of that figures and scenes from Ramayana, is so relaxing atmosphere and unique decoration created by skillful artists and nature helped to look such fascinating, even an animator used it as inspirations for anime movies. 

That is what today moderna landscape architects are trying to restore and revive, including in projects. Since ancient times in India and China people knew mathematics, astrology, oriented themselves towards the sun or cosmic celestial compass, developed culture and organized festivals, used natural sources of energy, medicine, used food from nature without chemical components and did not destroy nature through mining because they had silver and gold in abundance.

When civilizations are powerful and the standard of ordinary people in rural and urban areas is far higher, this has no connection with the time periods before and after because even today in the 21st century of technology the poor live in poverty and bad conditions. Society should give everyone a chance to stand up on their feet, get stronger economically, because this will make our planet a place of happy and cheerful inhabitants."

"Well, now is the last chance to give the world peace for eternity, we've had enough of devastating wars and chaos, and let's extend our hands to the world of tolerance and international cooperation in a peaceful environment."

At that moment Giovanni Polo just came by car.

"Good morning, it will be sunny, so it is the ideal time to explore Korcula island.

"Today I am taking you on an excursion to the city of Korčula," Giovanni Polo told them.

"This is my first time here, so we should follow a professional tourist guide. I am also excited to see how life was in Korcula in the Middle age during the life of explorer Marco Polo.We should look around for the same authentical tree from China Marco introduced and planted here, like soft peaches and palm trees from South Asia.

Marco Polo's home is still there with precious old objects and exhibits from the middle ages, and we will also visit the Marco Polo Museum, where wax figures showing life stories about Marco Polo and such scenographic settings are the biggest attraction for visitors."