The Reason.

Hiromi: I don't think you are from the Flaming Chicken... So that means you're an enemy or a wondering traveler?

Stepping back slightly, wondering what she should do. Gathering twenty percent of her energy into her fist. Preparing to attack in case they attack her first.

(In the background).

Azriel: Damn that girl has a powerful punch.

Struggling to get up but overheard voices along with the teenage girl. The voices seem rather similar.

(In his mind).

"That fucking voice has to be..."

"Cabras de Culto."

Remembering the masks of the goats for a single moment before getting up quickly.

(Out of his mind).

Azriel: You fucking bastards!

Gathering one hundred percent of his energy, he limited the amount that his body could take.

The Man In The Goat Mask: ...

He looks back slightly after hearing another voice, even though he doesn't care about who it is who wants to confront him.

Azriel: You will pay for killing my brother!

Shooting out his flames from his mouth, aiming it straight towards the man in the goat mask.

Ira: Morir.

Appearing out of nowhere raising his fists just to punch Azriel in the stomach.

Azriel: ...

(In his mind).

"Where did he come from I forgot that these guys come in groups. This is bad. I can't escape this attack. He's going to kill me instantly."

(Out of his mind).

Ira: ...

His eyes widened slightly but remained calm after realizing that the teenage girl had gone in the way in the blink of an eye, blocking his punch with her hand.

Hiromi: I don't think so!

Using her energy at one hundred percent to block his fist. Clenching her teeth tightly as she

(In her mind).

"Oh no, he's too strong. I didn't expect how powerful this guy was supposed to be. I could sense his energy overwhelming mine. He's completely different."

(Out of her mind).

Ira: A weak pathetic girl.

Grabbing her arm quickly, she twisted it severely to the point of being disfigured. Hearing the teenage girl screaming out in pain.

The Man In The Goat Mask: Time to take her.

He commands it to his subordinate, who twists the teenage girl's arm.

Azriel: Don't you dare brush me off!

Going right in front of her as he puts flames around his body. Protecting himself and the girl who saved his life.

(In his mind).

"I forgotten how powerful these guys are but I didn't think that she would step in and save me. Yet I attacked her I'm an idiot..."

(Out of his mind).

Kaito: Well now look what we have here!

Appearing right between Azriel and Ira. Smirking widely, looking at his old comrades, which is the Goats Cult.

Azriel: Yakuza...

Looking back, the girl quickly, already feeling concerned about her injury. Without thought, he uses this opportunity to escape along with the girl.

Ira: Why are you getting in the way?

He steps closer to Kaito but notices the twisted smile on his face.

Kaito: Did you hear the news? I bought land for the first time. I claim Greenland or in Orb terms. Orbeenland. I'm no longer going to be in Orbpan so it's time for me to leave.

He looks at him with a smirk, especially the one at the back who's the leader of the group.

The Man In The Goat Mask: Farewell, but next time you butt in, I'll have no choice but to kill you.

Walks right past him without giving him any eye contact.

Kaito: Going after the girl now won't be good on your part since her power is still not ready. And I bet none of you are worthy of wielding God's power.

His twisted smile was still on his face as he looked back at the Leader. His demonic energy overwhelms the area but stops once the leader's energy clashes with his.

Kaito: I won't be leaving just yet since I do have someone to persuade, so anyway, see you later. But this was an interesting experience. I'm looking forward to what comes next.

Disappearing into the darkness by using one of his demonic symbols.

Lujuria: It seems that piece of shit is right we have to figure out a way to get God's power.

Says it calmly while looking at his Leader, wondering what they should do.

The Man In The Goat Mask: For now nothing but wait and see. I have to figure out a way to obtain God's power without being killed due to how corrupted I am but in the meantime time do whatever you please.

Opening a portal using his book that has a symbol of a goat head and the pentagram right behind it. The book looks like it's been marked in blood.

The Man In The Goat Mask: We'll see each other soon.

Disappearing completely into the portal.

(At the other side of the forest).

Azriel: I think we lost them...

Panting slightly while holding on to her.

Hiromi: That was a close one.

She smiles at him as the wound completely heals by the rainbow energy.

Azriel: ...

His eyes widen, looking at the wound that instantly healed, including the wound that was there earlier.

Azriel: Are you a queen?

He looks at her shockingly wondering how she heals so fast.

Hiromi: Not really I'm just a normal orb.

She laughs nervously but looks down at her no longer wounds. Remembering the man in the goat mask and including the fight against the second in command of Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza.

(In her mind).

"Those two are stronger than I thought, but there's room to train and get stronger."

(Out of her mind).

(Meanwhile in Ciudad Juárez in the human world).

Marcial: Everyone seems to be busy especially late at night.

Standing near a big rig with dead bodies of women and children. The bodies were severed, which are the arms, legs, and heads, including the tongue. The heads are hanging by the rope. The bodies are the human Cartel family members after a drug deal went wrong.

Antonio/Ice Orb King: The meeting was a long one, mostly racist comments from Dark Orb King about the darker-skinned people and how useless they are.

Says it calmly while remembering the meeting and how uncomfortable it was.


Yusuke: If everyone is going to complain about the genocide of what happened in Orbfrica. That was twenty-five years ago. In the human world, they're mostly useless. All they do is loot and complain it's the usual suspects. I did everyone a favor.

(End of Flashback).

Antonio: So anyway, Boss, what happened here?

Looks at him calmly while looking at the massacre that's in the big rig.

Marcial: The same cartel tried to pull a fast one on us. Trusting humans, it's not a simple thing to do. They're quick to go against someone if it's based on their benefit.

Says it calmly while looking at the terrified faces of the dead women and children of the family of the human cartels who were involved in the drug deal.

Antonio: I was hoping you keep one of the children alive since it's been days since my sister had intercourse with one.

Looks at his boss with a twisted smile.

Marcial: Next time I supposed.

Smoking a cigarette while waiting for the human cartel members to arrive with their guns.

(In the background).

Aliya: Reyes Y Reinas Cártel, who would've thought they'd be here in the human world?

Smirks slightly while watching them in the shadows. She pulls out her cell phone to call Benjamin, who's from Bottom Corporation. Looking back suddenly as her eyes widen realizing that a Cártel member from the Reyes Y Reinas Cártel just found her.

Mikhail: A worthless woman pretending to be a cop? Women are better at making sandwiches for their husbands.

Aliya: Oh shit!

Immediately using her energy to push him away from her, she noticed chains going around her body.

Mikhail: Time to die in the most horrible ways possible.

He looks at her with a dark glare as his eyes change color to dark red.

This will continued in the next chapter.