Beta Jonah gripped the reins of the horse tightly, shouting at it to run faster. The animal's hooves pounded against the dirt road, kicking up a cloud of dust as they raced toward the Crystal Pack's territory. Sweat dripped from Jonah's brow as his chest rose and fell with every strained breath.


At last, the tall trees gave way to the pack's borders. A group of patrol guards stood on alert, their spears held at ready. Jonah leapt off the horse before it even came to a full stop, and his legs nearly buckled beneath him. The guards rushed forward to meet him with concerned faces.


"Are you alright, Beta?" one of them asked, steadying him as he staggered.


Jonah ignored the question and snatched the waterskin hanging from one guard's belt. He gulped it down in big, messy swallows, water dripping down his chin. He wiped his mouth and looked at them with wild eyes.